29-05-2019, 08:16 PM
when I was younger I was I phenom as most would say not only academically but spiritually in a sense. At a young age, I displayed supreme think ink and understanding and questioning of the world around me constantly. I was extremely smart in school had all A's in elementary
except for one B which I cried over and even got a presidents award awarded to 1/all 600 students in my school district making me naturally academically recognized. eventually,

I was tested by a government agency and they saw
my brain waves and they were at high gamma meaning better than a Buddhist monk whos been on the shakti path for over 20 years all at the age of 9.

But it doesn't end there I had many supernatural phenomena in my life lucid dreams obe's(out of body or astral experiences) many coincidences drams that come true and even a few past life
memories from ancient Egypt Mesopotamia and much more all from
the ages 0-to round 13 at one point when I was 12 I could without a doubt in my mind not on a grand Goku dragon ball scale
but I could move small objects like coins paper pens pencils w my mind I could even roll dice and predict what number I would get to this day

I can still solve a Rubix cube off intuition. now I'm reaching my late teens and a lot has changed when at 14 I was in need of spiritual guidance as in natural astrologically aquariums and an easy to tell old soul for say so I decided to take church even more serious
than ever before (although I had read the
whole Bible by age 8 and completely understood it.)
I decided to go a traditional route and become a devoted Christian but many of my still lingering questions couldn't be answered by god bc of religions faults so I decided to do the impeccable.

I decided to go against my church and study something totally against what the church says esoteric occult wisdom from all aspects of life and spirit.
I studied multiple religions and tablets papyri grimoire
omg the list goes on and on for real.

so finally after all this studying, I found the ....... actual truth on all matters of the world.
and now like once did I must in act it and gain the talent ( moving stuff w my mind obe's and visions.)

I once had as a kid back in the power of my hands.
because eventually these powers due to the matrix messing me up were
taken from me but are still engraved in my soul.
by me having soo many earthly attachments from ages 13-16
like unhealthy foods west side hip-hop and much more negative influences in my life on this world I lost my childhood or
in better words
my high clairvoyance and intuition spiritually.
How could I get my powers back and second of all increase
them to my full potential so I could be enlightened?

if I had just stuck w my spirit and not left to be a Christian and then connected to these bad influences I could have been like the next Buddha/Jesus figure in this world.
I am very smart handsome
tall athletic and very charming but at the same time very intelligent.

How do I get my childhood spiritual gifts back and then
work on them to a point where I can become so-called enlightened.