View Full Version : Shaddow men

Snow Goose
09-01-2017, 10:19 PM
Hi all :hello:

Im wondering if anyone had experienced shaddow people before?

About a year and a half ago I moved to a new house and for about a month I would regularly see shaddow people running past my windows outside towards my front door. Was always in daylight. Have never seen them in the house.

I have heard some theories on them but was wondering what people's thoughts here were.

desert rat
10-01-2017, 01:15 AM
I have never seen one. Some of the ideas are, left over energy from once living people, the soul of once living people, beings from other dimensions , human created thought forms.

10-01-2017, 04:14 AM
I've heard first account stories about shadow people ...
Some said they were mischievous in getting people to chase after them ...
Others said they seemed like they just wanted to see what the living were doing ...
In the end, the sound like they were harmless & didn't want to be seen ...

23-01-2017, 03:29 AM

I'm kind of thinking perhaps you were actually "tuning in to" or "seeing"
some sort of spirit, and not exactly a "Shadow Person". I have experienced Shadow People quite often, and its a very unsettling and frightening experience. Usually "they" manifest inside of a dark room, and appear darker than the natural darkness of the room. It seems they "radiate" an energy that causes a fear reaction, and they like to pop up at the foot of your bed while you are dozing off or just waking up... In all my experiences with them, they have never "touched me" or communicated with me, they simply appeared and caused an unnatural fear. After many years of noticing they never touched me, I got it in my head that perhaps they could not, or were not allowed to touch us? I put this to the test one night, by launching myself out of bed straight at the "Shadow Man" at the foot of my bed (no I was not brave, just fed up) to my surprise I "heard" the thing shriek in my head, and I felt "its" fear for once. The Shadow man immediately disappeared and has not been back for years now. I am pretty sure after that, that they can not "read our minds" but are good at guessing how we will react. Also from personal experience, light dispels them immediately,
smudging with sage, crystals, and envisioning white light had no effect on them at all.

desert rat
23-01-2017, 03:55 PM
Seed of light . I think you are describing what are known as elementals or astral critters. I don't think you get rid of them, but I don't think they really do any thing. Some people just see them.

21-02-2017, 09:35 AM

This post got my attention since I've also experienced seen shawdow men a long time ago and yes it was between sleep or right after waking up when the vision is not clear by the foot of my bed or next to it just looking at me. The last time I seen one was through a picture I took. It's clearly there but I did not see it till viewing the pictures I took.The timing of the picture makes sense since it was about three in the morning between night and day on a cloudy day. Inbetween visible and dark. I think people could see them when the vision is blurred. In between the clearing of the eyes when falling asleep or waking up. It's like they like to confuse the eye sight so you think you question yourself if you really seen or not.

25-02-2017, 10:57 PM
I have experienced shadow men as well. He was very frightening. Everyone in my family, my atheist ex-husband, my children and myself would see him in our home. He was very tall and had a wide brim Stetson hat. When my ex-husband moved out I would see him walking on our porch. I hung a curtain up to block the window on the front door so as not to see him any longer and continue to be frightened of him. He then began to stomp on the porch as if kicking snow from his shoes. I needed to sage my house and my property, then use holy wood to smudge. I then created a crystal grid and told him he was not allowed in my home. I hadn't seen him or heard him knocking after this, however you could still feel him watching. I honestly have no idea what he wanted. I felt as if he enjoyed the fear response from my family.

desert rat
26-02-2017, 03:03 PM
That trans state between sleep and awake is interesting , but I would not trust any experecce .

28-02-2017, 07:30 AM
I often see shadow people in my peripheral vision, usually as they go from one room to another or into a hallway. If I turn to look straight at them they disappear.

28-02-2017, 10:37 PM

Here are my thoughts on them, I have worked on clearing them from places and I have seen things I can not explain.

Shadow people are paranormal shadow-like creatures that people usually see in their peripheral vision. Reports suggest that they do not appear to reflect light and that their appearance is essentially a silhouette in black. It’s noted that they do not normally have features beyond an outline for a from. This form usually is in the shape that would be thought on as human. Some at times note that there are general features like eye sockets and a nose feature.

Are shadow people, or shadow beings, to be linked with ghost sightings, some may note similarities and many paranormal experts consider ghost and shadow people one and the same. I do not feel that be the case. Working with Spirits (Ghosts) one is dealing with a clearly HUMAN, with all that made that spirit a physical and living being at one time. However, other experts disagree and claim that shadow people are a separate phenomenon from ghosts for a variety of reasons. The main reason is how a Shadow Being moves, it’s quick and almost with a bounce. It is not like Ghost which is more a floating or flowing motions. When one see’s a Ghost it’s a full on eye contact view….Shadow Beings it’s very much a corner of the eye sighting. Shadow Beings usually are seen to be solid where a Ghost is more translucent in form.

They do not seem to reflect light has led some to theorize that they are from an alternate universe with different laws of physics or perhaps they are caught in a trap between two physical universes.


Snow Goose
28-02-2017, 11:24 PM
Thanks everyone for the interesting input :-D.

Here is a bit more information about my experience;

This happened after I moved home, i moved about 200 miles and I left behind all of my family members, there was lots of problems in my personal relationships and I wanted a new start.

Very quickly after moving in I started to see shadow figures running past my windows. The feeling I got was that I was being looked for, never had any in the house only running past towards the front door.

After this I heard a very interesting theory on them that got me thinking........

The theory was that shadow people are actually other people in dreaming state. So while we dream we visit areas, people etc in waking state we are seeing a shadow of that person. It would make a lot of sense with regards to my story as there would literally be people looking for me.

One example given for this would be that shadow people tend not to enter locked doors and while a lot of people are in dream state they struggle to open doors.

10-03-2017, 05:50 AM
I don't know what's going on here tonight but I keep seeing shadow men out of my peripheral vision in both directions; in and out of doorways and disappearing into the hall. They don't bother me. I've been seeing them for years and they have never interfered with my life. I don't remember ever seeing so many at one time though. What is doubly odd is that normally I only see them on my right but tonight it is both on the right and left, Maybe they came to San Diego for a shadow man convention.

Snow Goose
16-03-2017, 04:51 AM
I don't know what's going on here tonight but I keep seeing shadow men out of my peripheral vision in both directions; in and out of doorways and disappearing into the hall. They don't bother me. I've been seeing them for years and they have never interfered with my life. I don't remember ever seeing so many at one time though. What is doubly odd is that normally I only see them on my right but tonight it is both on the right and left, Maybe they came to San Diego for a shadow man convention.

Hehe a shadow man convention :thumbsup:

16-03-2017, 03:02 PM
Of course, by definition, we never get a clear look at shadow men but I can't remember getting female vibes from any of them. They seem to me to be exclusively male.

Snow Goose
16-03-2017, 06:15 PM
I have no idea about that, not something I have put much thought into but I guess we still use the terms postman or policeman without thinking that women can hold those roles too, well I do that anyway!

18-03-2017, 10:05 AM
I have witnessed them once when driving through a particularly "spiritually dense" place (as I've heard it referred to).

They move fast.
one I saw was running after the car and one was standing in the middle of the road as the car approached. A friend of mine was driving and we both saw it - it was very creepy.

My husband used to see spirits and strange phenomenon frequently in the same area... which he told me about after I shared my shadow people experience with him.

21-03-2017, 02:31 AM
just now caught a glimpse of a shadow man ducking from the hallway into the kitchen. Could it be after my leftover pizza?
I'm joking of course. I can't remember a time when I didn't see them now and then (if you can call a glimpse out of the corner of your eye seeing) but they have never interacted with me in any way so most of the time I ignore them. It is only this thread that got me thinking about them again.
They don't seem able to go through sold matter like walls but always use doorways. Usually when I see them they are darting in or out of a doorway and I only see them for a moment. I've never caught a glimpse of one in the room itself.
An optometrist would say they are only your eyes tricking you and nothing more but I feel a reality of some sort there, even a consciousness although not of the sort we can communicate with. Perhaps they experience us as shadows, just as we see them.

20-04-2017, 05:23 PM
If you still see them you should contact someone who can help you determine whether they are good or bad spirits. You have not seen them in the house is a good sign, but you still need to determine who they are and what they want.

22-04-2017, 12:45 PM
The truth is they don't seem to want anything from me. I'm not even sure they are aware of me. Since they have never interfered with me I see no reason to interfere with them. Their reason for being here (If they even have one) may not even be understandable to us. My current thinking is that they may be just a side effect of some other spiritual process and have no true being of their own; just as your shadow is caused by you but is not you.

09-06-2017, 11:46 PM
Hi! I've exo experienced these shadow beings many times. And agree they aren't human.
You can actually get rid of them very easily by telling them to "get lost and not come back! In a forceful voice.
They (there was two of them) would come to me often when i was growing up and scare the bejesus out of me until the time i was in an agry mood before they showed up to torture me and actually swore at them to F off and leave me alone! They haven't been back since!
And Lynn is right of course - they are very nimble and quick -not the regular shadow people!


Paige Ignited
11-06-2017, 11:01 AM
My experience with Shadow Men started when I was 5yrs old. I like to call them my little Silhouette Men.
There were 3 of them, and still to this day if I invite or allow them in they will appear at will, and I feel they are the same 3 as always. I don’t see them very often at all nowadays.
Their presence I feel is a male presence too and I’ve not encountered female presence as yet. They used to only appear at my bedside, every night. All lined up in a row next to me where they would just stand for hours, it seemed. Unsettling it was of course, but they never hurt me or touched me in any way.
When I first seen them I was frightened, as most 5yr old would be. But over time I learned not to fear them, and to somewhat interact with them, via some form of telepathy. I don’t know how I do this exactly, because I just chat (in my mind) like if they were imaginary friends. Perhaps they were!

For me, I don’t feel they are a threat in anyway at all, but what I have decided for my own rational thoughts is this.
They come to me initially to check my flight or fight responses. Would I run out of fear or would I stand my ground and overcome their unsettling nature?
In my mind, I think they come to do this for greater reason. Of which was allowing the door to be opened to me to interact with other ‘beings’. Spirits, ghosts, etc.
I do agree that they maybe are not a ghost or a spirit as such, but another form of ‘being’, and I’ve no idea what. Mine certainly move very quick and are very nimble.
They also seem shy in a sense, but in another sense not. Obviously if they are willing to stand right beside me they are not too shy, but it’s there nature or something that seems shy.
I’ve not seen mine pass through solid matter either, and they have never seemed to be anymore then just a dark figure very much like a child size with no face features or any other features that I can see, and always in the house I seen them.

I don’t know. Maybe I was dreaming all those years. It’s a maze out there, with what’s out there.

11-06-2017, 05:23 PM
I font think you were dreaming at all, Paige Ignited. They would come to me too and not just when i was on bed.
They would "pop in" often; one on each side of a chair ide be sitting on.
Yhey did seem curious for sure. They would each be knealing down and had the heads titled towards my face.
I dont think they are dangerous in any way neither; but it was theirvery quick appearance i found very frightening when i was growing up and found it irritating when i grew up!


08-07-2017, 11:52 PM
Well I just saw my first frontal view of a shadow person, or whatever it was.

I am unsure, and left confused.

I had simply closed my eyes to rest them, was not sleeping, sleeping was not even my intent. As soon as I closed my eyes I ended up within a state-meditative journeying. Describing the journey will take too long, but the key elements, as my journeying continued I began to get a sense of fear, as usual there was not much control of any imagery or scenery.

The journey I noticed was taking quite a bit of time and I was wondering why this was. Towards a part of my journey I felt like going onward within the state, but heard a voice, or maybe thought? State to wake up right now. And again right now.

When I opened my eyes they fell upon my window and there floating in was the form of a humanoid shadow- a bit transparent but very dark, seeming to float forward and into the room. Upon noticing I was staring head at it, it took noticed and floated back out of the wall and the room.

I felt at a point during the journeying that my hand was being held onto. I went over to lay down and felt like what felt like nails on my wrist and soon after my shorts being tugged on. Shortly after that I thought I had heard a voice say to go to hell, but I am not entirely sure there.

My thoughts after that is where the fear dissipated when I realized I really don't hold faith to any hell, and my after thought was sure! Why not? It isn't as if I believe I would go to such a place. And then my thought was why would something say that?

I have seen shadow people before though running through a wall at quick speed, or up the stairway, never so slowly and front on.

This wasn't expected. Though not surprising.

I have heard essentially the same theories about them. I do not hold to any specific one.

Kine Lea
09-07-2017, 02:51 PM
Wow, that is amazing, SP.
As I was reading through your post a dream fragment from last night began to resolve in the mind. Where I may or may not have been talking to someone about something, but to hear the conversation more clearly I would have had to get up to turn on the radio. Which I decided was too bothersome, being too tired. :rolleyes:

If shadow people is what interests you then maybe, by way of research, you were to have an untuned radio switched on nearby then perhaps they'll have means to communicate with you audibly.
Though personally I would find that too creepy to contemplate.

26-07-2017, 06:28 AM
i've seen them my whole life. and not out of my peripheral vision, straight on. there's different types with different vibes i've encountered. the tall mysterious one, seemed to be wearing some type of hat and long coat, and would slowly float across a hallway or room, so i'd see it for quite some time. let me stress to you how tall this one is. another i've seen multiple times is the jumpy one. this one likes to jump out from behind places right in front of my eyes, but i get a playful vibe. never got any dark or deep feelings of negativity. on one occasion it did startle me and i laughed and said you really like messing with me huh?
i've also seen static figures as well. whatever they are, they don't give me any bad vibes and i don't mind their company :)

26-07-2017, 10:12 AM
Well I just saw my first frontal view of a shadow person, or whatever it was.

I am unsure, and left confused.

I had simply closed my eyes to rest them, was not sleeping, sleeping was not even my intent. As soon as I closed my eyes I ended up within a state-meditative journeying. Describing the journey will take too long, but the key elements, as my journeying continued I began to get a sense of fear, as usual there was not much control of any imagery or scenery.

The journey I noticed was taking quite a bit of time and I was wondering why this was. Towards a part of my journey I felt like going onward within the state, but heard a voice, or maybe thought? State to wake up right now. And again right now.

When I opened my eyes they fell upon my window and there floating in was the form of a humanoid shadow- a bit transparent but very dark, seeming to float forward and into the room. Upon noticing I was staring head at it, it took noticed and floated back out of the wall and the room.

I felt at a point during the journeying that my hand was being held onto. I went over to lay down and felt like what felt like nails on my wrist and soon after my shorts being tugged on. Shortly after that I thought I had heard a voice say to go to hell, but I am not entirely sure there.

My thoughts after that is where the fear dissipated when I realized I really don't hold faith to any hell, and my after thought was sure! Why not? It isn't as if I believe I would go to such a place. And then my thought was why would something say that?

I have seen shadow people before though running through a wall at quick speed, or up the stairway, never so slowly and front on.

This wasn't expected. Though not surprising.

I have heard essentially the same theories about them. I do not hold to any specific one.

about you hearing the words..."go to hell"....those words may not have been directed at you, a lot of beings do travel in small or large groups, and one being may have said those words to another being, other than your self, and you probably picked up on it.

And, as well, the fear that you were feeling, more than likely was projected to or at you, so that you would believe that you were in a state of fear, to go with and be apart of the feeling of nails around your wrist and your shorts being tugged on.
But no matter what goes on around our self, if you start to feel fear wash through you, ignore it, because I can assure you that it will not be your fear, it will be as I said projected at you.

Regards neil.

26-07-2017, 01:52 PM
about you hearing the words..."go to hell"....those words may not have been directed at you, a lot of beings do travel in small or large groups, and one being may have said those words to another being, other than your self, and you probably picked up on it.

And, as well, the fear that you were feeling, more than likely was projected to or at you, so that you would believe that you were in a state of fear, to go with and be apart of the feeling of nails around your wrist and your shorts being tugged on.
But no matter what goes on around our self, if you start to feel fear wash through you, ignore it, because I can assure you that it will not be your fear, it will be as I said projected at you.

Regards neil.

Thank you. I hadn't considered it could have been speaking to something else, some thing to keep in mind.

However being told to go to hell eradicated that fear in that I kindly considered its suggestion, as in I tried to react with more of a sense of humor than anything else, and in response with "Sure why not? Haven't experienced the epitome of hell yet friend, could be interesting". I find humor to be incredibly helpful when negative thoughts or thinking arises or in situations where I become fearful.

Projection of fear.. can't say I have considered that either. I wouldn't necessarily discredit it however, I have felt depression not entirely of my own before as well, could be possible.

Again thank you for your response.

Kine-Lea- I also would possibly find that a tad creepy. I do not particularly have much interest in the beings, though they have made their presence known. I try to ignore them. I have no answer as to what they are, and they do not entirely give me a vibe of something I'd like to sit around and have coffee with..

I was just not expecting to see one as I had, it was very unexpected. I am not sure I would have seen it if I hadn't opened my eyes when told to.


26-07-2017, 02:41 PM
Thank you. I hadn't considered it could have been speaking to something else, some thing to keep in mind.

However being told to go to hell eradicated that fear in that I kindly considered its suggestion, as in I tried to react with more of a sense of humor than anything else, and in response with "Sure why not? Haven't experienced the epitome of hell yet friend, could be interesting". I find humor to be incredibly helpful when negative thoughts or thinking arises or in situations where I become fearful.

Projection of fear.. can't say I have considered that either. I wouldn't necessarily discredit it however, I have felt depression not entirely of my own before as well, could be possible.

Again thank you for your response.

Kine-Lea- I also would possibly find that a tad creepy. I do not particularly have much interest in the beings, though they have made their presence known. I try to ignore them. I have no answer as to what they are, and they do not entirely give me a vibe of something I'd like to sit around and have coffee with..

I was just not expecting to see one as I had, it was very unexpected. I am not sure I would have seen it if I hadn't opened my eyes when told to.


Good to see that you could realize the feelings of depression were not yours, there are literally billions of earthlings living in depression, and believe that it is originating from within self, but ill bet my very last dollar that none of it originates from within the self of an earthling...but all will have to wait till the fleshy form is shed to be able to know the truth about that issue. ...smiles.
But if they did realize it they might be able to ignore it or deal with it until those responsible for it, give up with their efforts, because their efforts are all in vain.

Regards neil.

16-08-2017, 12:46 AM
I have experience with a shadow being i was bowling once and he was stood in front of me just before where you through the ball down he has appeared to me several times i sure its him that shown me three lights in a triangle formation i wondering he maybe connected to the triangle shape i see quite often who can tell

19-08-2017, 05:28 PM
I have always seen shadows, but those don't look like a man.

22-08-2017, 04:21 PM
It has been happening to me in the last days to get this obvious sign . This subject just pops to me often lately from everywhere

dream jo
31-10-2017, 10:40 PM
iv herd of it iv sean it usd 2 gic me hevi jevuis still can on off