View Full Version : words

chi chi
02-10-2006, 01:02 PM
last night i closed my eyes i wasnt meditating but i saw what looked like a tv screen and all these words was going across the screen the only trouble was the words were so small that i couldnt make them out so i asked for them to be made bigger and clearer but the only words to stand out was you and book has anyone else had anything similar if so did you experience the same thing again but was able to read what was being shown?
love chi xxxx

02-10-2006, 02:01 PM
Hi chi chi,

Yes, this happens to me regularly but not when I am meditating. It happens to me just as I am waking up or falling asleep...I see a lot of words and I won't go into detail of what they say but all I can say, is that I must be seeing them for a reason. You're not alone in experiencing this kind of thing, chi chi.

Oh, I see now that you said you were not meditating when this happened, so our experiences seem to be entirely similar!

02-10-2006, 02:22 PM
Yes, it is called Hypnogogia, or hypnagogia, if you are falling asleep and having hallucinations or hypnopompia if you are waking up and hallucinating. It is perfectly natural, I am usually suprised at the absurdity of the images or sounds that are created by my mind, it is funny, and fun.



02-10-2006, 02:25 PM
Thanks for the information Enlightener. Still, I have to say what makes you so sure that it is only the mind throwing up these images and it is not some kind of spiritual channeling?


02-10-2006, 02:41 PM
I've had the same and this started only a short while ago but like you,can't read the words.

02-10-2006, 04:21 PM
Enlightener - - welcome to the world of the scientific / physical world explanation for psychic / spiritual experiences.

You would expect *what* other explanation from such people ??

And - - welcome to the perfect "answer" to the well-run con - - by those hard-working and rather obnoxious Forces who nudge the scientific boys and girls to put forth their explanations. On so *very* many things.

I mean - - after all - - what else could the answer / explanation be ?? After all - - it just HAS to be "stuff" that is *created* in my mind.


chi chi
02-10-2006, 07:55 PM
thanks for all your answers so annoying when your shown something and you cant see it mite have better luck next time by the way i wasnt going to sleep or waking was listening to the tv i just shut my eyes when i opened them and closed them again was there was quite a few hours this was happening i ended up blocking it out

02-10-2006, 08:31 PM
Enlightener - - welcome to the world of the scientific / physical world explanation for psychic / spiritual experiences.

You would expect *what* other explanation from such people ??

And - - welcome to the perfect "answer" to the well-run con - - by those hard-working and rather obnoxious Forces who nudge the scientific boys and girls to put forth their explanations. On so *very* many things.

I mean - - after all - - what else could the answer / explanation be ?? After all - - it just HAS to be "stuff" that is *created* in my mind.


I agree with that Glorymist.

03-10-2006, 03:37 AM
hmmm, I like the hypnogogia idea, I think it is cool. I guess I'll just stay with the more down-to-earth idea for now.
Hypnogogia could be the stuff that your mind/body experiences before your spirit departs to the dream realm.
That's my suggestion.
