View Full Version : Why Crystals Absorb Negative Energy - MAYBE

07-04-2011, 01:45 AM
I've been into stones and crystals for several years now. They've helped me in numerous ways and are fascinating, but when it comes down to really understanding on a technical level how they work, I've never been satisfied. I think very scientifically, so some people may not care about this aspect of how they work, but I find it interesting.

Anyway, I have a theory as to why some crystals absorb negative energies. Please remember it's just a theory - I just like to ponder about things. I also know that not all crystals are said to absorb negative energies, but some are and this is about those.

Ok, this will be somewhat condensed(if possible, lol) as I think I'll confuse myself if I go too far with this. I'll have to give some background for anyone who's not familiar with some of these ideas.

Theosophy talks in a lot of detail about the way things evolve. Long story short, the theory says that there is one part of evolution, or rather devolution(isn't this the name of this forum's founder? anyway..) where spiritual energy is actually moving TOWARD being denser and more physical. This is what creates the various world and planes for us, and the animals, and plants, and minerals to evolve in, rather than TOWARD being less dense and more spiritual which happens on the other side of the curve. You can read some of C.W. Leadbeater's material about the "three outpourings" for more about this.

Anyway, there's something they call the "desire elemental". <Theosophy refers to the astral plane as the plane of desire and emotions and passions.> This basically means that on the astral plane, which is the next plane up from the physical in their scheme, the "loose" matter of this plane that isn't attached to any conscious being is always trying to evolve DOWNWARDS. Our astral bodies, like our physical bodies, are constantly exchanging their particles with the particles in the "air". So basically, as the loose astral mater comes into us, it will be affected by our consciousness, but will also still have some of its own "consciousness" and evolutionary path which gives it that downward pull to want to become denser.

Ok, that's the background. So, if you believe that everything has consciousness, and is evolving, in some way or another, then the consciousness, and energetic makeup/vibration, of a stone/crystal is going to be MUCH lower than ours.

So the stone will "want" lower vibrational energies and will be "good" for it. Those lower vibrational energies are the negative things in us, the lower emotions, the "desire elemental" which is trying to become denser, but they are "positive" energies for the stone because of where its consciousness is in the evolutionary path.

So you combine the fact that our bad emotions basically "want" to become more dense, and the stone "wants". to receive lower vibrations that it "likes", and they will both be attracted to each other. Then you add in some conscious mental focus of actively putting your negativity into a stone, and the process will happen even faster.

Ok, that was not nearly as condensed as I intended. And please remember - JUST A THEORY. Just something to ponder. Don't attack me if you think it's ridiculous.