View Full Version : Light in Darkness....

Racer X
13-03-2011, 01:48 PM
A match lights in a darkened room....
Revealing all is still~

In Light or in Dark all is still present~:wink:

Darkness merely conceals what is already there....
What is there?

Love is the Light which dispels the dark and reveals what is already in You~

It can not leave you~!:smile:
Where would it go?

"I do no feel it~ Why is this so~!":confused:

Only your choice to keep it from another......:icon_frown:

Change the choice and the Light reappears~!:hug2:

29-03-2011, 11:33 AM
Racer X your context is one of a vision able person - and even vision able persons can sense information within the darkness...

a good way forward is to embrace the darkness as it is another aspect of who we are...

without it we would be lost in a sea of light not able to move from our light positions...lol

go well



Racer X
02-04-2011, 02:25 AM
I do not believe I said otherwise~

No Darkness......No Light
Know Darkness.........Know Light~!

I was not speaking of Denial, I was speaking of transformation which is combining Light with The Dark.

04-04-2011, 05:00 PM
There is a very important reason that the concept of "light" is present in almost all mystery and esoteric traditions. ;)