View Full Version : Indigo Children are REAL

20-03-2011, 07:00 PM
I just have to write to all the people who just dont believe this, its absolutely true. It is not a "LABEL" its a real group of people. I know this to be a fact because of personal experience. I am actually an Indigo myself. All my life I felt different. I felt like I felt things more intensely, felt a lot of strange feelings, and just had different thoughts than the people around me. I always felt like this and it only intensified when I got out of high school. I went through a deep depression and had no idea why I felt so depressed. The world just did not interest me I didnt want that college, 9-5, kids, average life. I started getting into spirituality and that helped a lot. I remember one specific moment though where I was just alone with my thoughts and I was thinking about how I felt so different and I wondered if there were more people like me, and in that instant I got an answer but it didn't come from my thoughts. Its like someone speaking in my head said "Yes , there are more people like you and they have a name." I thought wow that'd be cool and didnt think much of it till lik 2 weeks later I found an article on Indigo Kids an read it. It resonated with me so much and made me understand why I am the way I am. It was great to finally understand myself better. To hear people say its just a label and all the other things they say is understandable but they have to realize that it is a very REAL phenomenon.

Internal Queries
20-03-2011, 07:27 PM
**shrug** certain people have felt those feelings throughout human history. no doubt the first human who employed fire as a tool felt different from his cavemates.

i'm sorry but you're only "special" in the same way everyOne else is special who has felt those same feelings, everyOnes like me who merely came to accept that my mind works a little differently from most of my fellow humans but didn't have a fancy new agey label to elevate my difference into a spiritual big deal.

20-03-2011, 08:17 PM
Im not saying im "special"(why is it thats always the argument), we are all special, what I am saying though is that there are people who just are different (and Indigo seems to be the perfect term for a certain type of different) We live in a world full of labels, male, female, bisexual,psychic these all categorize different types of people and the same with indigo. Its not to say that Indigos are more special than anyone they just have different characteristics and I dont understand why it is so hard for people to just accept this without turning it into "you are saying youre special." Labels may not fit everything or everyone but I think the Indigo label is a great thing to have because it helps distinguish this certain type of person. If you were to read the characteristics of an Indigo, it describes a very specific type of person. Just because you are more spiritually evolved does not make you an INdigo. Or just because you are an INdigo does not mean you are more spiritually evolved than a non indigo.

Internal Queries
20-03-2011, 09:00 PM
Im not saying im "special"(why is it thats always the argument), we are all special, what I am saying though is that there are people who just are different (and Indigo seems to be the perfect term for a certain type of different) We live in a world full of labels, male, female, bisexual,psychic these all categorize different types of people and the same with indigo. Its not to say that Indigos are more special than anyone they just have different characteristics and I dont understand why it is so hard for people to just accept this without turning it into "you are saying youre special." Labels may not fit everything or everyone but I think the Indigo label is a great thing to have because it helps distinguish this certain type of person. If you were to read the characteristics of an Indigo, it describes a very specific type of person. Just because you are more spiritually evolved does not make you an INdigo. Or just because you are an INdigo does not mean you are more spiritually evolved than a non indigo.

look, if it makes you feel good about yourself to call yourself an "Indigo" then go ahead and distinquish yourself from "nonIndigos" all you want. i, personally, don't see the point of distinquishing (separating) yourself from others based on some vague new agey criteria. i guess you Indigos can someday get together and have an Indigo convention. you and all the other card carrying Indigos can stand around commiserating and celebrating how different you are from nonIndigos. get out party noise makers and party hats! and don't forget the exclusive "I'm an Indigo" t- shirts available for sale at the concession stand.

20-03-2011, 09:13 PM
Thats exactly what I was planning thanx for the great idea!! And in the bak of the shirt we can write "We Are Special"! ANd we can all sit around and make fun of the non INdigos! Talk about how NON special you all are cant wait! :)

20-03-2011, 09:23 PM
I believe in indigos. And personally I feel you know your self
way better than me or IQ does. So you have more knowledge
about yourself so its more likely you're right than IQ since I
doubt IQ knows you, your traits, how you dealt with things
in your past, your experiences, how you deal with things ETC.
All does traits are important in finding out if your an indigo or not.
And since no one knows them better than you I think your the best
person to decide what you are.

Everybody has a certain Life color that's truly them. I believe I'm a lavender.
Some people are a red, blue, green, logical tan,or indigo. Although indigo is pretty rare.

And if someone is not an indigo they aren't lesser or a "non indigo" They're just
a different life color.

Here's an interesting quiz to help find your color :)
http://www.auracolors.com/personal-quiz-auracolors.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .auracolors.com%252Fpersonal-quiz-auracolors.html)

20-03-2011, 09:31 PM
**shrug** certain people have felt those feelings throughout human history. no doubt the first human who employed fire as a tool felt different from his cavemates.

i'm sorry but you're only "special" in the same way everyOne else is special who has felt those same feelings, everyOnes like me who merely came to accept that my mind works a little differently from most of my fellow humans but didn't have a fancy new agey label to elevate my difference into a spiritual big deal.True.

And if people want to be very special and different, I suggest to come up with something truly unique and personal.
Usually it's ''I am empathic/intuitive/sensitive/always felt there is more/connection to animals//introvert'' etc.
Who doesn't have one or more of those ''Indigo'' characteristics? I can recommend everyone to review the Forer Effect (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com %2525252Fvb%2525252Fredir.php%2525253Flink%2525253 Dhttp%252525253A%252525252F%252525252Fwww.spiritua lforums.com%252525252Fvb%252525252Fredir.php%25252 5253Flink%252525253Dhttp%25252525253A%25252525252F %25252525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com%25252525252Fv b%25252525252Fredir.php%25252525253Flink%252525252 53Dhttp%2525252525253A%2525252525252F%252525252525 2Fen.wikipedia.org%2525252525252Fwiki%252525252525 2FForer_effect)..

21-03-2011, 12:05 AM
Thats exactly what I was planning thanx for the great idea!! And in the bak of the shirt we can write "We Are Special"! ANd we can all sit around and make fun of the non INdigos! Talk about how NON special you all are cant wait! :)

Feeling special is one thng, but feeling MORE special than somebody else (whether indigo or not) and rubbing it in their face.... not so.
No matter what they did to you.

Internal Queries
21-03-2011, 12:45 PM
I believe in indigos. And personally I feel you know your self
way better than me or IQ does. So you have more knowledge
about yourself so its more likely you're right than IQ since I
doubt IQ knows you, your traits, how you dealt with things
in your past, your experiences, how you deal with things ETC.
All does traits are important in finding out if your an indigo or not.
And since no one knows them better than you I think your the best
person to decide what you are.

Everybody has a certain Life color that's truly them. I believe I'm a lavender.
Some people are a red, blue, green, logical tan,or indigo. Although indigo is pretty rare.

And if someone is not an indigo they aren't lesser or a "non indigo" They're just
a different life color.

Here's an interesting quiz to help find your color :)
http://www.auracolors.com/personal-quiz-auracolors.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .auracolors.com%252Fpersonal-quiz-auracolors.html)

lol if "Indigo" isn't an ego trip why even focus on "color" differences or ASSume that "Indigos" are somehow more knowledgable, self aware, intuitive and more yadda yadda than "nonIndigos"? it's kind of like how vegatarians make a big deal over their diet, expect others to be impressed and consider themselves to be somehow "more spiritual" than omnivores.

i don't need to know the OP personally to know they're caught up in new age hype. when "Indigos" DO SOMETHING extraordinary for the world THEN i'll be impressed and concede that the "Indigo" meme is something more than just yet another ego enhancing delusion. as it is all i've seen coming from "Indigos" thus far is whining about how tough they have it in the world and preening the idea that they're so evolved and "special" (while not being "special", of course).

the OP would get more acceptance from me if they told me they ride energy dragons across the cosmos to meet with multidimensional beings because at least with such a story i can find meaningful symbolisms. i find nothing useful or meaningful in adding yet another false group distinction to humanity's already divided collective.

hmmm i wonder what would be a nifty ego enhancing label to attach to my gestalt. how about "Platinum Children"? (is that one taken already?). or maybe "Super Duper Mega Cool Children"? i know! "The WINNING Children"!

andrew g
21-03-2011, 03:17 PM
I would say that it is ironically often the indigos that reject the labelling! Indigos see through the ****. of 'status'. They see that it doesnt matter who the hell we are, we still all come from and return to the same source. Indigos tend to see that at the deepest level there is no separation and are therefore often wary of labels, which by their nature, create a division between people.

I dont see anything wrong with the label in itself as long as it isnt identified with, and if it helps people make peace with their past, then fine. Its when we identify deeply with labels that we get ourselves into difficulties, just as some people overly identify with being a man, some overly identify with a particular nationality, some overly identify with their job title, some overly identify with an illness, some overly identify with being depressed, some overly identify with being enlightened, some overly identify with being a lightworker.....the list is endless.

I think the 'indigo' label (and crystal and rainbow etc) does explain in a sometimes useful way why some people just do not fit the mould that they are sometimes expected to fit. If I went to a doctors and talked to him/her about my life I can quite easily imagine being diagnosed as autistic and given medication which I just dont feel the need for because even though I struggle to function in the way that many people function, I really am quite happy and at peace with my life. Over the years, these kind of spiritual labels have helped me to see that its okay that I dont function in a 'normal' way and that there are others out there in a similar situation to me. They have helped me to make peace with who I am, whatever that is.

21-03-2011, 03:54 PM
Im not saying im "special"(why is it thats always the argument), we are all special, what I am saying though is that there are people who just are different (and Indigo seems to be the perfect term for a certain type of different) We live in a world full of labels, male, female, bisexual,psychic these all categorize different types of people and the same with indigo. Its not to say that Indigos are more special than anyone they just have different characteristics and I dont understand why it is so hard for people to just accept this without turning it into "you are saying youre special." Labels may not fit everything or everyone but I think the Indigo label is a great thing to have because it helps distinguish this certain type of person. If you were to read the characteristics of an Indigo, it describes a very specific type of person. Just because you are more spiritually evolved does not make you an INdigo. Or just because you are an INdigo does not mean you are more spiritually evolved than a non indigo.

I liked the way you expressed this but not your last reply to IQ.

My job is training, whatever label you wish to use, those who are like you. Actually training in not at all an accurate term because it implies that I know what is best for another, and I do not. However I can guide a person towards their self empowerment.

One of my groups has 1,383 members. They are mostly teens and young adults like yourself. I would be delighted if you had an interest in involving yourself with those who understood where you are coming from.

It is also best to be kind to those who do not. They are also serving the greater good in their own way.


Internal Queries
21-03-2011, 04:56 PM
i can understand why "Indigos" would find me annoying and would reply to my snarkiness with snarkiness of their own. i simply do not believe in them. if i did i'd have to join their rediculous new agey exclusivity club since i share similar "mystical" traits. but my self honesty disallows me from trying to turn my learning disabilities and social ineptitude into a color coded spiritual ego trip. the whole "Yadda Yadda Children" meme is soooo silly it's irritating. lol

22-03-2011, 12:16 PM
This thread made me think of someone called alice bailey who wrote many books . I didn't really take to the material - It seemed to come across to Intelligently for me lol . I think my mum had a book called the seven rays by her .

We all vibrate at a different rate / speed and we all have a frequency that relates to a colour / ray. In our aura's It shows that we are an expression of just that . I was Incarnated In the first wave of Indigo's - It just makes sense In respects to part of my purpose and my understandings of my Interplanetary work, I don't mention that aspect much to be honest . I think many adults like to think that their Indigo children are a bit special and kinda label them that way but I would say that If an Indigo Is balanced and aware of themselves and has an understanding of such matters then they do not feel special or above another .

Here's a bit of Info on the ray's If anybody Is Interested .

Alice A. Bailey:
Ray: Will - Power
Colour: Blue
Cosmic Master: Morya
Residence: Darjeeling, India
Planet Rulers: Pluto/Vulcan
Chakra/Gland: Crown/Pineal
Jewel: Diamond

Church Universal and Triumphant:
Ray: Will of God
Color/Vibration: Blue, White
Ascended Master: El Morya
Retreat: Darjeeling, India
Quality: Power, Goodwill Faith
Chakra Throat
Day: Tuesday
Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Faith in God's Will, Word of Wisdom
Gemstone: Diamond, Sapphire, Star Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli

Alice A. Bailey:
Ray: Love Wisdom
Colour: Indigo
Cosmic Master: Koot Hoomi
Residence: Shigatse, Tibet.
Planet Rulers: Sun/Jupiter
Chakra/Gland: Heart/Thymus
Jewel: Sapphire

Church Universal and Triumphant:
Ray: Wisdom of God
Color/Vibration: Yellow
Ascended Master: Lanto
Retreat: Grand Teton, Wyoming, USA
Quality: Wisdom, Understanding
Chakra Crown
Day: Sunday
Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge
Gemstone: Yellow Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, Topaz

Alice A. Bailey:
Ray: Active Intelligence
Colour: Green
Cosmic Master: Venetian
Residence: [Not mentioned].
Planet Rulers: Earth/Saturn
Chakra/Gland: Throat/Thyroid
Jewel: Emerald

Church Universal and Triumphant:
Ray: Love of God
Color/Vibration: Pink, Rose
Ascended Master: Paul the Venetian
Retreat: Chateau de Liberte, S. France; Temple of the Sun, New York
Quality: Love, Creativity, Beauty
Chakra: Heart
Day: Monday
Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Discerning of Spirits
Gemstone: Ruby, Diamond, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Pink Beryl

Alice A. Bailey:
Ray: Harmony through conflict
Colour: Yellow
Cosmic Master: Serapis
Residence: Luxor, Egypt.
Planet Rulers: Moon/Mercury
Chakra/Gland: Base/Adrenals
Jewel: Jasper

Church Universal and Triumphant:
Ray: Purity of God
Color/Vibration: White, Crystal
Ascended Master: Serapis Bey
Retreat: Luxor, Egypt
Quality: Purity, Discipline, Joy
Chakra: Base of the Spine
Day: Friday
Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Working of Miracles
Gemstone: Diamond, Pearl, Zircon, Quartz Crystal

Alice A. Bailey:
Ray: Concrete Science
Colour: Orange
Cosmic Master: Hilarion
Residence: island of Crete, Greece.
Planet Rulers: Venus
Chakra/Gland: Ajna/Pituitary
Jewel: Topaz

Church Universal and Triumphant:
Ray: Science of God
Color/Vibration: Green, Gold
Ascended Master: Hilarion
Retreat: Crete, Greece
Quality: Truth, Science, Vision
Chakra: Third Eye
Day: Wednesday
Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Healing
Gemstone: Emerald, Diamond, Jade, Quartz Crystal

Alice A. Bailey:
Ray: Devotion or Abstract Idealism
Colour: Red
Cosmic Master: Jesus
Residence: Mount Lebanon, Lebanon.
Planet Rulers: Mars/Neptune
Chakra/Gland: SolarPlexus/Pancreas
Jewel: Ruby

Church Universal and Triumphant:
Ray: Peace of God
Color/Vibration: Purple and Metallic Gold, Ruby
Ascended Master: Nada
Retreat: Arabian Peninsula
Quality: Peace, Service, Brotherhood
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Day: Thursday
Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Diverse Kinds of Tongues and Interpretation
Gemstone: Topaz, Ruby, Alexandrite, Diamond with Pearl

Alice A. Bailey:
Ray: Ceremonial Order
Colour: Violet
Cosmic Master: St. Germain (Master Rakoczi)(Master R.)
Residence: Transylvania, Romania.
Planet Rulers: Uranus
Chakra/Gland: Sacral/Gonads
Jewel: Amethyst

Church Universal and Triumphant:
Ray: Freedom of God
Color/Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal
Ascended Master: Saint Germain
Retreat: Transylvania, Romania; Table Mountain, Wyoming, USA
Quality: Freedom, Alchemy, Justice
Chakra: Seat of the Soul
Day: Saturday
Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Prophecy, Working of Miracles
Gemstone: Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine

x daz x

Internal Queries
22-03-2011, 12:36 PM
color is a product of light refraction. due to the differences in suns and atmospheres the light on other planet will be different from that on Earth therefore the color spectrums on other planets will be different from Earth's so how would using Earth's color spectum work as a code for interplanetary beings?

22-03-2011, 12:48 PM
color is a product of light refraction. due to the differences in suns and atmospheres the light on other planet will be different from that on Earth therefore the color spectrums on other planets will be different from Earth's so how would using Earth's color spectum work as a code for interplanetary beings?
Hi Internal .

The expression of an Individuals nature or vibration via rays of frequency can be seen via clairvoyance (beyond the physical) as colour and will have nothing to do with refraction the sun or the atmosphere .

It Is beyond the conditions of a 3d environment . So where do the laws of physics apply here?

Interestingly enough we are able to feel colours that are beyond the range of our sight also.

x dazzle x

Internal Queries
22-03-2011, 01:08 PM
Hi Internal .

The expression of an Individuals nature or vibration via rays of frequency can be seen via clairvoyance (beyond the physical) as colour and will have nothing to do with refraction the sun or the atmosphere .

It Is beyond the conditions of a 3d environment . So where do the laws of physics apply here?

Interestingly enough we are able to feel colours that are beyond the range of our sight also.

x dazzle x

regardless of how one sees a color spectrum the spectrum being used as a spiritual code is STILL Earth/Soleil referrenced. i still fail to understand how such an Earth oriented visual coding would apply to beings whose origins are not of Earth.

22-03-2011, 02:15 PM
regardless of how one sees a color spectrum the spectrum being used as a spiritual code is STILL Earth/Soleil referrenced. i still fail to understand how such an Earth oriented visual coding would apply to beings whose origins are not of Earth.
O.K. Internal .

As an example In my development circle we come across many things / energies from a variety of realms . At times when we see colour (within a room that Is In darkness) we then work with that particular colour . Purple/violet/Indigo Is most common followed by blue and white .

We know that these lights / orbs are the essence / vibration of the entities soul vibration . We each link with the energy not using any of our physical senses . What Is then acknowledged, realized or whatever therefore has no earthly connection .

So when you fail to understand how such an earth visual coding would apply to beings whose origins are not of Earth Is because you are coming from an earthly perspective Incorporating the physical senses and the mind set connected with that .

So then taking this one step further this non physical entity then has an Incarnation In physical form via the earth plane . Does that Individual now lose It’s essence? Does It lose It’s frequency? Does It lose It’s expression and connection to the ray that It Is In vibration with . Nope .

x daz x

Internal Queries
22-03-2011, 02:33 PM
O.K. Internal .

As an example In my development circle we come across many things / energies from a variety of realms . At times when we see colour (within a room that Is In darkness) we then work with that particular colour . Purple/violet/Indigo Is most common followed by blue and white .

We know that these lights / orbs are the essence / vibration of the entities soul vibration . We each link with the energy not using any of our physical senses . What Is then acknowledged, realized or whatever therefore has no earthly connection .

So when you fail to understand how such an earth visual coding would apply to beings whose origins are not of Earth Is because you are coming from an earthly perspective Incorporating the physical senses and the mind set connected with that .

So then taking this one step further this non physical entity then has an Incarnation In physical form via the earth plane . Does that Individual now lose It’s essence? Does It lose It’s frequency? Does It lose It’s expression and connection to the ray that It Is In vibration with . Nope .

x daz x

lol it's not me whose using Earth based color codes to indicate the vibrational attributes of nonEarth entities.

22-03-2011, 02:44 PM
lol it's not me whose using Earth based color codes to indicate the vibrational attributes of nonEarth entities.

colour Is not restricted to the earth plane Internal . The spirit world Is a mass of colours that are not Imagined or witnessed by the physical eye for example .

Like I mentioned earlier colours can be felt and don't have to be seen . So It's possible to acknowledge a colour and It's essence without making or having an earthly reference via the physical senses .

If I see a violet colour with the use of my third eye . How will I make reference to that colour from an earthly perspective ?

I will quite simply apply that colour to the spectrum that Is known to our physical sense .

x daz x

Internal Queries
22-03-2011, 03:44 PM
colour Is not restricted to the earth plane Internal . The spirit world Is a mass of colours that are not Imagined or witnessed by the physical eye for example .

Like I mentioned earlier colours can be felt and don't have to be seen . So It's possible to acknowledge a colour and It's essence without making or having an earthly reference via the physical senses .

If I see a violet colour with the use of my third eye . How will I make reference to that colour from an earthly perspective ?

I will quite simply apply that colour to the spectrum that Is known to our physical sense .

x daz x

but but ... the color it would actually be in it's natural environment is then changed by YOUR Earthling interpretation of it thus changing it's vibrational values. in which case, not only is your color coding inaccurate but it causes inaccuracy, distortions via YOUR expectations and interpretations.

if you could observe a subatomic particle you would change it's properties with your observations.

andrew g
22-03-2011, 04:00 PM
What Im hearing is that the colours are 'converted' to suit this earth reality. Its like going to a different country and taking a plug adaptor so the plug will work.

Maybe I just watch too much sci-fi.

Internal Queries
22-03-2011, 04:07 PM
a plug adapter might work providing the energy being plugged into is the same. on another planet where energy properties manifest differently your plug adapter would be useless.

maybe i need to disengage my intellect more. logic doesn't seem to work well with some of the theories/dogmas presented on this forum.

22-03-2011, 04:13 PM
but but ... the color it would actually be in it's natural environment is then changed by YOUR Earthling interpretation of it thus changing it's vibrational values. in which case, not only is your color coding inaccurate but it causes inaccuracy, distortions via YOUR expectations and interpretations.

if you could observe a subatomic particle you would change it's properties with your observations.

Yes a valid point . But we would have to place a colour Into the beyond knowing category In that respect . Where does the colours natural environment lie?

The purest essence of a ray of colour created within mind can be realized within mind . The Individual has to be Intune with that frequency that’s all .

Is the Individual In a mind state that Is receptive to such a realization . That’s the key . Otherwise we do the best we can with our spiritual senses . I would say we cannot get close to the qualities that are within colours via our physical senses . Perhaps we could say purple is a calming colour and red Is an energy colour etc, etc, .

A fun experiment In circle many moons ago Is where we blindfold the Individual whilst laying a scarf over their shoulders and placing a cloth within their hands . Both Items where of the same colour .

Many Individuals mentioned and felt similar qualities within the presence and effects of such colours within their energy . Depending on where the Individual Is at within their own mind set will have a slight Influence / baring on what Is felt . Some didn’t like the energies as much as others and were not surprised when they saw what colours they were lol . Oh I never liked red they would say, I would never wear that colour and so forth .

The more sensitive the Individual the more Is felt and realized I would have to say .

I am currently working on angelic colours In which any preference of vision available to me Is not adequate at present . I have been told to connect a certain sound heard with an unseen colour so to speak . Very flippin difficult .

x daz x

gotta go for now . good convo Internal .

22-03-2011, 04:24 PM
Not trying to be funny but there actually were really "Blue" people. http://www.whatjamiefound.com/2007/05/09/blue-people-from-kentucky/ My mother grew up near there. Just thought this was interesting. Imagine the grief they got.

Internal Queries
22-03-2011, 04:37 PM
Yes a valid point . But we would have to place a colour Into the beyond knowing category In that respect . Where does the colours natural environment lie?

The purest essence of a ray of colour created within mind can be realized within mind . The Individual has to be Intune with that frequency that’s all .

Is the Individual In a mind state that Is receptive to such a realization . That’s the key . Otherwise we do the best we can with our spiritual senses . I would say we cannot get close to the qualities that are within colours via our physical senses . Perhaps we could say purple is a calming colour and red Is an energy colour etc, etc, .

A fun experiment In circle many moons ago Is where we blindfold the Individual whilst laying a scarf over their shoulders and placing a cloth within their hands . Both Items where of the same colour .

Many Individuals mentioned and felt similar qualities within the presence and effects of such colours within their energy . Depending on where the Individual Is at within their own mind set will have a slight Influence / baring on what Is felt . Some didn’t like the energies as much as others and were not surprised when they saw what colours they were lol . Oh I never liked red they would say, I would never wear that colour and so forth .

The more sensitive the Individual the more Is felt and realized I would have to say .

I am currently working on angelic colours In which any preference of vision available to me Is not adequate at present . I have been told to connect a certain sound heard with an unseen colour so to speak . Very flippin difficult .

x daz x

gotta go for now . good convo Internal .

thanks! and good luck with your evolving energy recognition/conversion techniques.

just so you know ... i consider everyOne on this forum (heck! on this planet) to be delusional ... most definately including myself. i just prefer that delusions be logical so that disbelief is more easily suspended. lol

22-03-2011, 04:48 PM
MAN! Such differing opinion here...

I personally don't understand why people want to always "rain on someone's parade"...

If someone wants to label themselves, cool.

If not, cool.

Who is anyone to judge what is "right" and "wrong"?

Discussions like these are why I continually feel a stronger and stronger aversion to most of the topics on this forum. Too much, "my spirituality is better than yours".

As the world spins into more "chaos" there will be more and more instances of people questioning EVRYTHING, even those that simply want to spread love.

To each their own, but there is little love, that I can feel, coming from some of the people on this thread.

Pretty easy to hide behind a computer screen and let out your frustrations, isn't it?

I send love to you all, and completely own the fact that my ego has gotten the better of me at times on this site. Since postings are permanent, it is "in the record" so to speak.

To the person who started this thread (I can't remember your name), I am very happy you have found a sense of "identity". Life can be very frustrating when we feel like we don't "fit in". I commend you on sharing your opinion, regardless of the "blowback" you received.

To others who can't just seem to let someone say something "publicly" without chastising or questioning their profession of themselves, I simply ask why?

Personally, I believe there are "waves" of "indigos" or "crystals" or whatever the heck else you want to call it. How else will this world turn around? If there are not more and more people that will seek a loving way out of a "problem" instead of through debt financing, bombs, dumbing down of the population, and propagandistic scare tactics, we are in "trouble" as a species.

Call me a "dreamer" for believing in something that not "everyone" can "see". I'm not the one who seems to hell-bent on judging someone who has a belief in something that doesn't correlate with my more closely held beliefs.

Last I checked, "indigos" have an abundance of love to offer.

What do the rest of you who wish to question this "reality" have to offer, other than dissention?

Just a few thoughts...


Internal Queries
22-03-2011, 05:03 PM
alrighty then. if people want to distinquish themselves from the rest of humanity by using some vague new agey criteria then fine and dandy. however, creating false differences seems to be counter productive to the stated attributes and goals of those making the distinctions.


22-03-2011, 05:22 PM
Again, I ask what the point is of even "calling out" someone who wishes to label themself?

22-03-2011, 05:25 PM
Again, I ask what the point is of even "calling out" someone who wishes to label themself? You would do a good job reading the first post. http://www.zeldauniverse.net/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif

22-03-2011, 05:34 PM
I did Chrys...

I am very happy that this person has found some sort of "answer" or "purpose".

If it makes someone happy to stick a piece of moldavite in their ear, hop in a circle, and sing "Old Man River", I say go for it!

You have your own perception of "reality" just like anyone else. What makes yours any better? You appear to be "well-educated", but what does that mean anyway? Are you privied to certain information that the rest of us are not? Do you have some sort of inside track of the "real" truth?

I have asked you this before, Chrys, please tell me what it is like to be "right" all the time...

Much love.

22-03-2011, 05:44 PM
MAN! Such differing opinion here...

I personally don't understand why people want to always "rain on someone's parade"...

If someone wants to label themselves, cool.

If not, cool.

Who is anyone to judge what is "right" and "wrong"?

Just a few thoughts...


Lad ...

I totally agree. I for one feel that the term Indigo may mean the 6th chakra is really active/open. I know it is for my daughter AND she has most of the qualifying characteristics of Indigo children. She is psychic,

she is a developing telepath....she can talk to animals (those who want to), she feels that she should be entitled to have things her way, rules are stupid and she's very intelligent, gifted and creative, and very strong

willed. Before realizing this, she had a lot of hard bumps and knocks as a young child. Now that I am a little aware of it, I've been helping her reign in some of her righteous indignations, and tendency to always rebel

against authority. She's wise beyond her 13 years in some ways and sees just how broken our current governmental system is and is leaning towards getting involved in politics so she can help change it.

But, this animosity towards someone embracing being indigo is a little troublesome. I mean, would the same venom be there if someone came here and announced that they were gay, or identified with a

particular heritage, or religion? Everyone is searching for answers, trying to figure out where they fit in or why they don't. Once you find something that clicks with you it's a Ah Ha moment and you become so happy

and elated, you want to tell everyone. I think this place should be a safe place, free of the criticism that most of us are familiar with in the outside world. That being said, labels do have their limitations and are as

changeable as clothing. It reminds me of my daughter when she was a toddler and would play dress up or pretend to be a cat and crawl around on the floor meowing. I would fuss over the pretty kitty and she would

purr with delight. She felt accepted and loved. Once she grew older, she didn't do it so much, she matured and moved on to other things and explored other aspects of herself and life. I think embracing the label

"indigo" is a necessity for some and like the kitty ears, feather boa tail that my daughter delighted in wearing EVERYWHERE, will eventually be set aside, but in good time and when it is no longer needed.

22-03-2011, 05:47 PM
What makes yours any better?Nothing. I don't use the better label.
I have asked you this before, Chrys, please tell me what it is like to be "right" all the time...Much love.I never said nor implied to be right all the time. I am quite agnostic to many subjects here. But what I do know is that many New Age beliefs are not really what it is presented to be. Cold readings, Forer Effects, and selective thinking are real and happen a lot in the New Age movement but of course also religions like Christianity. I think it's worth mentioning, people need to watch out a little.

Many people share similar characteristics, even more so when they have the same interests and visit the same sites. We also shouldn't forget cultural influences. The kids of today just have a lot to say, lol. They are allowed to. We live in a liberal society which also seems to have a huge interest in psychology. We can bet on it that you won't find all these animal-loving kids in Saudi-Arabia, but you will find many in America. It's all cultural phenomena.

22-03-2011, 08:02 PM
I say to you again, Chrys, that I think your perspective is a bit too narrow, but I respect your opinion.

You are quick to mention labels (Forer Effects) for "conditions" that many "New Agers" possess, whatever a "New Ager" is...

I have often wondered why you choose to get involved in threads that you so obviously disagree with.

You may have good intentions for people in wanting to perhaps elucidate them in other schools of thought, but perhaps your approach for doing it is misinterpreted as a belittling of someone's beliefs. Just a thought.

I know this isn't the first time I, or others, have said this to you, so take it as you will.


Thank you for sharing... why should any child be limited to the current "system" of rules and social behaviors? To me, only those who hold fear in their hearts will wish to control the behavior of someone else.

22-03-2011, 09:56 PM
I just have to write to all the people who just dont believe this, its absolutely true. It is not a "LABEL" its a real group of people. I know this to be a fact because of personal experience. I am actually an Indigo myself. All my life I felt different. I felt like I felt things more intensely, felt a lot of strange feelings, and just had different thoughts than the people around me. I always felt like this and it only intensified when I got out of high school. I went through a deep depression and had no idea why I felt so depressed. The world just did not interest me I didnt want that college, 9-5, kids, average life. I started getting into spirituality and that helped a lot. I remember one specific moment though where I was just alone with my thoughts and I was thinking about how I felt so different and I wondered if there were more people like me, and in that instant I got an answer but it didn't come from my thoughts. Its like someone speaking in my head said "Yes , there are more people like you and they have a name." I thought wow that'd be cool and didnt think much of it till lik 2 weeks later I found an article on Indigo Kids an read it. It resonated with me so much and made me understand why I am the way I am. It was great to finally understand myself better. To hear people say its just a label and all the other things they say is understandable but they have to realize that it is a very REAL phenomenon.

I appreciate that finding the article about indigo was beneficial to you at the time...and that is a positive in all of this. But now you have found what you needed....why does it matter that everyone believes you?

If you could try to understand my point of view...I also dont 'fit'...and I have my own idiosyncrasies that have led to a unique life. I could tick over 90% of the indigo boxes and say that at my core, the driving force of my passions can be related to what Ive read on indigos. But the indigo movement is a little like animal farm....apparently, the 'first wave' of indigos were meant to question metanarratives....so why must I offer up some belief to the indigo movement when it is fast becoming a metanarrative itself?

Its a metanarrative that preys on children and people with a need to fit in. I do believe that people are different and that there are traits that we share with others. I do believe that our natural traits influence the ripples we leave as we live our lives. But indigo IS a label...and to me, it is an offensive label and an offensive movement because it would try to colour all that makes me unique to me.

22-03-2011, 10:24 PM

Thank you for sharing... why should any child be limited to the current "system" of rules and social behaviors? To me, only those who hold fear in their hearts will wish to control the behavior of someone else.

Unfortunately, we all are by some extent. Children, more so. Plus, I WANT my child to follow proper rules of social behaviors. I want her to be polite, well mannered, law abiding and unselfish. They must abide by the rules in the classroom, rules of their school. They must abide by the rules that their parents set. Rules like: bed time so she can get up for school, rules like getting to school on time and not be tardy every day. It's that kind of thing. She will argue a point to death and to the distraction and frustration of her teachers and parents. She needs to learn to pick her battles.

22-03-2011, 11:07 PM
if we are all 'special' doesn't that actually mean no one is 'special' ?

personally , i think the belief in 'specialness' is our first insanity.


23-03-2011, 04:19 AM
I have a theory - Opinions appreciated.

I resonated with the Indigo Children Concept 2 years ago when I heard discussions about this new breed?

I do not resonate with the Author's other books though. I'd narrow down to just 1 or 2 books by the author Doreen Virtue - who's books/passages led me to the Indigo Concept.

If I dared to define Indigo Breed in my own words I think I'd use the following words in the now.. maybe my definitions will change with your opinions if they resonated with my life experiences?

Indigos are souls that are sent to earth in this period of time with life lessons surrounding the third eye chakra where they are meant to clear debt/chakras through the following...

1)Finding the environment unpleasant
2)Shedding tears over sad memories
3)Finding their self imperfect
4)Unpleasant anger inducing flash backs
5)Sometimes things seem more ugly to them than they would appear to others (the ones who are not of the Indigo or Third eye chakra frequency in this period of time)
8)Illness like migraines, sinusities, eyesight defects, problems tolerating news as they trigger passive fury within them?, etc
9)There is also a major Root chakra contribution here (Anger and feelings of Paralysis, rigidity, inability to free oneself from bondage)
10)There is also a major Crown chakra contribution here since most Indigos love God, an agnostic or atheist indigo is rare. Everytime this person suffers they remember God and pray for help. This takes them further close to the source.
11)High sensitivity - Nothing ever suits them - Designer clothes don't look as gorgeous as they'd like them to be - Water PH never suits their health - sunlight causes stubborn skin problems - All indigos have a problem being active in daylight - Sometimes medicines, cosmetics, ointments, therapies just won't work like they are supposed to or like they work for Non-Indigos - Their psyches are more sensitive than their bodies - They might be bad tempered but most of them have no way of releasing it on others - They all tend to focus anger towards themselves.

At the moment I can only remember these 11 points which I have experienced personally and which seem to be predominant in other Indigos.

I think, the fact or concept that says - "Indigo like temperament Always existed but is getting Noticed now" is true but time is the key here? Like, the ones born in this period of time are the ones who have been sent to specifically do something for the society.

And I feel, every soul is born in the Indigo Vibration in this period of time. All of us? So the discussion about them being around us for ages is surrounding the time factor perhaps? Indigo Vibration would be a state of existence aligned with the above mentioned 11 points plus a few more but the person here goes through this life experience for a Global/Universal cause - for mankind's betterment - while the Indigo Temperament carrying people who were Not Noticed In The Past are the ones who suffered their personal sufferings for a rather Personal Cause.

Opinions welcome. I have not read much about them although. Just a few excerpts available online from the author's books. But the things I have analysed and acknowledged were the ones that made sense and resonated to my personal life experience and I have always wanted to fight for justice or do something just for people. A constructive Indigo in this period of time is ultimately what is the requirement. Is it wrong for these constructive Indigos to take a break from sadness, suffering and celebrate group oneness once in a while. It aches to be called (proud of carrying a label) when it is actually (a sort of honour for the burdens they have been carrying for years without knowing about the actual purpose?). Sometimes pride can be healing when it has been an earned Pride? I feel if someone feels a concept is wrong they need to soften or cushion their point keeping in mind the opponent's state of existence? If someone calls them an Indigo is it not obvious that they have actually suffered all the mentioned traits under the "Indigo Label" for years and have discovered that there are people like them? Is it not a cause for Celebration? Why are we mourning here in this thread then?

I am open to compassionate opinions though. As the object of any discussion/debate is not winning an argument but learning and being able to perceive every aspect of the theme/topic. And when the aspects are presented in a bearable and compassionate format they are worth consideration? (If you can't handle the truth then you need help) is not a compassionate way of saying (I am sorry my speech is harsh or too true or too factual). But when in a society, we need to keep in mind the heart first and then the mind and finally the Ego?

23-03-2011, 05:19 AM
Based on when the indigo idea was raised and such children were identified they will now be in the late 20' and early 30's.
My question is "what have the indigo children achieved which other children have not?" As far as I can make out, not much. If there is something different in them why does it not manifest in the social, political, economic and science fields?
It would be helpful for someone to compile a list of indigo children who have exceeded expectations far beyond the ordinary in terms of creativity and innovation in whatever field they are working.

I think true achievements in the world be a good measure to evaluate whether this indigo concept has any validity.

23-03-2011, 05:58 AM
People feel they are 'different somehow' then they read something in a book and say 'hey that sounds like me', but everyone feels 'different' and then many people read the book which attributes a 'name' to this 'differentness' so then they gather under that umbrella... but by so doing they are no longer 'different' they are now the same as all under the umbrella... and the initial qualifier of 'feeling different' becomes mute thus invalidating the reason they are what they claim.

23-03-2011, 06:07 AM
Based on when the indigo idea was raised and such children were identified they will now be in the late 20' and early 30's.
My question is "what have the indigo children achieved which other children have not?" As far as I can make out, not much. If there is something different in them why does it not manifest in the social, political, economic and science fields?
It would be helpful for someone to compile a list of indigo children who have exceeded expectations far beyond the ordinary in terms of creativity and innovation in whatever field they are working.

I think true achievements in the world be a good measure to evaluate whether this indigo concept has any validity.

Like I have observed from my life experiences, when a soul is sent to this period of time to live the Indigo Vibration for a reason that complements the Humanity at large, this existence is solely meant for suffering and not yet being able to see (how) this suffering brings rewards.

The rewarding journey usually follows after the suffering has ceased. For some Indigos this journey continues into the next incarnation or it might also be that one Indigo splits him/her-self and lives 2 lives simultaneously wherein he is suffering and the other part of him is experiencing the rewards - as in being able to successfully work for the world's betterment.

The Indigo Vibration is ultimately the platform for preparing oneself for being a symbol of Justice Consciousness - One can not yet see the rewards manifesting/materialising in a single Incarnation. No Indigo Vibration nor A Non Indigo Vibration (the indigo temperamental people but who aren't exactly Indigos) is pointless suffering nor is the Indigos getting Noticed phenomena Useless. Both experience rich rewards, usually the only way to conclude or distinguish between a real Indigo and the Indigo-type existence is the reward factor and the time factor.

Have they been born in this era and have they lived a martyr's life and died a mysteriously incomplete death (wherein their loved ones have begun to believe that the poor thing was a victim of great injustice and more should have come to them or the deserved much better/God was so unfair to them)

The Indigo Vibration is about fighting the fear of betrayal from Justice.

There Might be certain Indigos who make it till the end and get to see their rewards in the very same incarnation, especially the ones who chose to suffer intensely.

So again, time will tell the Indigo - How far they have reached and How have they suffered and Is the journey going to end in this very incarnation or move on to the next.

Compassionate presentation of Opinions welcome again.

23-03-2011, 09:18 AM
if we are all 'special' doesn't that actually mean no one is 'special' ?

Absolutely bfwf . :wink:

It's either the ego self that feels special or It's other Individuals that put you on a platform / pedestal .

Take away both Influences what Is left are the bare bones so to speak .

The bare bones as to what we are Is the same for all .

x daz x

23-03-2011, 09:23 AM
thanks! and good luck with your evolving energy recognition/conversion techniques.

just so you know ... i consider everyOne on this forum (heck! on this planet) to be delusional ... most definately including myself. i just prefer that delusions be logical so that disbelief is more easily suspended. lol
Hi I.Q.

Yer I understand . For me It's the other way round . Part of getting to know myself one relies on Intuition, and trust and so forth, I tend to more enough now accept what I experience even If I have no conscious references to which I am experiencing .

It's only my understanding within a physical / material mind-set that will say to me 1ft half man half animal spirits don't exist etc, etc, ha haaha . .

x dazzle x

23-03-2011, 09:27 AM
thats how i figure its showing Itself

if i'm you and your her and she's that dude , wheres the 'special' one fit into the equation ?

then we move over to our 'special love ' ... consolidating our perception

Internal Queries
23-03-2011, 12:40 PM
Hi I.Q.

Yer I understand . For me It's the other way round . Part of getting to know myself one relies on Intuition, and trust and so forth, I tend to more enough now accept what I experience even If I have no conscious references to which I am experiencing .

It's only my understanding within a physical / material mind-set that will say to me 1ft half man half animal spirits don't exist etc, etc, ha haaha . .

x dazzle x

well generally, mental manifestations such as one foot half men/half animal spirits have some kind of symbolic validity so i'd have no problem accepting them manifesting as symbols of the human psyche. the "Yadda Yadda Children" meme symbolizes nothing but yet another set of labeled boxes in which to catagorize a certain kind of ego.

but i'll leave the poor little Yadda Yadda Children alone. thier meme has become a pet peeve for me and i'm simply irritating myself with them.

23-03-2011, 01:01 PM
well generally, mental manifestations such as one foot half men/half animal spirits have some kind of symbolic validity so i'd have no problem accepting them manifesting as symbols of the human psyche. the "Yadda Yadda Children" meme symbolizes nothing but yet another set of labeled boxes in which to catagorize a certain kind of ego.

but i'll leave the poor little Yadda Yadda Children alone. thier meme has become a pet peeve for me and i'm simply irritating myself with them.
Yer I would agree certain Images can present themselves within symbolic form via our own psyche . 2 day's ago I had a lucid type of dream where I saw a One eyed cat . It was symbolic don't ask me how I know you kinda get to know within your self because of how things present themselves to you and how you feel In the duration of .

Material / ordinary dreams, prophetic dreams, symbols, spirit visitations and so forth .

x daz x

23-03-2011, 10:26 PM
To me I see Indigos as kind of like a extraterrestrial group that is/ has come to make the world better..kind of making us ppl more aware of the earth and such (lets face it, were not doing so good). Now whether they already came or are coming I have absolutely NO idea, but it is what it is.. If there real, then cool, if not then who cares. Frankly I've read the characteristics of an Indigo and I can say that its no different then anybody else. We all feel different (heck I even had a few of the characteristics), but I don't think that feeling "out of place" means that your any different from people. Of course I could be wrong (who knows!).

Internal Queries
24-03-2011, 04:10 AM
gee Angel3, not sure where you've been but we tree huggers have been trying to make people more aware of the environment for over 50 years. so now that preserving the environment has finally become the "in" thing all the environmental awareness should to be attributed to appearence of "Indigos"?

see? see? this is the kind fecal matter that irritates me about the Yadda Yadda Children meme. just regular nonIndigo people WORK for decades to invoke positive change and then suddenly a group of people, applying a cutesy new age label to themselves, get the credit simply by being born. PFFFFT!

someOne please point out to me exactly what "Indigos" actually do to make the world better.

24-03-2011, 05:44 AM
someOne please point out to me exactly what "Indigos" actually do to make the world better.

follow on behind those who came before , paving the way for those who shall follow ?

playing their part , basically


24-03-2011, 05:57 AM
follow on behind those who came before , paving the way for those who shall follow ?

playing their part , basically

I must be an indigo then. Then again, maybe I just happen to be purple.

Internal Queries
24-03-2011, 03:02 PM
follow on behind those who came before , paving the way for those who shall follow ?

playing their part , basically.

how does that makes them different from previous generations?

24-03-2011, 03:13 PM
how does that makes them different from previous generations?

For one, we think for ourselves. We question rules that no longer apply. We are more in tune with our spiritual selves, rather than following mainstream religions. We are more open to understanding things like quantum mechanics, string theory, and multi-verses. To name just a few...

Internal Queries
24-03-2011, 03:23 PM
For one, we think for ourselves. We question rules that no longer apply. We are more in tune with our spiritual selves, rather than following mainstream religions. We are more open to understanding things like quantum mechanics, string theory, and multi-verses. To name just a few...

lol so you're "more" this and "more" that. sorry but you'll have to find a different "more-ness" to be since the 60's - 70's generation has already been there, done that and continues to be there and do that.

"Indigos" climb up onto the shoulders of spiritual/metaphysical pioneers while believing they've invented self awareness and innovative thinking. how lame! LOL

24-03-2011, 03:41 PM
For one, we think for ourselves. We question rules that no longer apply. We are more in tune with our spiritual selves, rather than following mainstream religions. We are more open to understanding things like quantum mechanics, string theory, and multi-verses. To name just a few...Not following mainstream? Many New Age beliefs are pretty much established by now. It's hard to find people who have original ideas. All of us are influenced by others, though there's an emphasis on autonomy in our time (which is good). This is thanks to liberal thinking, not special children.

Just telling ya that modern liberal society has influenced us greatly.

24-03-2011, 04:27 PM
Not following mainstream? Many New Age beliefs are pretty much established by now. It's hard to find people who have original ideas. All of us are influenced by others, though there's an emphasis on autonomy in our time (which is good). This is thanks to liberal thinking, not special children.

Just telling ya that modern liberal society has influenced us greatly.

Okay, Crhysaetos, we have been around this same barn more than once. The OP said it was a friendly place for those who BELIEVE in indigos, etc to be able to talk freely without meeting challenges every step of the way. Now what do you think is meant by that?

Internal Queries
24-03-2011, 04:32 PM
Okay, Crhysaetos, we have been around this same barn more than once. The OP said it was a friendly place for those who BELIEVE in indigos, etc to be able to talk freely without meeting challenges every step of the way. Now what do you think is meant by that?

sorry little "Indigo" but you're on Earth now so you'll be meeting with challenges every step of The Way. if you're expecting to be treated like holy little avatars you're in for a rude awakening. you oh so advanced and special children best get used to encountering challenges and obstacles because no One here on this planet gets a free ride just for having been born.

i wonder if it ever occurs to new agey special children that they might be here on this planet to learn something.

24-03-2011, 04:49 PM
And furthermore, another forum member has left this site. She thought it was a place that would be open and welcome. She had posted a thread on indigos and was met with challenges every step of the way. I believe that Matt's original intent that this was to be a place where people could talk with others freely and openly about their spiritual beliefs; not a place to have believes ridiculed and made to feel that they have to DEFEND their beliefs. I did not know Matt, but maybe a few of the original posters do remember him and his dream for this site. I sadly see that dream fading away. How many remember the great crash of this site? Does anyone think that could have been an admonishment from Matt to bring the SF to where he intended it to be? The topics appear to become more bizarre every day, or perhaps it is because I remember the forum that I had found a home in back before the crash.Maybe it is time for those who KNEW Matt to come forward and give us some of his dreams and goals, not just what is on the homepage, but who Matt really was, what did he stand for, would he approve of the turn that this SF has taken?
And yes, I am hijacking this thread and I do apologize to the OP. But this has gone beyond absurd. If you DO NOT believe what a person has posted and considerate it nonsense, then don't jump in. If you think that something that is being posted is an insult to something you believe, state your case and move to a different thread.Don't go pulling away at the fabric of a persons belief.Use some sense of courtesy and appreciation that the person believes enough that they are willing to put it up on the forum. It has become a point of time that so many of the older posters are not here anymore or rarely visit due to the absurd post. for one, believe in indigos, starseed, rainbow children and yeah, maybe even the "AVATAR" children someday far in the future. But don't come along derailing a topic that you really don't care about other than to ridicule, and toss your eggs at people.

Internal Queries
24-03-2011, 05:03 PM
And furthermore, another forum member has left this site. She thought it was a place that would be open and welcome. She had posted a thread on indigos and was met with challenges every step of the way. I believe that Matt's original intent that this was to be a place where people could talk with others freely and openly about their spiritual beliefs; not a place to have believes ridiculed and made to feel that they have to DEFEND their beliefs. I did not know Matt, but maybe a few of the original posters do remember him and his dream for this site. I sadly see that dream fading away. How many remember the great crash of this site? Does anyone thing that could have been an admonishment from Matt to bring the SF to where he intended it to be? The topics appear to become more bizarre every day, or perhaps it is because I remember the forum that I had found a home in back before the crash.Maybe it is time for those who KNEW Matt to come forward and give us some of his dreams and goals, not just what is on the homepage, but who Matt really was, what did he stand for, would he approve of the turn that this SF has taken?
And yes, I am hijacking this thread and I do apologize to the OP. But this has gone beyond absurd. If you DO NOT believe what a person has posted and considerate it nonsense, then don't jump in. If you think that something that is being posted is an insult to something you believe, state your case and move to a different thread.Don't go pulling away at the fabric of a persons belief.Use some sense of courtesy and appreciation that the person believes enough that they are willing to put it up on the forum. It has become a point of time that so many of the older posters are not here anymore or rarely visit due to the absurd post. for one, believe in indigos, starseed, rainbow children and yeah, maybe even the "AVATAR" children someday far in the future. But don't come along derailing a topic that you really don't care about other than to ridicule, and toss your eggs at people.

sorry again ... you're on Earth. unless you cloister yourself with other "Indigos" in some hermetically sealed enclosure you WILL be challenged. if "Indigos" are too weak to defend their ego premise on a silly message board how can "Indigos" meet real life challenges in the real world? religious dogma and spiritual theories are challenged all the time on other threads. why should "Indigos" expect anything different?

24-03-2011, 05:11 PM
sorry again ... you're on Earth. unless you cloister yourself with other "Indigos" in some hermetically sealed enclosure you WILL be challenged. if "Indigos" are too weak to defend their ego premise on a silly message board how can "Indigos" meet real life challenges in the real world? religious dogma and spiritutal theories are challenged all the time on other threads. why should "Indigos" expect anything different?


I HAPPEN to agree with Summerland 100%. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to be mean spirited, spiteful or derisive. That is childish behavior. Totally unacceptable behavior from an adult. Civility and tolerance should be expressed in every message.

Internal Queries
24-03-2011, 05:15 PM

I HAPPEN to agree with Summerland 100%. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to be mean spirited, spiteful or derisive. That is childish behavior. Totally unacceptable behavior from an adult. Civility and tolerance should be expressed in every message.

that's fine. but perhaps i do "Indigos" a favor by challenging them. it's not like they're going to get a magic carpet ride through life just because they call themselves "Indigo". maybe they need to learn something from the challenges they encounter. first lesson might be "don't be so quick to put yourself up on some pedestal because the higher the pedestal the further the fall."

PS. it's not up to you to dictate my behavior and tell me what i "should" do and not do. i serve a purpose as much any "Indigo". challenging peoples' concepts either breaks the illusion or strengthens the concept. i challenge my own concepts and delusions all the time. evolution only occurs when an organism is under environmental stress. why should "Indigos" be exempt from environmental stressers?

24-03-2011, 05:36 PM
sorry little "Indigo" but you're on Earth now so you'll be meeting with challenges every step of The Way. if you're expecting to be treated like holy little avatars you're in for a rude awakening. you oh so advanced and special children best get used to encountering challenges and obstacles because no One here on this planet gets a free ride just for having been born.

i wonder if it ever occurs to new agey special children that they might be here on this planet to learn something.

Now you want in on it, Internal Queries. I do not put myself above any other human on this planet. I have never been treated as a little special anything. I have grown to the age of 58 and survived everything that has been thrown at me. And I still get back up. And yes, since entering this earth plane I have met with many obstacles and overcome the majority of them. Your term"new Agey" I find offensive as I am a very old soul. Been here on this planet too many times to count. I am a lightbearer, I am a healer, I came in the 50's knowing that more like me would follow and I have met them along my path.I love challenges and I survive every challenge wiser and stronger."FREE RIDE" you say; you think that we have a free ride? How could we when so many ridicule,put us down at every chance, make a mockery of what our soul knows.
And how dare you to presume that any of us want to be treated like a "holy, little avatar? Chrysaetos tossed that one out several months ago.
I am really curious as to why don't you and the non-believers just leave us poor, little delusions folks alone. That way , we would not be taking any of your time that could be better spent by picking on some other poor souls thread. All of the new types are not all goody goody, some of us are warrior/esse We are here for the purpose of protecting those who follow into this plane after us.If a person is here to ask respectful questions, that is fine. But if you are he to ridicule our beliefs, then maybe we could to simply push that brilliant piece of machinery on our home page; DELETE.

Internal Queries
24-03-2011, 05:44 PM
Now you want in on it, Internal Queries. I do not put myself above any other human on this planet. I have never been treated as a little special anything. I have grown to the age of 58 and survived everything that has been thrown at me. And I still get back up. And yes, since entering this earth plane I have met with many obstacles and overcome the majority of them. Your term"new Agey" I find offensive as I am a very old soul. Been here on this planet too many times to count. I am a lightbearer, I am a healer, I came in the 50's knowing that more like me would follow and I have met them along my path.I love challenges and I survive every challenge wiser and stronger."FREE RIDE" you say; you think that we have a free ride? How could we when so many ridicule,put us down at every chance, make a mockery of what our soul knows.
And how dare you to presume that any of us want to be treated like a "holy, little avatar? Chrysaetos tossed that one out several months ago.
I am really curious as to why don't you and the non-believers just leave us poor, little delusions folks alone. That way , we would not be taking any of your time that could be better spent by picking on some other poor souls thread. All of the new types are not all goody goody, some of us are warrior/esse We are here for the purpose of protecting those who follow into this plane after us.If a person is here to ask respectful questions, that is fine. But if you are he to ridicule our beliefs, then maybe we could to simply push that brilliant piece of machinery on our home page; DELETE.

you're 58 years old?! and you need some silly label to define yourself?!

lol i'm not a non-believer in the advancements of the human psyche. i'm just not a believer in silly ego inflating labels.

24-03-2011, 05:48 PM
you're 58 years old?! and you need some silly label to define yourself?!

lol i'm not a non-believer in the advancements of the human psyche. i'm just not a believer in silly ego inflating labels.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone is developing. Not just Indigos.

Everyone keeps using the basis that they don't feel they belong/ belonged as a defining thing for an Indigo.

I want to know who the heck did, growing up. Especially us sensitive types.

24-03-2011, 06:04 PM
Okay, Crhysaetos, we have been around this same barn more than once. The OP said it was a friendly place for those who BELIEVE in indigos, etc to be able to talk freely without meeting challenges every step of the way. Now what do you think is meant by that?Nope, I'm afraid you're referring to the wrong thread.

24-03-2011, 06:14 PM
I just have to write to all the people who just dont believe this, its absolutely true. It is not a "LABEL" its a real group of people. I know this to be a fact because of personal experience. I am actually an Indigo myself. All my life I felt different. I felt like I felt things more intensely, felt a lot of strange feelings, and just had different thoughts than the people around me. I always felt like this and it only intensified when I got out of high school. I went through a deep depression and had no idea why I felt so depressed. The world just did not interest me I didnt want that college, 9-5, kids, average life. I started getting into spirituality and that helped a lot. I remember one specific moment though where I was just alone with my thoughts and I was thinking about how I felt so different and I wondered if there were more people like me, and in that instant I got an answer but it didn't come from my thoughts. Its like someone speaking in my head said "Yes , there are more people like you and they have a name." I thought wow that'd be cool and didnt think much of it till lik 2 weeks later I found an article on Indigo Kids an read it. It resonated with me so much and made me understand why I am the way I am. It was great to finally understand myself better. To hear people say its just a label and all the other things they say is understandable but they have to realize that it is a very REAL phenomenon.

Chrsaetos, please reread what that person is truly SAYING TO US?.She believes that it is a true phenomenon. It is real to her. She has found a place that she feels part of, a group of similar people with whom she can connect with on a spiritual level.
Do you see her excitement and exuberance.? Do YOU have the right to try to take that all away from her? Who gave you permission? Let her learn about her self and the others who are like her. Stop inteferring where you are not needed. You are not the INDIGO POLICE. If you don't approve go make you own topic about how indigo's, star seed and avatars are all a big joke. I can guarentee that not one of us willl hound you for your beliefs.

24-03-2011, 06:15 PM
Please read the opening post again. The thread starter told us ''Indigo children'' are real, and gave her arguments. We as non-believers are allowed to discuss that.
Don't dictate me what I can and cannot question.

I never responded in the ''Indigo friendly thread'' out of respect to that thread starter.
The thread starter here has completely different intentions, it's about discussion/engagement..

Also, I was mentioning to you how society influenced the children of today, but I got no response..
Shame really as it's an interesting subject in line with this thread/subforum.

24-03-2011, 06:19 PM
Yeah. I believe there are valid points to be found in arguing against the Indigo ideas.

I am also, by all Indigo standards, an Indigo. So I love it when I am being told that I do not understand or can't relate, because you can quiz me up and down about my life and I can guarantee you I am definite Indigo material.

I just don't choose to put myself under that kind of limit. I am a soul. Not a certain "type" of soul.

24-03-2011, 06:45 PM
gee Angel3, not sure where you've been but we tree huggers have been trying to make people more aware of the environment for over 50 years. so now that preserving the environment has finally become the "in" thing all the environmental awareness should to be attributed to appearence of "Indigos"?

see? see? this is the kind fecal matter that irritates me about the Yadda Yadda Children meme. just regular nonIndigo people WORK for decades to invoke positive change and then suddenly a group of people, applying a cutesy new age label to themselves, get the credit simply by being born. PFFFFT!

someOne please point out to me exactly what "Indigos" actually do to make the world better.
Hmm... Did I hit a nerve? Like I said they may or may not be real, and their purpose may or may not be playing into helping the earth (on a deeper level or not). If their real,their real.. Honestly why sweat it?? If your so worrried about a group of people taking your credit, why bother doing the work. We (as in everybody) should be taking care of the earth because its what were suppose to do. I do my part, you don't see me running around screaming it. Anyway, if it makes people feel better about themselves why should it matter?! There is no evidence suggesting they are real, so whats the problem??? Let them live their life and you live yours :smile:

24-03-2011, 08:52 PM
Before I speak, Id like to point out that in my earlier post here, I began by recognisng the benefit that the poster had taken from finding a site about indigos. So I refuse to be put down in the posts that generalise non-believers.

Ive looked at indigo info and, like tragblack, Im everything an indigo is said to be...I have two children who would also be catagorised in this way.

Im not bothered about what other people believe generally. But indigo isn't a belief that individuals can choose. Its a system of diagnosis that involves everybody who fits that criteria...whether we like it or not.

The tone used in the title and opening statements of this thread are not sweet and innocent...they are forceful and are challenging anyone who doesnt believe the same as the writer. As I say, I can also see that perhaps the poster is just enthusiastic because they have found something positive.

BUT...I feel there is a need for people who adopt the label 'indigo' to consider the way its diagnostic nature effects those who do not want to be boxed and labelled in this way.

25-03-2011, 03:21 AM
Feeling special is one thng, but feeling MORE special than somebody else (whether indigo or not) and rubbing it in their face.... not so.
No matter what they did to you.

I think that poster was being sarcastic or maybe you missed it. I just don't get it If you aren't a Christian, do you then go to the Christian forum and attack their beliefs. If you don't believe in UFO's do you go to that site and bash them? And if you don't believe in the Muslim faith, do you hop on over there to pick that faith to pieces?
If someone believes in indigos that is their believe and should be able to talk about it without having to defend the fort. If you don't believe, then don't harass the people that do. I thought that we were supposed to have the right to post our beliefs here on this site, WITHOUT fear of being ridiculed.

25-03-2011, 03:27 AM
Please read the opening post again. The thread starter told us ''Indigo children'' are real, and gave her arguments. We as non-believers are allowed to discuss that.
Don't dictate me what I can and cannot question.

I never responded in the ''Indigo friendly thread'' out of respect to that thread starter.
The thread starter here has completely different intentions, it's about discussion/engagement..

Also, I was mentioning to you how society influenced the children of today, but I got no response..
Shame really as it's an interesting subject in line with this thread/subforum.

Only a small minority of kids are talked to about being indigos, not the vast number that you fear. Instead they get the wonderful labels of ADHD, ADD, ODD, Self Harmers, Borderline, psychotic, anti-social, mood D/O, delusional psychosis, and schizophrenic and Defiant D/O. Yep, you are right. Those LABELS are SO much better for kids to carry around.

25-03-2011, 04:03 AM
Only a small minority of kids are talked to about being indigos, not the vast number that you fear. Instead they get the wonderful labels of ADHD, ADD, ODD, Self Harmers, Borderline, psychotic, anti-social, mood D/O, delusional psychosis, and schizophrenic and Defiant D/O. Yep, you are right. Those LABELS are SO much better for kids to carry around.

Is how it works? Parents have a child who has some anomoly in brain chemistry... and say it's indigo?

25-03-2011, 04:15 AM
Before I speak, Id like to point out that in my earlier post here, I began by recognisng the benefit that the poster had taken from finding a site about indigos. So I refuse to be put down in the posts that generalise non-believers.

Yes one finds a site that says a bunch of very nice things and the reader goes 'oh that sounds like me'....

Ive looked at indigo info and, like tragblack, Im everything an indigo is said to be...I have two children who would also be catagorised in this way.

Everyone would find their characteristics in such a site, generalizations are easily applied to one's self.

Im not bothered about what other people believe generally. But indigo isn't a belief that individuals can choose. Its a system of diagnosis that involves everybody who fits that criteria...whether we like it or not.

It's a bunch of stuff you read on the internet really...

The tone used in the title and opening statements of this thread are not sweet and innocent...they are forceful and are challenging anyone who doesnt believe the same as the writer. As I say, I can also see that perhaps the poster is just enthusiastic because they have found something positive.

BUT...I feel there is a need for people who adopt the label 'indigo' to consider the way its diagnostic nature effects those who do not want to be boxed and labelled in this way.

Well I'm not indigo so I am being disfunctional. I feel out of place because I don't fit in to 'indigo'. I don't fit in that so I might go see if I'm a 'star child', perhaps a 'rainbow'... it just becomes a lot of weird names for a lot of weird groups... gets a bit silly ay?

25-03-2011, 07:26 AM
Only a small minority of kids are talked to about being indigos, not the vast number that you fear. Instead they get the wonderful labels of ADHD, ADD, ODD, Self Harmers, Borderline, psychotic, anti-social, mood D/O, delusional psychosis, and schizophrenic and Defiant D/O. Yep, you are right. Those LABELS are SO much better for kids to carry around.

Summerland, these are not traits of indigo, these are labels that identify individual challenges. I would agree that the way society deals with these challenges needs reassessing. But a child cutting themselves with razor blades is labelled self harming because the label recognises this behaviour as harmful. Similarly the label 'attention deficit disorder' recognises that to a child who cannot hold their attention in one place finds it difficult to walk in an ordered environment. The labels have nothing to do with negative fears and connotations associated to them. Difficulties do not go away because we close our eyes to them and call them something different. A label is functional, it is something to work with towards an understanding, not something to hold onto beyond that understanding.

25-03-2011, 07:30 AM
Yes one finds a site that says a bunch of very nice things and the reader goes 'oh that sounds like me'....

Everyone would find their characteristics in such a site, generalizations are easily applied to one's self.

It's a bunch of stuff you read on the internet really...

Well I'm not indigo so I am being disfunctional. I feel out of place because I don't fit in to 'indigo'. I don't fit in that so I might go see if I'm a 'star child', perhaps a 'rainbow'... it just becomes a lot of weird names for a lot of weird groups... gets a bit silly ay?
Gem, your points are over-excited and dont relate to what Ive written beyond the reactionary style. At the moment, this argument has got 'silly' and is beginning to draw on extremes of for and against. How about bringing it down to views that are perhaps a bit more developed...with a view to understanding the difficulties as one?

25-03-2011, 07:47 AM
i wonder if it ever occurs to new agey special children that they might be here on this planet to learn something.

this thread has certainly taken off ... so i am currently two pages behind

from my experience , i think , the 'current' times we reincarnate back into ,
are more about achieving (manifesting our intent/plan) than they are about learning

we've done our learning phase ... now its a 'do it' phase ... imo

this answer ties in also with 'how' the indigos are different generationally ... for we who came before them , prepared an opportunity for an 'easier do' , so to speak .... with no need to reinvent the wheel ...they get to reinvent the chassis

25-03-2011, 11:42 AM
Summerland, these are not traits of indigo, these are labels that identify individual challenges. I would agree that the way society deals with these challenges needs reassessing. But a child cutting themselves with razor blades is labelled self harming because the label recognises this behaviour as harmful. Similarly the label 'attention deficit disorder' recognises that to a child who cannot hold their attention in one place finds it difficult to walk in an ordered environment. The labels have nothing to do with negative fears and connotations associated to them. Difficulties do not go away because we close our eyes to them and call them something different. A label is functional, it is something to work with towards an understanding, not something to hold onto beyond that understanding.

I have worked in behavioral services for 14 years now and I know what the DSMV criteria is for each diagnosis.
Have at it and have fun.Not being a bad sport , simply tired of talking about a worn out subject. We have all been around this barn, chasing each other with our opinions on this for over a year, that I am aware of. That is more than enough time for me to ignore this issue here on the forum from this point forward.

25-03-2011, 12:53 PM
I think Indigo kids are just the next generation, plain and simple. They have different veiws on things, they dont like " the old way" of things. Look in school, I can speak from experience that my generation and those after me HATE the social structure of school. Kids dont get a chance to speak their mind, if they do they get labled "defiant" or "ADD". The same goes if a student stands up for their beliefs. More and more kids are doing this in school, and the older generation that are used to "rrespect", cant handle the kids free minds becasue it goes against their upbringing of respecting and believeing everything an adult tells you.

Ive read up a bit on Indigo kids, and Like others here, I can say i fit into more then 90% of what is labeled as "Indigo".

The thing with labeling people as stupid, indigo, ADD, etfc, is that you instantly seperate them, and create areas of "better or worse". Labeling something as Indigo, makes it sound like its better then everyone else. What ever happened to telling your kid that they are special no matter what?

Many things get misdiagnosed as ADD. Its the most misdiagnosed "ailment" for kids. I know many people who have been labeled ADD. And not even being a dr I can tell that they dont even need to be medicated. They are just outspoken people, induviduals, people needing attention or all of the above. Out of the 20 people i know that have been diagnosed with ADD, only one of them actualy fits into the description. The rest of them, are "normal", outspoken, induviduals.

And even at that, what do you expect a kid to do when they get no attention from their parents? They get babysat, and preschooled, when they get home, the parents cook, and clean, by then its 7 or 8 oclock, and the kids are off to bed. The kids dont even get a chance to get attention from most parents these days because most of them are too busy with their own lives. People can deny this all they want, but ive seen this become more and more true every single day. And even at that, most kids get negative attention when they get it. Being yelled at, being put on a leash. The kid is running around and being bad becaue theyve learned thats the only way to get their parents attention.

But really, in the case of indigo kids, most kids are indigo if you look at the "symptoms". But all kids are special. All kids deserved to be nurtured liek they are then next einstien, or betoveen. Ive worked in customor service for 10 years, in the mall, and other stores, i see parents and kids everywhere. All they want is to learn, and to be loved by their parents.

A great example, is a tv show I seen. 3 actors, 2 adult men, and one young boy. The dad was "manly", leather jacket, scruffy face, etc. But his son, was wearing a dress, and was buying barbies. The third actor, was supposed to make a big deal out of it, and see the publcs reaction. Most of the men that werent actors, made a huge deal with it " what about what other kids and people think" etc. While the dad was saying " if it makes him happy who cares". Most fo the people were too worried abotu what people thought of the kid, then whether or not the kid was actualy happy.

Whether Indigo kids are real or not, all kids should be brought up like they are the most special kid in the world.

25-03-2011, 01:05 PM
Gem, your points are over-excited and dont relate to what Ive written beyond the reactionary style. At the moment, this argument has got 'silly' and is beginning to draw on extremes of for and against. How about bringing it down to views that are perhaps a bit more developed...with a view to understanding the difficulties as one?

Difficulties of an indigo? How could I, a random coloured person possibly know?

I'm not excited about it. Children don't bother with these indigo rainbow crystal things, adults do. Adults read some internet thingy and go 'That's me', or they look at their child and 'that's my child'...

25-03-2011, 01:34 PM
I have worked in behavioral services for 14 years now and I know what the DSMV criteria is for each diagnosis.
Have at it and have fun.Not being a bad sport , simply tired of talking about a worn out subject. We have all been around this barn, chasing each other with our opinions on this for over a year, that I am aware of. That is more than enough time for me to ignore this issue here on the forum from this point forward.
You come from an entirely different country to me summerland...so no, I dont understand the american system and have no idea what DSMV is or what you do for a living. However, its not about being a bad sport, because this isn't a sport, it is something that effects peoples lives and has the potential to effect our childrens future.

Now, I have not been on this discussion for years, and I am not simply pulling faces at the other side. Ive been polite in giving discussion points that may help the conversation from going round and round in circles.

If you could pick up the actual points Ive made and take the time to try to give qualified information, it could move the argument toward greater understanding.

You were willing enough to respond to people just shouting from the other side....but when a balanced and reasonable argument has been put forward, you say you cant be bothered anymore.

Difficulties of an indigo? How could I, a random coloured person possibly know?

I'm not excited about it. Children don't bother with these indigo rainbow crystal things, adults do. Adults read some internet thingy and go 'That's me', or they look at their child and 'that's my child'...

Gem...no, I meant difficulties for some, in understanding why people are attracted to this phenomena and equally, difficulties for those people to understand why people may feel passionately against it.

Both yourself and summerland here, are demonstrating a style of discussion that is just making ridiculous claims from the other side of the playground (re. summerlands reference to sport). You dont have to agree with the other to find some level of understanding and compassion for why they feel the way they do.....Its that depth of understanding that bears the possibilities for change.

25-03-2011, 05:29 PM
All young people are rebellious. Our generation is more allowed to do so than previous generations.
Many parents these days are products of the 60's and later, so they're pretty liberal and try to listen more to their kids. It was different before that (At least in many European countries).

Our society has created the environment that makes the kids behave like they do. It's not coming from the heavens..
It's explainable with historical and cultural facts..

25-03-2011, 11:13 PM
well ,

as a parent , the (basically) first thing i did was give the kids permission to say NO

if they gave me some supporting evidence to back up their "no" request ... well , we reopened discussions

many times , of course , i still had my way , on the 'battles' that i chose as important to win ... but correspondingly they won enough of those 'battles' to learn the benifit of well thought out structured goal/intent/understanding both sides of a story setting

my daughter is 15 , my son is 17 ... and i could not be prouder

two independant , inclusive , outspoken but respectful kids (positive leaders) who are not afraid (coz they are/were well practiced in a supportive environment ) at saying NO

and dad , has two kids , plus their mates who have no problem with expressing their angst / issues , needs and wins in front of and with me

what generation gap ?

if anything 'goes down' , at any hour ...most of the kids (daughters peer group especially)have my phone # ... the deal is ... if i can , i'll be there , we'll get things sorted THEN , after a sleep , we'll discuss the issues around informing parents etc etc

am i the only one who lives in a commonsense world ?
.... it seems like it sometimes

there are huge benefits (long and short term) in the ability to deliver a POSITIVE NO.

25-03-2011, 11:26 PM
All young people are rebellious. Our generation is more allowed to do so than previous generations.
Many parents these days are products of the 60's and later, so they're pretty liberal and try to listen more to their kids. It was different before that (At least in many European countries).

Our society has created the environment that makes the kids behave like they do. It's not coming from the heavens..
It's explainable with historical and cultural facts..
Although they are perhaps a bit undeveloped (all young people???). I think chrisaetos suggestion that this 'evolution' is cultural and not some strange auric or spiritual difference is a valid point of perception.

26-03-2011, 12:16 PM
I feel so new to this planet , im what you call a Star person.

26-03-2011, 12:42 PM
We all originated from the universe kuregu....but I think reading this thread, lots of people here dont want to be 'called' anything except for a human name....Im Heather, and Id be very pleased to get to know you Kureigu as you are new and old.

Internal Queries
26-03-2011, 07:31 PM
Hmm... Did I hit a nerve? Like I said they may or may not be real, and their purpose may or may not be playing into helping the earth (on a deeper level or not). If their real,their real.. Honestly why sweat it?? If your so worrried about a group of people taking your credit, why bother doing the work. We (as in everybody) should be taking care of the earth because its what were suppose to do. I do my part, you don't see me running around screaming it. Anyway, if it makes people feel better about themselves why should it matter?! There is no evidence suggesting they are real, so whats the problem??? Let them live their life and you live yours :smile:

well Angels3, you didn't exactly hit a nerve but you did sprinkle some itching powder on an already irritated area. and Summerland didn't help by answering my "what do Indigos do" question with "we're more this" and "we're more that" while adding the disclaimer that "Indigos" don't consider themselves "special" despite believing themselves to be "more this" and "more that". yeah right.

why should i care that "Yadda Yadda Children" have decided to set up yet more labeled divisions and spiritual hierarchies? lol because such ego trips activate my ego trip and my ego trip would have me seek to prevent or at least mitigate the further subdividing of the human collective into elitist subgroupings. when otherwise enlightened folks decide to separate themselves from me via some absurd brand labeling it hurts my feelings. it hurts my feelings because "Yadda Yadda Children" memes undermine the foundations of the very evolutionary leap they claim to be manifesting. "Indigos" et al stall the leap at inception. their insistance on specialty ego labels erects walls of differentiation at the very crux of humanity's failure to be inclusive and One with ourSelves and thus the Yadda Yadda's become that failure in and of themselves.

just think ... if "Indigos" didn't insist on being "special" and labeling themselves "Indigos" this whole debate wouldn't be happening, i'd not be irritated and derisive and maybe we'd be talking about more important stuff than the validity "Indigo" specialness.

the more we humans change the more we stay the same. **sigh**

27-03-2011, 12:19 AM
nice read :smile:

won me over

how about the bit where by 'being something' ie , "Yadda Yadda Children" memes undermine the foundations of the very evolutionary leap they claim to be manifesting. "Indigos" et al stall the leap at inception. their insistance on specialty ego labels erects walls of differentiation at the very crux of humanity's failure to be inclusive and One with ourSelves and thus the Yadda Yadda's become that failure in and of themselves.

they are actually holding a mirror to themselves ... invoking the rememberance

this is a pretty weird , organised and difficult to extract yourself from socially engineered paradigm they've parachuted into

if there s blame to oportion , shouldn't we be looking back at my crowd ?


27-03-2011, 10:23 AM
love a love day



Apakhana Akshobhya
28-03-2011, 03:00 AM
Internal Queries,

Don't even try, I have tried before. If people want to believe in a Barnum's Syndrome but they aren't hurting themselves or anyone else then I've found it's best to just let them be. People have to awaken to the light of realization on their own. Until the penny drops for them, it's not worth getting invovled.

Internal Queries
28-03-2011, 04:43 AM
Internal Queries,

Don't even try, I have tried before. If people want to believe in a Barnum's Syndrome but they aren't hurting themselves or anyone else then I've found it's best to just let them be. People have to awaken to the light of realization on their own. Until the penny drops for them, it's not worth getting invovled.

yeah, i suppose i already knew that but i guess just needed to try. i thought if a 100th purple monkey had a light bulb moment maybe the rest of the purple monkeys would get a glimmer too. ah well. **sigh**

28-03-2011, 07:57 AM
Indigo and Star children are special and unique!

Just like everyone else! :tongue:

Love and Light

28-03-2011, 11:35 PM
lol @ purple monkeys


30-05-2011, 10:26 PM
I think you are special! I think that about everyone... At every phase of the earth's evolution -there will be children born - (as long as humanity can survive on the earth, that is). As the earth evolves and alters its frequency souls that require that particular frequency to evolve will incarnate during that time. "Like attracts Like" therefore earth frequency blue print - attracts soul frequency blue print. We are born during the particular frequency patterns that will assist us the most in our evolution. There will be similarities with those who have chosen similar time frames. There will be similarities in the challenges, the gifts, and the lessons. Thats really what its all about. The new age is making a fortune off of it.

30-05-2011, 11:13 PM
I have a theory - Opinions appreciated.

I resonated with the Indigo Children Concept 2 years ago when I heard discussions about this new breed?

I do not resonate with the Author's other books though. I'd narrow down to just 1 or 2 books by the author Doreen Virtue - who's books/passages led me to the Indigo Concept.

If I dared to define Indigo Breed in my own words I think I'd use the following words in the now.. maybe my definitions will change with your opinions if they resonated with my life experiences?

Indigos are souls that are sent to earth in this period of time with life lessons surrounding the third eye chakra where they are meant to clear debt/chakras through the following...

1)Finding the environment unpleasant
2)Shedding tears over sad memories
3)Finding their self imperfect
4)Unpleasant anger inducing flash backs
5)Sometimes things seem more ugly to them than they would appear to others (the ones who are not of the Indigo or Third eye chakra frequency in this period of time)
8)Illness like migraines, sinusities, eyesight defects, problems tolerating news as they trigger passive fury within them?, etc
9)There is also a major Root chakra contribution here (Anger and feelings of Paralysis, rigidity, inability to free oneself from bondage)
10)There is also a major Crown chakra contribution here since most Indigos love God, an agnostic or atheist indigo is rare. Everytime this person suffers they remember God and pray for help. This takes them further close to the source. High sensitivity - Nothing ever suits them - Designer clothes don't look as gorgeous as they'd like them to be - Water PH never suits their health - sunlight causes stubborn skin problems - All indigos have a problem being active in daylight - Sometimes medicines, cosmetics, ointments, therapies just won't work like they are supposed to or like they work for Non-Indigos - Their psyches are more sensitive than their bodies - They might be bad tempered but most of them have no way of releasing it on others - They all tend to focus anger towards themselves.

At the moment I can only remember these 11 points which I have experienced personally and which seem to be predominant in other Indigos.

I think, the fact or concept that says - "Indigo like temperament Always existed but is getting Noticed now" is true but time is the key here? Like, the ones born in this period of time are the ones who have been sent to specifically do something for the society.

And I feel, every soul is born in the Indigo Vibration in this period of time. All of us? So the discussion about them being around us for ages is surrounding the time factor perhaps? Indigo Vibration would be a state of existence aligned with the above mentioned 11 points plus a few more but the person here goes through this life experience for a Global/Universal cause - for mankind's betterment - while the Indigo Temperament carrying people who were Not Noticed In The Past are the ones who suffered their personal sufferings for a rather Personal Cause.

Opinions welcome. I have not read much about them although. Just a few excerpts available online from the author's books. But the things I have analysed and acknowledged were the ones that made sense and resonated to my personal life experience and I have always wanted to fight for justice or do something just for people. A constructive Indigo in this period of time is ultimately what is the requirement. Is it wrong for these constructive Indigos to take a break from sadness, suffering and celebrate group oneness once in a while. It aches to be called (proud of carrying a label) when it is actually (a sort of honour for the burdens they have been carrying for years without knowing about the actual purpose?). Sometimes pride can be healing when it has been an earned Pride? I feel if someone feels a concept is wrong they need to soften or cushion their point keeping in mind the opponent's state of existence? If someone calls them an Indigo is it not obvious that they have actually suffered all the mentioned traits under the "Indigo Label" for years and have discovered that there are people like them? Is it not a cause for Celebration? Why are we mourning here in this thread then?

I am open to compassionate opinions though. As the object of any discussion/debate is not winning an argument but learning and being able to perceive every aspect of the theme/topic. And when the aspects are presented in a bearable and compassionate format they are worth consideration? (If you can't handle the truth then you need help) is not a compassionate way of saying (I am sorry my speech is harsh or too true or too factual). But when in a society, we need to keep in mind the heart first and then the mind and finally the Ego?

Read the bold. Now I see what people have been saying all along...it's just like the "master" numbers in numerology...or the spiritual "masters"...very hidden meanings...

03-06-2011, 09:05 PM
I support the Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal Children and hope that they grow and bloom like a flower in this Negative World.. It is not an easy world to survive for the sensitives.

God bless you and keep you safe..

10-06-2011, 07:46 PM
What we create is real. But how real is it? Is life real? How can we possibly comprehend that which is incomprehensible? How deep can you go. How much can you discard without dying? Why must you have the belief that Indigoes are real? Let it all go and it ceases to matter.

Apakhana Akshobhya
11-06-2011, 03:25 AM
What we create is real. But how real is it?

Depends on the quantities of subjectivity and objectivity, our comprehension of the natures of both those things, and how accurate we are able to interpret impressions received as feedback from those elements within what we create.

How can we possibly comprehend that which is incomprehensible?

Through transcendence.

How deep can you go.

Lol. Depends on how shallow the issue.

14-06-2011, 07:36 AM
I'm not much interested in labels like this..... They used to call us Witches and we took a lot of heat, literally for it. But it's nothing new.... However, because of the amplification of the Light, which is being called the "Quickening" that is happening at this time..... and how that effects souls in the death state between lives these days..... there are a heck of a lot more that are exposing themselves. I chose those words carefully. It's not easy to explain in a few words but, with the amplification of the Light, especially in the Death period I call the "in Between time" the changes are so huge.... it's like we been plodding along for a thousand years or whatever taking these normal little steps, and since they aren't really huge steps..... we can keep up with ourselves...... The folks they are now calling Indigo's have difficulty "keeping up with themselves....HMMM???? OK, as the intensity of our personal Light increases...or you could say as our vibration raises..... the rest of our totality has to keep up with this increase, and historically it hasn't been a problem cuz we been movin along at a slow and steady pace. But now you got these souls whose light has outrun so to speak, the expression, the manifestations of that Light we refer to as "ourselves". SO Indigo's are much more aware now, of their differences.... because actually it's difficult for them. Keeping up with the ever growing increase in the Light Body can create problems because there aren't really enough teachers around to help these folks out....and they sure don't teach it in school.... and when your family and peers are almost totally clueless in understanding how they perceive the world..... it's a difficult row to hoe. Luckily this Quickening has been going on long enough that now some of these souls....have family, who do understand.... Man I would have loved that, nuthin like scaring the **** out of your parents.....doesn't make for a very tight bond... he he
So we have these folks, kinda like when any group finally starts gettin able to speak out... Like when the women got the vote, and black folks were standing up for themselves after being put down so long.. So you be sayin, Hey....I'm an Indigo.... Like back when I was in school, be saying, Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm proud.... Course I wasn't Black......wished I was, white folks didn't seem to have a lot of soul.... I digress....
So I don't have much use for the term myself though I'm sure I'd be considered one..... just been burned too many times havin labels like that stuck to me.... but I respect those who are Sayin it out Loud.
Not Special..... just different.......
Cuz it's all Special.

14-06-2011, 09:33 AM
An apricot isin't a peach but they both taste good. Both come from a tree, That comes from earth with roots in the ground.

I'm learning there isn't much difference in anything. Only some perceptions, interpretations and learning to live with them without judging and or holding negative tones towards another. Serves me no purpose or benefit to do so.

Bright Blessings :color:

29-06-2011, 02:57 AM
It's crazy that people say that indigos think they are special. If you knew about indigos you would know that they feel different from everyone else. Not in a hey look at me I'm better than you. It's more like a I don't feel like I'm like everyone else. Just different. The earth is changing for the better which makes us as human beings changing with her. That's why there will be different groups of people with different soul qualities. We all come to earth to do something. We all make our special mark on earth. Some just come to help earth and everyone with their love. To help earth raise her vibration. We are all special. We are all one.

29-06-2011, 04:34 AM
Well said Violet....

29-06-2011, 06:02 AM
well I am not sure what color my aura is but according to this lovely quiz
it's in the blue/purple pool.. 9 lavenders and 8 of violet and blue (tho I got 5 6s as well)
but I am quite certain I have a red overlay. I've never seen auras or don't really know much about them or if they even really exist since I haven't seen with my own eyes.. but when I was a teen my sister was into that stuff and said she saw some anyways..
I imagine it is a real thing but still.. anyways hehe I can feel the negativity seeping below my red overlay I guess.. I thought it was this rotting tooth I have (sorry for being grotesque, especially for a lavender lol but I alas I can't help it cuz of my red overlay that I hope to be rid of soon) well I guess my physical condition is sort of indicative of my psychic condition.. the tooth will be pulled soon and my other remaining teeth will be taken care of so I plan to heal all my dumb issues I've hung onto after that physical health is taken care of..
though sadly I'm afraid when they put fillings and whatever on the other teeth that it'll just be like a coverup again like the red overlay only the symbolic meaning will be even more lay.. well maybe dentists always drill away the bad parts before they cover the tooth up.. *sigh* I shouldn't be thinking about things like this... I'm pretty troubled if that hasn't been illustrated already lol.. and I have smoked some so haha I am a bit odder than usual.

well I relate more to the written description of violet than that of lavender but I guess reading the lavender description on that site reminds me of Astrology and makes me think that it of course is not that clear cut and dry.. I guess people who know about it already know that :tongue:

all in all there are a lot of ways to be defined.. and many are pretty exciting but the thing is that most people are extraordinary. Many people are awesomely creative but that doesn't mean they're indigo children.. I sure feel different than everyone.. and I guess I probably do moreso than many, but still there are many people who feel different. and there are other things aside from Indigoness that dictate that variety of difference. not every person capable of making great thought-provoking and consuming paintings or poems is eccentric and different seeming than most other "normal" people..

yknow from an Astrological standpoint most Indigo children must have similar planetary aspects in at least a couple; such as Pluto in Sagittarius or whatever.. and though it takes years for the planet to transit (if I know what I'm talking about) the planet was in other signs before so that may explain why some older people but a much fewer amount is Indigo.. if Indigo is a real thing :wink: ok lol I guess I've went on enough hehe

15-07-2011, 04:46 PM
Indeed, they are! *giggles* ;)

002 Cents
27-07-2011, 05:14 PM
Thanks for sharing the quiz here are my results:

Indigo: 9
Violet: 8
Green: 8
Logical Tan: 6

Red Overlay: 5

No clue what all that means.

lost Alice
24-08-2011, 12:13 PM
I'll drink to that andrew g ;)

25-08-2011, 08:13 AM
I simply see no point in all these new labels of the "Star seed" generation.

Although I for a fact know that many of them are people who truly feel different, may have had some mystic experience without even searching for it, and then one day come across the information about star seeds and suddenly felt connected to the information given about Indigo or any of the other kinds they speak of.

In the same time I think the same person may have felt the same connection if he/she came across a book on Kundalini risings, Mystical experiences etc etc.

I also think some people just want to be special, as always, and they'll one day suddenly be Indigo, as well as they could have turned out Vampire or something else that might had inspired them on the road enough to make their ego feel connected to it.

I simply don't believe we are like from other planets or that we are so very different. I have a much more Buddhistic view of us as a whole, where there is no separa soul, eventhough consciousness lives on and is eternal. And where we all practically are the same, it's just the content of what we carry with us that differs us from each-other, and last, that we all can reach the same inherent understanding, wisdom, compassion and liberation, although some may have to walk longer than others due to the weight they carry.

Indigo is just a label, and I've seen it's true alot of the claimed star seeds do nothing more than complain about how hard it is to be a star seed.
And no matter what label one prefer to carries, I think those who genuinely got a mystical experience where the suddenly felt connected to all and everything, felt who they really are and suddenly felt tremendous joy for how they never could be alone again, same time as enormous sadness for all the people on the street not waken up yet. I think they better focus on not clinging to the powerful emotions during a kundalini rise like that and instead let their energies flow without labeling, separating or clinging to the experience, since it will only slow them down.

Also, coming out happily one day after waking up expressing the joy to the world may be devastating, since the world around them will not understand from pure words, and there's a risk that close ones will eventually break you down by constantly finding solutions for your "new born self", or even claim you're insane, bipolar or whatever. (Ask me, I broke down my gf when she one day came and claimed to be an Indigo and my ego was not ready for any change and protected itself the best it could, same time claiming it did help her as well.. Well, she landed... But not the way she should have done...)

No matter labels, there has always been mystical spiritual feelings and connections between people, this is far from new and People all around the world, from the Shamans in the Deep Amazons to the Yogis on the foot of Himalaya and the Sindus valley have known this for thousands and thousands of years.
And to me, this new labeling system is unnecessary, since it creates more separation, more confusion, and more egotism than liberation and compassion...

25-08-2011, 09:49 PM
I simply see no point in all these new labels of the "Star seed" generation.

Although I for a fact know that many of them are people who truly feel different, may have had some mystic experience without even searching for it, and then one day come across the information about star seeds and suddenly felt connected to the information given about Indigo or any of the other kinds they speak of.

In the same time I think the same person may have felt the same connection if he/she came across a book on Kundalini risings, Mystical experiences etc etc.

I also think some people just want to be special, as always, and they'll one day suddenly be Indigo, as well as they could have turned out Vampire or something else that might had inspired them on the road enough to make their ego feel connected to it.

I simply don't believe we are like from other planets or that we are so very different. I have a much more Buddhistic view of us as a whole, where there is no separa soul, eventhough consciousness lives on and is eternal. And where we all practically are the same, it's just the content of what we carry with us that differs us from each-other, and last, that we all can reach the same inherent understanding, wisdom, compassion and liberation, although some may have to walk longer than others due to the weight they carry.

Indigo is just a label, and I've seen it's true alot of the claimed star seeds do nothing more than complain about how hard it is to be a star seed.
And no matter what label one prefer to carries, I think those who genuinely got a mystical experience where the suddenly felt connected to all and everything, felt who they really are and suddenly felt tremendous joy for how they never could be alone again, same time as enormous sadness for all the people on the street not waken up yet. I think they better focus on not clinging to the powerful emotions during a kundalini rise like that and instead let their energies flow without labeling, separating or clinging to the experience, since it will only slow them down.

Also, coming out happily one day after waking up expressing the joy to the world may be devastating, since the world around them will not understand from pure words, and there's a risk that close ones will eventually break you down by constantly finding solutions for your "new born self", or even claim you're insane, bipolar or whatever. (Ask me, I broke down my gf when she one day came and claimed to be an Indigo and my ego was not ready for any change and protected itself the best it could, same time claiming it did help her as well.. Well, she landed... But not the way she should have done...)

No matter labels, there has always been mystical spiritual feelings and connections between people, this is far from new and People all around the world, from the Shamans in the Deep Amazons to the Yogis on the foot of Himalaya and the Sindus valley have known this for thousands and thousands of years.
And to me, this new labeling system is unnecessary, since it creates more separation, more confusion, and more egotism than liberation and compassion...
The image i get after reading this post is a fridge full of jars, looks like mayo, looks like jam, looks like chutney but without a lable smack bang on it the human minds needs a to identify it regardless that it looks like what it actually is.
What is it.....A blessings that you have some damn food in your fridge!

25-08-2011, 10:24 PM
I simply see no point in all these new labels of the "Star seed" generation.

Although I for a fact know that many of them are people who truly feel different, may have had some mystic experience without even searching for it, and then one day come across the information about star seeds and suddenly felt connected to the information given about Indigo or any of the other kinds they speak of.

In the same time I think the same person may have felt the same connection if he/she came across a book on Kundalini risings, Mystical experiences etc etc.

I also think some people just want to be special, as always, and they'll one day suddenly be Indigo, as well as they could have turned out Vampire or something else that might had inspired them on the road enough to make their ego feel connected to it.

I simply don't believe we are like from other planets or that we are so very different. I have a much more Buddhistic view of us as a whole, where there is no separa soul, eventhough consciousness lives on and is eternal. And where we all practically are the same, it's just the content of what we carry with us that differs us from each-other, and last, that we all can reach the same inherent understanding, wisdom, compassion and liberation, although some may have to walk longer than others due to the weight they carry.

Indigo is just a label, and I've seen it's true alot of the claimed star seeds do nothing more than complain about how hard it is to be a star seed.
And no matter what label one prefer to carries, I think those who genuinely got a mystical experience where the suddenly felt connected to all and everything, felt who they really are and suddenly felt tremendous joy for how they never could be alone again, same time as enormous sadness for all the people on the street not waken up yet. I think they better focus on not clinging to the powerful emotions during a kundalini rise like that and instead let their energies flow without labeling, separating or clinging to the experience, since it will only slow them down.

Also, coming out happily one day after waking up expressing the joy to the world may be devastating, since the world around them will not understand from pure words, and there's a risk that close ones will eventually break you down by constantly finding solutions for your "new born self", or even claim you're insane, bipolar or whatever. (Ask me, I broke down my gf when she one day came and claimed to be an Indigo and my ego was not ready for any change and protected itself the best it could, same time claiming it did help her as well.. Well, she landed... But not the way she should have done...)

No matter labels, there has always been mystical spiritual feelings and connections between people, this is far from new and People all around the world, from the Shamans in the Deep Amazons to the Yogis on the foot of Himalaya and the Sindus valley have known this for thousands and thousands of years.
And to me, this new labeling system is unnecessary, since it creates more separation, more confusion, and more egotism than liberation and compassion...

Great post and so true :)

25-08-2011, 11:21 PM
The label helps as well.

Spiritually it gives an alternative label than the psychological ones. It gets people talking and sharing and less likely to medicate their 'problem' child. It changes the perception.

How do you live in a world that would rather silence the strong willed energetic child?

Don't be so quick to down play it. I have believed my youngest an indigo from the time she could crawl. I haven't gi en her 'special' treatment, but the tips and tricks out there have helped me immensly. When others have pushed me to medicate her, I changed her diet. When others wanted counceling I bought her oil paints.

Without the label, I would not have a happy pretty well adjusted child. I would have been lost.

Its not a greater or lesser thing, took me forever to give her the term. I just recently showed her information on it. Do you know for the first time she was in awe that thete wasn't something wrong with her?

I wish the labels had not scared me so much, and I did it sooner.

Its not the label, its the way of life. I am not an indigo nor is my oldest child. The only way I got it, was the new 'label' created which I found by accident. Lol

With anything spiritual its not in the word used but what you do with the knowledge that matters.

26-08-2011, 12:12 AM
So True !!

With anything spiritual its not in the word used but what you do with the knowledge that matters.

Our life is what we create with it.

I am very fond of the Kryon material. It states that our children are becoming more conceptual. I suspect that is why so many of them need to be medicated to get through our educational systems.

I am not an indigo either. Yet I have been conditioned to support our mutual mission, to evolve humanity and bring peace and well being to all.

In my view, so have you.


26-08-2011, 04:57 AM
Thank you john. It shows in you too!


27-08-2011, 10:25 AM
Don't be so quick to down play it. I have believed my youngest an indigo from the time she could crawl. I haven't gi en her 'special' treatment, but the tips and tricks out there have helped me immensly. When others have pushed me to medicate her, I changed her diet. When others wanted counceling I bought her oil paints.

Without the label, I would not have a happy pretty well adjusted child. I would have been lost.

In cases like this I can only agree
The worst people to judge a label are the psychiatry. I believe the majority of psychiatrists and other doctors to want the best for everyone, but I don't believe their labeling system always helps, especially when it comes to people diagnosed with ADHD/ADD/Asperger etc etc.
I don't believe medications to be the best solution. And I don't believe there's something wrong with these children/people.

I know so many Aspergers and ADD/ADHD, and though they may differ from the majority of people in some small ways, like not knowing when it's "time to be quiet" or "when to say what", hasty aggression or other small social "misbehavior" (compared to the norm...) , they can also be the winners in so many other situation. Like for example self-honesty, Openness, no wall against emotions, loving with true compassion or bigger things like a complete different perception of the world as a whole in a spiritually positive way etc etc.

And again this labeling system makes these people "sick", since they are not equal to the norm, and the majority will always be "right" in the eyes of the majority.
And this is quite world-wide. Some people I know have claimed that people in Buddhist countries like Thailand don't suffer from mental illnesses, depressions and anxiety the same way we do. Well, I live 50/50 in Thailand, and they do suffer as much as us, but there it's even worse, cause although they may almost be free from a labeling system in this manner (except insane/not insane, or depression/not depression etc...) they instead ignore the different people (except those who have strong handicap which they take pity on), but for example someone with a lighter form of Autism will probably be viewed as just weird for all his/her life and people will simply avoid him/her.
We have a woman that used to take naked showers in the fountain not far from our building, and there wasn't a soul who saw her, she's just "baa"(crazy) in the eye of the Thai and will probably never be seen for who she is. The only way to reach out there without being labeled as crazy is to go through Buddhism and speak through the words of Buddhism.

When I was a kid I was in a Waldorf School (Rodulf Steiner/Atroposophy School). My teachers thought I may have ADHD/ADD or something else and took it up with my mom, and they decided to check me, but not to the usual psyche-doc but this one was connected to Waldorf/Antoprosophy somehow (I don't know how, I was so young and can hardly remember, and haven't asked that much about it afterwards).
After some questions and some speaking with that guy I in later years got to know that he came to the conclusion that I was not a ADHD/ADD kid, but a Melancholy, whatever that's supposed to mean. I'm not sure he's right or wrong. And I feel perfectly fine except my balance is out of shape even though I train yoga daily (I'm crossed-body or whatever it's called in English, left footed and Right handed, and that may be a reason to my problem with balance on one foot for example, I don't know, only my own theories)

Well to make a long off-topic story short, I agree that there are cases when these new labels may be good and handy and more true, compared with the old ones that may have been given. But I still believe labels overall to be a waste of time and to in the end create more confusion, distraction or egotism. And that goes for all labels of us based on being and behavior or just living.

Two good quotes:
"If you understand, things are just as they are....
If you do not understand, things are just as they are..."


"The quieter you become, the more you can hear"

First, how we label people doesn't change them, so it would be better to just accept them for who they are, which seems too hard for the norm.
Secondly, it may provide more distraction, and my Zen/Mindfulness/Tao way of view tells me that it may close our openness towards ourselves and instead take written words and connect ourselves to them, and by that miss some parts of who we truly are as well as add some part from the new label we just found.
We are all unique, and still we are all basically the same...

Indigo Student
29-08-2011, 07:44 AM
If you do enough research, you wil find that there is a genetic mutation common among the Crystal Children generation (which I am not). This is not abnormal, nor is it "special", it is simply evolution and it is always going to happen. Ever met someone with Autism? Can you drink milk without lactose intolerance? Well, that's a genetic mutation too. It's as simple as that.