View Full Version : To anyone that can see auras..

05-04-2011, 10:35 AM
To everyone that has the ability to see aura's: I'm curious if you could actually SEE aura's at first, or was it that you sensed them? I feel like I can sense, or feel what people's auras would be but I do not necessarily see a color. Am I sensing their energy? I feel like I have a good understanding of people early on in meeting them. How do I enhance this ability and what advice do you have to share with me? :smile:

05-04-2011, 06:20 PM
Congratulations, you've just discovered you are clairsentient! :D (clear-sensing) This is how I tune into auras. I can see them clairvoyantly (mentally) and sometimes physically, but sensing them is much easier and truer.
Just practice with your ability. Try sensing the aura of a tree, an animal, an object, a house... take note of what you pick up and how you interprete it.

Also, make sure when tuning into a person's aura that you are not invading their energy, so do ask for permission beforehand if you can. Think about being 'open' to read and then 'closed down' after you are done, to avoid picking up emotional debris from them.

05-04-2011, 06:24 PM
Neat! That is very cool. I knew what I was feeling meant something. Thank you Enya!

05-04-2011, 06:25 PM
You're welcome. :D :hug:

06-04-2011, 05:09 AM
To everyone that has the ability to see aura's: I'm curious if you could actually SEE aura's at first, or was it that you sensed them? I feel like I can sense, or feel what people's auras would be but I do not necessarily see a color. Am I sensing their energy? I feel like I have a good understanding of people early on in meeting them. How do I enhance this ability and what advice do you have to share with me? :smile:

Keep in mind the various aspects of the word clairsentience, which is what you describe. The word means clear knowing and is often described as pure intuition. But beyond that it also means to see clearly, or without bias. The process by which you gain skill with this is by letting go of attachment to ideas and patterns. These attachments become like filters through which all of our perceptions, both physical and psychic pass before we process them. By removing these filters we remove that which obscures the truth, and we know things with a certainty that comes from seeing the whole situation.

06-04-2011, 05:13 AM
To everyone that has the ability to see aura's: I'm curious if you could actually SEE aura's at first, or was it that you sensed them? I feel like I can sense, or feel what people's auras would be but I do not necessarily see a color. Am I sensing their energy? I feel like I have a good understanding of people early on in meeting them. How do I enhance this ability and what advice do you have to share with me? :smile:

Oh yeah, as to the first part of your post, I never have seen aura's. It has always just been a certainty that something is right.

06-04-2011, 06:01 AM
To everyone that has the ability to see aura's: I'm curious if you could actually SEE aura's at first, or was it that you sensed them? I feel like I can sense, or feel what people's auras would be but I do not necessarily see a color. Am I sensing their energy? I feel like I have a good understanding of people early on in meeting them. How do I enhance this ability and what advice do you have to share with me? :smile: I assume I see auras they are white hazy things around people like sparkly heat waves in a couple of layers. since never get to meet anyone who else does it makes it hard to compare. I have rarely seen colours so i wonder if it is an aura I see. I sensed them by touch a few weeks after I saw them, so for me it was sight first followed by feel. It still confuses me what it is about.

06-04-2011, 12:11 PM
I assume I see auras they are white hazy things around people like sparkly heat waves in a couple of layers. since never get to meet anyone who else does it makes it hard to compare. I have rarely seen colours so i wonder if it is an aura I see. I sensed them by touch a few weeks after I saw them, so for me it was sight first followed by feel. It still confuses me what it is about.
Yep, I'd define this as auric energy. :smile: I always saw them from childhood but never knew that's what they were. I've seen this around trees and birds. You won't always get colours as it is the emotional layer where the colours are most predominant. Better to work at developing what you already have.

07-04-2011, 03:35 AM
Yes it is like Enya says. while checking the aura be careful not to pick patients bad energy because that really hurts you.

07-04-2011, 03:47 AM
I sense them and it's funny i can sense people's auras that I know via the internet far better than I can in real life when I'm looking at someone if I know someone I have to be away from them to see their aura in my mind.

07-04-2011, 10:12 AM
sensing aura is more interesting and useful rather than viewing

07-04-2011, 11:10 AM
sensing aura is more interesting and useful rather than viewing pretty much. seen one you seen em all lol

07-04-2011, 05:21 PM
I sense them and it's funny i can sense people's auras that I know via the internet far better than I can in real life when I'm looking at someone if I know someone I have to be away from them to see their aura in my mind.

Makes sense Spiritlite! You need some space to work, LOL!

Also re: question:

Yes, there are many ways to sense or feel or "see" energy.
If I am healing, there are several layers or common methods of looking at someone's state, spiritual/emotional/physical. One way is looking at chakras or major energy centers. Yes I can "see" colors, shapes, intensity, details, etc. I can see" energy at the photon/wave level if I need to for healing. It can be very helpful in healing.

Aura gives another overall picture and can be viewed in different ways as well. But the "coloured" aura is a usually mix of unconscious and conscious thoughts and emotions as well as the underlying core energy. For many it usually varies within a regular range and doesn't give much new info, unless it does, LOL. So that aspect is typically not as helpful for me personally in healing as the intangible feel of the aura.

Reading the spiritual/emotional state and engaging & listening to the patient is also very important for healing, really the most important of all.

Of course, for a formal healing where you involve the patient, you ask permission. I dont go around reading chakras, LOL....However, I'd say it's pretty hard not to sense auras and emotions, even if not trying. You try to limit it to a passing glance, LOL...


unus supra
12-04-2011, 04:05 AM
I actually sat with my buddy and we stared at each other, at the edges of our bodies, with against a light wall until we could see them. not much, just enough to convince us without a doubt that anyone
certainly can see them. some naturally are gifted as such, that is not my gift, but with practice you can see them. Just keep looking. or if you are sitting, stare at the edges of your hands with a dark background.

pretty nifty. haha.

you can sense people for sure, the big problem with that is our ego structures can interfere with our interpretation.

Wolfe of Wildwood
23-04-2011, 03:03 PM
I could not originally see auras, nor could I sense them well. I could sense energy, but had no way of attributing it to a word or color. I trained for a couple of weeks, using a site I can no longer remember the name of, and can now see them with great concentration. I have a friend who can perfectly sense the exact color of most people's auras, we cross-reference with what I see. She can also see the aura of most other things, even if they're not alive. However, no matter how hard she tries, she can't see them. I have another friend who's been trying for a year but has no luck in sensing or seeing anything but thought flashes. Different people have different potential.

24-04-2011, 06:19 AM
I said in a previous post that I could see them as a child. I just assumed that everything was "glowy" and never told anyone. I thought that everyone could see them. Yes, you can see them but it helps to meditate a bit. Tonight is clear but I can still see the houses and trees glowing. Focus on sending healing light to people and things (look up Chakra colors). Then you will see auras, no matter what light you are in.

29-04-2011, 04:48 PM
The white hazy things LightworkerAu sees around people and things might be the etheric body or double. I gather that this is the blueprint of the body. It is what causes people to still feel an amputated limb because the limb still exists in the blueprint.