View Full Version : On Karma

27-04-2017, 12:37 AM
Hello all, this is my first post!

I just had a realization. I have been plagued with a nagging sense of guilt that I think stems from past lives in which I killed people and deserted people. But I realized that karmically I will have to pay for it, so there's no need to feel guilty at all. I will pay my dues and am paying my dues. I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.

I hope I posted this in the right forum. What do you all think?

27-04-2017, 01:57 AM
Hello all, this is my first post!

But I realized that karmically I will have to pay for it, so there's no need to feel guilty at all.

What do you all think?

I honestly don't think Karma works that way.
Life is going to throw you some good and some bad times. That much is true for anybody. The way you perceive those times is up to you. Feeling you deserve the bad times due to something you did in a past life you probably don't remember much about will not serve you in any which way.

Karma in ts simplest form is just the mechanism of cause and effect. If you feel you should be punished for something you think you did. That thought will be the cause that will manifest said punishment.

If however you decide that you have learned everything there is to learn from remembering or otherwise have knowledge of said past life. There is no need for the punishment. It is your intention now(cause) that will create your experience(effect) later on..

With Love

27-04-2017, 04:00 AM
catsquotl, Thank you. Thinking that makes me feel a lot more powerful, which I am learning how to do.

27-04-2017, 05:07 AM
Yeah, it does not work that way. I lived many, many tragic lives like that. Past lives do follow a pattern, but usually, the similarities and opposites in the patterns are to ensure that you don't fail in learning the same lesson the next time around, it's not a punishment.

Carrying around guilt from past lives is very possible, but it's more likely that you have a past life entity attachment that is making you feel guilty for your actions. You don't need to be carrying those spirits around like baggage, you can get rid of them.

Most people have lived a tragic life where they've murdered someone or accidentally killed someone, and unresolved conflict like that causes entity attachments that stick with you in each life until you resolve it, that's why so many people have entity attachments they have to deal with.

The spirits of the people and animals you have killed literally latch onto your spirit. That's what an entity attachment is.

A relationship creates soul attachments between both people, and if the relationship turns sour, it is incredibly difficult to cut the cords and leave that person, because cord attachments grow back due to unresolved conflict.

When you murder someone, it's very common for their spirit to feel traumatized, betrayed and angry. They become more angry and vengeful as time goes on (as you begin living other lives) because they feel like you've moved on and have forgotten about them and your misdeeds. They want to be heard and they want to be freed. But as long as the conflict remains unresolved, they are stuck to you and this often creates more resentment, because they don't want to be stuck to you.
In some cases, they do want to be stuck to you because they want to ensure that you suffer for what you did to them.
Most of them want justice, resolution, an apology, they just want to know why you killed them, but the angry ones often wish to see you suffer and get "what you deserve". That is often where your guilt and desire for penance comes from because these spirits are able to influence your emotions and often they will do whatever they can to interfere in your life, trying to get your attention in negative ways.

You have to deal with these situations just like you would make amends in this life, so it helps to know conflict resolution skills. The angry ones will lie and be very hostile at first, so you really need good conflict resolution skills and lots of love and compassion and calmness when dealing with them, in order to convince them to tell you the truth and to start conversing intelligibly.
They are people. Most of these spirits don't even realize that you are a completely different person now. They are so stuck in the past life. You'll have to explain to them that you are not that person anymore and that you are sorry for what you did.
Some of them are actually very easy to let go of, all they want is to know why you did what you did and they just want an apology.

Then some of them are only there because they are stuck to you, due to your own guilt, and they are more than willing to move on once you apologize to them and deal with your own guilt. Sometimes it's not their emotions that are trapping them there, sometimes it is your emotions.
For example, let's say you accidentally killed someone and suffered from extreme guilt over it and never got over it in that lifetime. Unfortunately, that has the power to create an emotional attachment to that person's soul, that binds the two of you together for eternity, or at least until you manage to let go of that guilt.

That requires past life regression and talking to that entity, hearing them forgive you and forgiving yourself. You should feel genuine compassion for them too, because for all this time they have not been able to move on into the afterlife, because their soul has been stuck to you this whole time. It's a terrible experience for them, and often when you tell them that they can be free and move on, that idea sounds very pleasant to them, so you can encourage them to move on and even help them with that process.

In rare cases, you'll meet a very angry one who refuses to forgive you no matter what, but as long as you forgive yourself, you can still cut the cord after that, because you are taking the cords away by forgiving yourself. Then request assistance from the arch angels or your spirits guides to help that entity move on.
But I'm just clarifiying that you can't just call on the angels to resolve these conflicts before you get to that stage of forgiveness, because that comes from within you, the conflict exists inside your psyche, they can't do that part, you have to find the forgiveness and work through what you did. No amount of sage or cleansing tools or angels will be able to remove these entity attatchments, because the attatchments are purely emotional based, you have to get over the emotions to let go of the emotions and let go of the cords that result from it. Hopefully that makes sense.

Jeremy Bong
27-04-2017, 06:07 AM
Yeah, it does not work that way. I lived many, many tragic lives like that. Past lives do follow a pattern, but usually, the similarities and opposites in the patterns are to ensure that you don't fail in learning the same lesson the next time around, it's not a punishment.

Carrying around guilt from past lives is very possible, but it's more likely that you have a past life entity attachment that is making you feel guilty for your actions. You don't need to be carrying those spirits around like baggage, you can get rid of them.

Most people have lived a tragic life where they've murdered someone or accidentally killed someone, and unresolved conflict like that causes entity attachments that stick with you in each life until you resolve it, that's why so many people have entity attachments they have to deal with.

The spirits of the people and animals you have killed literally latch onto your spirit. That's what an entity attachment is.

A relationship creates soul attachments between both people, and if the relationship turns sour, it is incredibly difficult to cut the cords and leave that person, because cord attachments grow back due to unresolved conflict.

When you murder someone, it's very common for their spirit to feel traumatized, betrayed and angry. They become more angry and vengeful as time goes on (as you begin living other lives) because they feel like you've moved on and have forgotten about them and your misdeeds. They want to be heard and they want to be freed. But as long as the conflict remains unresolved, they are stuck to you and this often creates more resentment, because they don't want to be stuck to you.
In some cases, they do want to be stuck to you because they want to ensure that you suffer for what you did to them.
Most of them want justice, resolution, an apology, they just want to know why you killed them, but the angry ones often wish to see you suffer and get "what you deserve". That is often where your guilt and desire for penance comes from because these spirits are able to influence your emotions and often they will do whatever they can to interfere in your life, trying to get your attention in negative ways.

You have to deal with these situations just like you would make amends in this life, so it helps to know conflict resolution skills. The angry ones will lie and be very hostile at first, so you really need good conflict resolution skills and lots of love and compassion and calmness when dealing with them, in order to convince them to tell you the truth and to start conversing intelligibly.
They are people. Most of these spirits don't even realize that you are a completely different person now. They are so stuck in the past life. You'll have to explain to them that you are not that person anymore and that you are sorry for what you did.
Some of them are actually very easy to let go of, all they want is to know why you did what you did and they just want an apology.

Then some of them are only there because they are stuck to you, due to your own guilt, and they are more than willing to move on once you apologize to them and deal with your own guilt. Sometimes it's not their emotions that are trapping them there, sometimes it is your emotions.
For example, let's say you accidentally killed someone and suffered from extreme guilt over it and never got over it in that lifetime. Unfortunately, that has the power to create an emotional attachment to that person's soul, that binds the two of you together for eternity, or at least until you manage to let go of that guilt.

That requires past life regression and talking to that entity, hearing them forgive you and forgiving yourself. You should feel genuine compassion for them too, because for all this time they have not been able to move on into the afterlife, because their soul has been stuck to you this whole time. It's a terrible experience for them, and often when you tell them that they can be free and move on, that idea sounds very pleasant to them, so you can encourage them to move on and even help them with that process.

In rare cases, you'll meet a very angry one who refuses to forgive you no matter what, but as long as you forgive yourself, you can still cut the cord after that, because you are taking the cords away by forgiving yourself. Then request assistance from the arch angels or your spirits guides to help that entity move on.
But I'm just clarifiying that you can't just call on the angels to resolve these conflicts before you get to that stage of forgiveness, because that comes from within you, the conflict exists inside your psyche, they can't do that part, you have to find the forgiveness and work through what you did. No amount of sage or cleansing tools or angels will be able to remove these entity attatchments, because the attatchments are purely emotional based, you have to get over the emotions to let go of the emotions and let go of the cords that result from it. Hopefully that makes sense.

You wrote a great and liberation post to her. It's great. And to tell the others what is karma about for doing evil. Karma is not easy to deal with unless........

Jeremy Bong
27-04-2017, 06:15 AM
Hello all, this is my first post!

I just had a realization. I have been plagued with a nagging sense of guilt that I think stems from past lives in which I killed people and deserted people. But I realized that karmically I will have to pay for it, so there's no need to feel guilty at all. I will pay my dues and am paying my dues. I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.

I hope I posted this in the right forum. What do you all think?

Do you believe I can help you to keep your karma at a place(I can't cancel for you.......) that you won't suffer too much. And tell me how do you know that what you have done in your lastlife? Who told you?

If you need my help just tell me and give permission for me to heal you. I can't assure you 100%percent healing but I can try for you if you're lucky then you'll be OK then.

27-04-2017, 07:21 AM
Hello all, this is my first post!

I just had a realization. I have been plagued with a nagging sense of guilt that I think stems from past lives in which I killed people and deserted people. But I realized that karmically I will have to pay for it, so there's no need to feel guilty at all. I will pay my dues and am paying my dues. I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.

I hope I posted this in the right forum. What do you all think?

Welcome WaterandFire,

May I ask what makes you so certain about your past lives? Usually we have vague indications but I'm always interested when someone speaks of them with certainty.

28-04-2017, 10:39 AM
I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.I think the viper has bitten a huge chunk out of your backside after you've poked its nest.

Karma is nothing more than cause and effect, and if there is no time cause and effect are simultaneous so where does that put karma? And reincarnation for that matter, because if there is no time then those Lives are simultaneous not past. Tolle said that there is only now, the past is memory and the future is anticipation - which is what you have. The misconception begins when people have a sense of good and bad and both of those are often misguided.

The trouble with Past Life exploration is often that we don't have anywhere near the whole picture, at best we have snippets and snapshots. If those people that you murdered or left alone forgave you in Spirit, where does that put Karma? Do you know whether there was any Karmic/Soul Agreements coming into play or not? If there were any Karmic/Soul Agreements then the 'bad karma' might have been to not kill them or not leave them alone because that could have stunted their Spiritual Development. All those things come into this Life too and they're a part of the 'bigger picture'; it's not just about what happens to us and how we treat others while we're here, it's also about what might have happened in Spirit before we incarnated and what will happen when we get back there.

28-04-2017, 11:39 AM
The best thing is to focus on the now and how you would like your future to be. Start creating more skillful karma by watching your intent, and making your intent positive and kind. We can only affect our future by our actions now, if anything comes to us from past actions, it comes. Offer your past up to what ever you believe in (god, the universe etc) and move forward with good intent.

02-05-2017, 03:00 PM
Hello all, this is my first post!

I just had a realization. I have been plagued with a nagging sense of guilt that I think stems from past lives in which I killed people and deserted people. But I realized that karmically I will have to pay for it, so there's no need to feel guilty at all. I will pay my dues and am paying my dues. I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.

I hope I posted this in the right forum. What do you all think?

The practice of Awareness/Meditation or deep love can destroy past karmas. Same too with service to God or an enlightened master.

Through the practice of spiritual exercises, the karmic potential to get a huge wound inflicted by a sword can be reduced to that of a mere pin.

I know of a lot of instances in this regard.

There is also a teaching by Paramahamsa Yogananda in this regard, who exhorted the importance of good company.

As per Yogananda, you possess both negative and positive karmas from past lives. These fructify according to the company you keep. That is positive or negative karmas fructify according to the company we keep, positive or negative respectively.

So the trick of intelligent living lies in keeping positive company always and keeping away from negative company at all times. This ensures that no negative karma of the past fructifies and only the positive karmas fructify, thereby making life positive and pleasant.

Places of high positive energy, or company of enlightened sages or saints are the best in this regard. If you cannot be with them always, keep with yourself books, pictures, music, feng shui devices that creates positive energy around yourself. Meditation and loving mentality also creates positive energy around oneself.

Also be around with people who have a healthy mindset and positive attitude rather than negative energy draining ones.

06-05-2017, 07:03 PM
I don't believe in Karma.

It just seems to have too many holes to me, the principles that is.
Think of a timestream for instance there are so many potentials and opportunities that happen and sometimes someone just -has- to play a bad guy in order to continue the 'story' at hand. What if, in order to create a world that would have higher or better understanding of existence you had to incarnate as the new Hitler? Say the combined effort of the world to put you down led to the world becoming a better place.

Does that mean you're going to be punished for playing a role that was needed?

06-05-2017, 07:30 PM
I believe in karma.

Cause one is responsible for their own energy. The energy that one sends out, you're offering it to the universe. And universe will attract and match that energy, and send it back.

"The world is like a mountain. Your echo depends on you. If you scream good things, the world will give it back. If you scream bad things, the world will give it back. Even if someone says badly about you, say good about him. Change your heart to change the world."- Shams Tabrizi

06-05-2017, 08:39 PM
I believe in karma.

Cause one is responsible for their own energy. The energy that one sends out, you're offering it to the universe. And universe will attract and match that energy, and send it back.

"The world is like a mountain. Your echo depends on you. If you scream good things, the world will give it back. If you scream bad things, the world will give it back. Even if someone says badly about you, say good about him. Change your heart to change the world."- Shams Tabrizi

So I don't think that's a very fair explanation. Some people who are cruel were not born that way but became such as a reflection of the environment around them. The above does not allow for such individuals to exist by simplifying it as "whatever YOU put out is what YOU get back". There's no way to truly control what OTHERS put out and as such it has a negative effect on you which causes you to put out something negative.

It's just a never ending cycle according to that analogy.

Think of a snake. Does a snake feel evil when it consumes prey? Does a snake feel good when it coils round her eggs?

06-05-2017, 09:22 PM
So I don't think that's a very fair explanation. Some people who are cruel were not born that way but became such as a reflection of the environment around them. The above does not allow for such individuals to exist by simplifying it as "whatever YOU put out is what YOU get back". There's no way to truly control what OTHERS put out and as such it has a negative effect on you which causes you to put out something negative.

It's just a never ending cycle according to that analogy.

Think of a snake. Does a snake feel evil when it consumes prey? Does a snake feel good when it coils round her eggs?
It's only as fair as what one choose's to see it.

As we all meet other's at our own perspective of understanding, which has developed on what one has chosen to learn from in one's experiences that have allowed them to grow into who they are, and what one see's will vary slightly to greatly, depending on the individual.

The quote I used was as an example, that one individually is responsible for the energy that they send out. And sometimes in experiences, other's do not send back energy that matches that energy. How they choose to react, is a reflection which has more to do with what's going on inside them. Tho what's not fair is to say that there is no choice on how those circumstances can change, and they start inside the individual.

06-05-2017, 09:47 PM
It's only as fair as what one choose's to see it.

As we all meet other's at our own perspective of understanding, which has developed on what one has chosen to learn from in one's experiences that have allowed them to grow into who they are, and what one see's will vary slightly to greatly, depending on the individual.

The quote I used was as an example, that one individually is responsible for the energy that they send out. And sometimes in experiences, other's do not send back energy that matches that energy. How they choose to react, is a reflection which has more to do with what's going on inside them. Tho what's not fair is to say that there is no choice on how those circumstances can change, and they start inside the individual.

And I'll say it again, the rigidity of the above complex does not truly envelop how a mortal human mind develops. What if, just one day someone told you that all your life you've been colorblind and you have actually been swapping blues for greens? It would seem strange and foreign.

There are some folk who exist that such concepts of truthfulness and goodness are strange and foreign as described above as it's what they've lived with their entire lives. There is no magic "oh, but now I'm going to be X now."

07-05-2017, 04:50 PM
The above does not allow for such individuals to exist by simplifying it as "whatever YOU put out is what YOU get back". There's no way to truly control what OTHERS put out and as such it has a negative effect on you which causes you to put out something negative.

At least from the Buddhist perspective, Karma isn't that everything we experience is because of our actions... rather, it is that actions that put negativity into the world result in a return of negativity to ourselves. If I said "you did badly on that test because you didn't study." that doesn't mean that EVERY test you do badly on is because you didn't study. However, it DOES mean that not studying results in bad results. Likewise, with karma, not everything you experience is the result of bad karma, but actions that put negativity into the world (or into your mind) result in negative "fruits".

Think of a snake. Does a snake feel evil when it consumes prey? Does a snake feel good when it coils round her eggs?

I have no idea what a snake thinks... but think of humans. When we harm others, regardless of how cold and calloused we think we are, at least the vast majority of us feel aggrieved by the harm we've caused others, even if we don't see them again. Likewise, when we nurture and care for our children, or younger family members, we DO in fact, enter a more positive mental state. Our thoughts, speech and actions affect our mind state and play a role in determining our future actions... controlling these things can influence the course of events, often in spite of random effects.

07-05-2017, 05:03 PM
At least from the Buddhist perspective, Karma isn't that everything we experience is because of our actions... rather, it is that actions that put negativity into the world result in a return of negativity to ourselves. If I said "you did badly on that test because you didn't study." that doesn't mean that EVERY test you do badly on is because you didn't study. However, it DOES mean that not studying results in bad results. Likewise, with karma, not everything you experience is the result of bad karma, but actions that put negativity into the world (or into your mind) result in negative "fruits".
My central point still stands, however. Sure you may be able to control aspects of your life but for the factors that determined who you are those are mostly out of your control. It's like having a kid hold up a sign that says "God Hates F***". Do you think the kid understands his actions? Of course not, but there's a good chance that he'll grow up with such attitude -just because- he was raised that way. When you take this into account Karma is just further punishing someone for something out of their control and thusly should not exist.

I have no idea what a snake thinks... but think of humans. When we harm others, regardless of how cold and calloused we think we are, at least the vast majority of us feel aggrieved by the harm we've caused others, even if we don't see them again. Likewise, when we nurture and care for our children, or younger family members, we DO in fact, enter a more positive mental state. Our thoughts, speech and actions affect our mind state and play a role in determining our future actions... controlling these things can influence the course of events, often in spite of random effects.
No offense, but if you feel 'sorry' for harming someone who is trying to seriously harm you then something's 'off'. If a mosquito sucks your blood do you sit there and let it drain or do you swat it out of impulse? What is essentially being said now (from what I'm reading) is that a serial killer can effectively be considered "in good karma" if they kill "only the bad ones" and take care of their family and protect it.

07-05-2017, 06:48 PM
I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.

Only as much as you decide to put on yourself. Past life recognition has little to do with karma (unless you believe otherwise), and everything to do with how you feel right now based on how you value your life, which often is based on your entire life, and stuff that has been programed into you in early childhood through parenting and stuff. Sometimes it is just easier to access these feelings and release them through images of past lives, than going to something that is closer to home base, like a trauma that happened in your childhood.

When a life has been lived you release it, so karma does not follow you from life to life (unless you in your current life picks up a belief that is contrary to that).

07-05-2017, 07:32 PM
No offense, but if you feel 'sorry' for harming someone who is trying to seriously harm you then something's 'off'. If a mosquito sucks your blood do you sit there and let it drain or do you swat it out of impulse? What is essentially being said now (from what I'm reading) is that a serial killer can effectively be considered "in good karma" if they kill "only the bad ones" and take care of their family and protect it.

Didn't expect to waltz into this thread as my own thoughts and feelings on karma are not fully formed yet.. but I have.

Here's why.
I feel incredibly REMORSEFUL for harming another, even when they are harming me.
The reason why I would or why I would imagine anyone would is quite simple. Yes I am not responsible for another's feelings, thoughts, and actions, however, I take full responsibility for my own. Understand?

This impossible idea of feeling remorseful when I cause harm to one who tries to or is harming me comes not from speculating, but from an individual whom has been harmed physically and verbally throughout my entire lifespan.

There was an individual whom I had met through some means, who was indeed much of a stranger whom had tried to force me semi violently into his vehicle. For whatever reason, I do not know. I am certain this man had reasons and who said they were of any good? I had to literally grab him by the back of his head by his hair and tell him to let me go, that I was not going to take his toxic filth, and literally had to stand there fighting verbally while trying to keep him at a comfortable distance. Seems pretty impossible as he was indeed invading my physical space.

You know what I felt? Horrible! I felt horrible for harming this person.

The reason is obvious. This was an individual who was so stressed out, and out of control there is no possible way I could feel hatred for them. I felt empathy for them. Why? Someone with such lack of self control needs real help. Chances are he may never get it. Any help. Any compassion. Because of the way this person conducts themselves.

This is what our world turns people into. This is what parents teach their children. This is actually yes how many are raised.
Everyone has a purpose. Everyone. Good or bad, healthy or sick, intelligent or low IQ. EVERYONE.

You know why when I harm someone I feel remorse? Because the vast majority of people who harm others do. I think that was the point Zennist was trying to get across. Those that do not feel remorse have an illness. It is called anti-social personality disorder. No. It has nothing to do with being anti-social. I ask if you haven't to consider reading about it?

I just wanted to address that. And in line with karma. You are forgetting human beings have choices. Do we let experiences out of our control fate us to being a harmful person, or do we overcome this and take our own life in our hands, forge our own fate, and take responsibility for our own feelings and actions?

Do we let our karma have the final say or do we strive to overcome it?

And comparing a mosquito biting an individual to the actions of a serial killer is highly illogical to me. They are not quite the same things. At all.

And on the topic of individuals who have suffered so much mentally and emotionally to feel that they need to kill, all I have for them is empathy. Empathy not sympathy.

Because one morning I woke up and realized the true intentions and happenings in this world we are living in, and came to realize the true and vast sadness of it all.

And the absolute waste.

07-05-2017, 08:03 PM
Hello all, this is my first post!

I just had a realization. I have been plagued with a nagging sense of guilt that I think stems from past lives in which I killed people and deserted people. But I realized that karmically I will have to pay for it, so there's no need to feel guilty at all. I will pay my dues and am paying my dues. I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.

I hope I posted this in the right forum. What do you all think?

How do you know you killed and/or deserted people? I think other members asked you the same question, but I couldn't find your answer.

I've heard that people whose birth was difficult, and the delivery was very long and painful, are born with an innate feeling of impersonal guilt.

There may be other explanations for you feeling of guilt. Guilt is considered neither healthy nor helpful. Just like other members said, just the guilt that you feel can potentially make your life more difficult.

Living this life the best you can and in the most meaningful way I think would be the best thing you could do for yourself, your karma, and everyone else, starting right now.

Blessings and good luck.

Shivani Devi
24-05-2017, 05:09 AM
Karma does happen.

I just received word that my father has been sentenced to 5 yrs in jail, for something he may/not have done.

According to him, he had a brief relationship with this woman, but broke it off when he realised that she was only after his money - he is a multi-millionaire, but refused to pay any bail because by not spending a cent in his whole life is how he became a multi millionaire.

He honestly, truly and honestly believes that he can take all his money with him after he dies and that things are very expensive in heaven...even the cost to get into heaven, it costs a million dollars...thus, the people who have no money and cannot afford to pay God, go straight to hell.

Of course, I told him about what Jesus said about the camel and the needle...he went 'oh, poor people must have made that up and put it in the Bible'...there was just no convincing him otherwise....he believed that people have been brainwashed by Satan to spend...spend...spend...so they can't get into heaven and he can have those souls all to himself.

Anyway, after he realised that the woman actually wanted him to spend money on her, he dumped her...and after that (according to him), she went "unless you give me a million dollars, I am going to go to the police and tell them that you raped me"...of course, my father went "I am not going to do that...do whatever you want to"...and so she did.

She went with her legal aid counsel, her psychiatrist, and turned on all of the crocodile tears about how my father 'ruined her life' and how she couldn't function anymore because he had raped her years ago (when they only knew each other for a few months) and she was too scared at the time to go to the police/doctors and report it because she feared for her life as my father also abused and threatened her...it was a huge production to get a million dollars through the legal system...because she was destitute and needed the money...this was the easiest way.

Of course, my father denied raping her, but I knew that he was highly abusive (he abused me as a child), a control freak...a tax cheat...a fraudster (registering his car at my brother's address in the country so he wouldn't have to pay the city excess levy)...and I have even witnessed him shoplifting...he is the type who will go around a produce market and take all the samples until he has had his fill.

When I found out he was in jail for statutory rape, I laughed with a 'so, I see, karma has finally caught up with the old bloke'. Mum asked me 'do you believe he raped that girl?' I said "I don't care about that...he should have gone to jail hundreds of times over for things he has done in the past, but managed to get away with it...now, he is doing his time for all those things...he may not have thought anybody was watching, but God watches and doesn't act until God is ready to act".

He'll probably die in jail now, unless he will spend his money on an appeal, but he won't.

Suffice to say, karma is real.

Shivani Devi
02-06-2017, 01:12 AM
So, my mum just phoned me. My father has been convicted and jailed for 30 years for not only rape, but paedophilia, fraud and having 3 unlicensed firearms - they dug into his whole life and threw the book at him.

He is 80 now which means that he will die in jail and they have taken him off all the medication that has been keeping him alive.

My brother went to visit him yesterday in maximum security prison and told my mother that he is like a skeleton and looks 150...he refuses to eat...he refuses to shower and his skin is totally blue. He is not allowed to have toilet paper or eating utensils or a blanket...they are trying to hasten his death process.

I feel sad, but I don't know why...trying to work out if this emotion I am feeling is compassion or pity - I could never really tell the difference between the two.

All I know, as the Lord just pointed out to me - he suffered a major coronary 10 years ago and died...but was brought back to life. That was his 'wake up call' but he never woke up. He had the chance to do some right...some good in the world with his 'life extension' but never took it...it was all "ME! ME! ME!" as far as he was concerned.

This is more God's punishment than man's...squandering a precious life and given many opportunities which he either scoffed at, ignored or took for granted...it wasn't a case of being guilty or innocent of the charges before him...it was God saying "so, you have fought Me to live eh?...let's see if you like living this way then".

I can only pray this undignified end to his life is brought to a close very soon because no matter what he did, I wouldn't even treat a dog that way...so I guess that is compassion.

Golden Eagle
02-06-2017, 02:50 PM
Hello all, this is my first post!

I just had a realization. I have been plagued with a nagging sense of guilt that I think stems from past lives in which I killed people and deserted people. But I realized that karmically I will have to pay for it, so there's no need to feel guilty at all. I will pay my dues and am paying my dues. I'm just scared for how much more suffering awaits me.

I hope I posted this in the right forum. What do you all think?

either 100% or ZERO ......

100% continuing on with suffering in this belief pattern ~

The Potential for it to be ZERO ~!

A Course In Miracles (original text) ......
The Power Of NOW (Eckart Tolle)
The Secret of Letting Go (Guy Finley)

or no reading at all ..... and retreating instead in Nature , Walking Meditations along a river or lake ........ give 3 hours each day to yourself FIRST and Making the connection to the Divine Spark within you ! :hug2:

02-06-2017, 04:54 PM
Karma is nothing more than cause and effect.....

I think the spiritual person should expand on this first. Who is the owner of cause and effect, just yours. A person comes up to you and gets in your personal space and confronts you. In that moment there is a choice in that karma waiting. One can say that. Our karma is tested, one's anger then is from what cause. There can be only one effect predicted from one cause.

The trouble with Past Life exploration is often that we don't have anywhere near the whole picture, at best we have snippets and snapshots. If those people that you murdered or left alone forgave you in Spirit, where does that put Karma? ..... because that could have stunted their Spiritual Development.

Wow, very intense and thought provoking indeed. I've forgiven people and it changed nothing. Jesus introduced this most powerful thought that anyone can forgive, has the authority and right to but it is not often used. But according to karma's accepted definition as well as teaching no one's spiritual growth is stunted though. It is a predetermined journey. Forgiveness must be accepted to and it is required to say it more then once, sometimes many times. We are creatures of proof and stimuli....lol.

I often compare such kinds of thought as above to be sins within respect of formal believing, a cause and effect not taught but it might be applied. However, based on (my) experience I am only aware of this from my experience so I cannot say whose spiritual development is stunted as you put it. Without the experience and experiencing I could never have imagined it and there would be little or no learning. It somehow determines my action when I am told it should be other. I find I act differently then others put in the the same cause and effect, so who is right btw. :smile: To awaken it seems is to sin.