View Full Version : My pendulums stopped moving.

02-12-2018, 07:28 PM
This is my first post. Years ago I was interested in tumbled stones, geodes and pendulums, and I took to dowsing. Certain days my pendulums would swing with such an energy that was almost scary. I resumed my interest like a week ago. I bought a pink agate pendulum and was ready to start over. But neither the new pendulum nor the old ones are moving, or move too softly to take it as an answer. Why is this happening? Three years ago I was diagnosed with severe asthma. Is my new impaired health interfering? What can I do to recover my lost ability? I hope any of you can help me. Thanks!

11-07-2019, 07:12 AM
This is a common Phenomenon.

Try carrying your new pendulum or both pendulums with you and you might want to sleep with them - possibly under your pillow.