View Full Version : 3:22:11 Moon Auras and the pyramids

22-03-2011, 04:42 PM
I was driving my truck last night and once again my eyes locked on to the moon as they usually do and noticed a rainbow aura around moon. This wasn't the normal type I am used to seeing but maybe I never noticed the colors before. It was about 9 moons wide and it went from the white of the moon through the colors of the rainbow twice ( although on the outside the colors were washed out and vague). Moments later I was watching a parade of figures, shapes, cartoons, you name it, as the clouds danced past the light.
I kept asking God to do more as I went about guessing what they were. Most were very very good, except you need to work on your cartoon characters buddy! Joking! He has a great sense of humor. Anyways, I thought again about the pyramids and wallah, a beautiful triangle was cut into the clouds. The moon smiling at me perfect dead center. As with all these going ons, I laugh and share a moment of strange realization and wait for the next one. I kept seeing triangles. Most all after that was artificial light sources that sat atop the pyramids. I work at a mine that is shelved so I had a perfect set of layered pyramids with all the pit lights.
Like I said, I can't describe it because words fail. I would have to re-create it with 3 dimensional software. That, I have not learned yet.
All the monoliths and pyramids etc are astronomically arranged and match time frames of different ages so I was picturing the moon centered on a pyramid. Don't know which one, but I assume Giza is centered on Orion and the moon somewhere else, maybe Stonehenge, I am not sure but If you explode the view of the earth out and keep going. do things keep lining up.
If any of you know of or know how to program some software that can create a cosmic 3d map that you can interact with, you will make millions. (if that is what you are into at the moment) I have a basic grasp of a few different types of program languages if you need some help.

Anyways, if you are a coast to coast fan and heard last nights show, another connection was revealed.All the monoliths and pyramids etc are astronomically arranged and match time frames of different ages so I was picturing the moon centered on a pyramid. Don't know which one, but I assume Giza is centered on Orion and the moon somewhere else, maybe Stonehenge, I am not sure but If you explode the view of the earth out and keep going, do things keep lining up?
After I was thinking about the Moon and the pyramid, the coast show gave me some new news. The timing of the whole sequence of events was beautiful.
Peter, if you are out there, can you send me an email if you read this. When your inbox and phones stop ringing of coarse.I have some information that may or may not be useful for you.
Anywhoooo! I would like to hear any opinions any may have on the subjects I have presented.

PS: sorry for the long winded post but I had to release its energy or I will be up all day!