View Full Version : Ten Spiritual Virtues

Shivani Devi
09-01-2017, 08:56 AM
Hello to all. :hug3:

After a few days in contemplation and after a meeting with my community nurse, I decided to write an article on the back of a post I just made in the "meditation section".

It could be the answer to the reason why a lot of people have trouble following the 'spiritual path' or can't stick to it or give up too easily, before they have even started, basically.

Being a spiritual aspirant isn't easy and it has been likened to 'walking on a razor's edge'. Not everybody is really cut out for it - myself included.

I have knowledge, I have unconditional love, but this does not a 'spiritual person' make.

So please sit back and allow me to point it out:

1. Patience - this is a necessity, because not everything is going to happen when/how you want it to. I do not have much patience, but I also read things like "I have been meditating for a week and...nothing" - now, if I thought my patience was bad....patience is the virtue of all virtues (as per the saying).

2. Discipline - another one of my 'faults'. I mean, the whole root word of it is 'disciple' and what is a 'disciple' without discipline? The mind, body and spirit need regularity of spiritual practice to set the whole 'body clock' and also to know when one has made any spiritual advancement. You can have a straight path or a twisted, crooked one with many forks in the road and many twists and turns and it all boils down to routine and regulation or a total lack thereof.

3. Dedication - If you are going to take this whole spiritual thing seriously, you take it seriously. It is not a 'try before you buy' thing and there are no refunds or exchanges. One doesn't 'waste' X-amount of their lives by being 'spiritual', nor does being all 'rainbows and unicorns' work either. The spiritual path has its highs and lows and often a lot of persistence and seriousness is required to reach the goal.

4. Humility - Being able to self-deprecate without putting oneself down in the process and realising there's just something 'greater than me' out there, no matter what name you give it. Compared to the whole universe, I am just a piece of flea poo on a dog's back. I have more luck humbling myself in God's eyes than I do with another human being - I guess it has something to do with my own notions of the 'worthiness' of humanity, until I realise that Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for doing the same thing.

5. Faith/Belief - This is practically a non-brainer because if we didn't have that, none of us would be here - so I am going to throw 'trust' into this - trust within oneself and of oneself and trust in a 'divine power' or 'universal paradigm' where one can say; "okay, You win and I'll stop trying to fully control my own life at every turn, I trust that whatever plans the universe has will be good for me, or if not optimal, allow me to learn my lesson so that next time, it will be". Let's just say "I'm working on it".

6. Honesty - This is all about self-honesty and personal integrity. Inner honesty will come before outer honesty. I have fully mastered this and my whole life is like the movie "Liar Liar" with Jim Carrey, after his son made the birthday wish - I cannot stop/help telling the truth (mostly how I see it) - one of the reasons I have got so far along the spiritual path is due to my almost brutal and ruthless 'self-honesty'. Sometimes I get really hard on myself and people tell me to 'let up on myself' or 'cut myself some slack' but if I do that, I won't have the motivational force I need that's required for me to make progress or make changes.

7. Unconditional Love - Sometimes it happens as a consequence of spirituality, whilst other times it is the driving force behind it. In every religion and in every human endeavour, there's only one thing that most philosophies will agree on; "God is Love". In every book of every religion, it says so somewhere. Also, the truth is YOU are Love too...so if You are Love and God is Love - it only goes to highlight that You are God - I still have problems believing that though because I prefer to love God unconditionally and not myself.

8. Equanimity - I'll also throw 'tolerance' in here. As with a lot of these virtues, they can arise from the practice or need to be displayed before beginning it. It's just much more difficult for those who lack any/all of these virtues to even place one foot upon the path or they will be forever hopping around with one foot on the path whilst the other is shoved firmly in their mouths. Equanimity is all about having a balanced outlook and not letting minor frustrations and distractions anger and upset us - where we tend to make 'mountains out of molehills' and blow everything up out of all proportion because it suits us to - still working on it.

9. Acceptance - There must come a time, that despite all 'best efforts' and 'patience' one has to resign themselves to the understanding that "maybe things were not meant to 'go my way'. I mean it's pretty egotistical to have believed they ever would in the first place (and this is my problem with LoA). It has been shown to me thousands of times that just because I want/desire something, the very notion that I want/desire it, makes that thing immediately inaccessible and 'out of reach' to teach me not to 'want' or not to 'desire' or not to 'be attached'. I could spend my whole life trying to 'get it' or I could just say "You know best, God - whatever you say/do is a fair thing'. I'm working on it.

10. Discrimination - This is not hatred or hostility towards anybody 'different'. It leads on from equanimity with the ability to judge the circumstance and respond, not react, accordingly. It means to see the 'truth' from the 'lies' and to understand when it is best to talk and express oneself and when it is better to keep thoughts to oneself. This is why 'spiritual people' rarely get involved in arguments - it's totally pointless and makes no difference. Discrimination is all about how to make the best use out of one's physical and psychic energies.

These are just off the top of my head and I was only given 10 - like Moses and the Commandments, but if anybody can add more or fix up what I have written so it flows more smoothly, please be my guest.

Thank you for reading and any replies in advance.


Glacier Serenade
09-01-2017, 12:04 PM
Thank you for this post Necro. As I have only been concerntrating on the spiritual path for the past month or so I will find this very useful :D

#1: Patience - As I am still only in the 'learning' stages of spirituality, I don't feel I need to focus on this stage too much as yet. I have no intentions of giving up or getting bored of my path atm!

#2: Discipline - I'd say I need to keep an eye on this one just in case I drift from spirituality a bit.

#3: Dedication - As I am kind of a lazy person in general I really need to be aware of this point especially as I ascend through the stages of spirituality. I expect the more deep I explore into it the more interesting and important it makes itself to me, making this become less of a problem(?)

#4: Humility - A lot of times in 2016 I was very bad at this, but my spiritual awakening has made me realise that everyone is just as important, like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle :P

#5: Faith/Belief - I must admit there are some spiritual subjects discussed on here I question but for the most part I am very open minded with various topics and very rarely dismiss any of them without confidence.

#6: Honesty - This is a tricky one, as I do want to be honest all the time but it ends up being most of the time these days. I've narrowed it down to being honest with most people but not all, saying that it depends how well I know them and if they have a history of reacting badly to the truth. I know this makes this "coward" like, but I am still a very emotionally sensitive person and empathic too when it comes to the truth upsetting others. So I'm really not sure on this one... :|

#7: Unconditional Love - I'm doing well on this one! Although I am not in a relationship currently (or have ever really been in one) I don't see myself quitting a relationship as easy as most do. Finding out a super controversial secret about my other wouldn't affect anything for me and I'd actually look at it as her being brave enough to tell me <3

#8: Equalimity - As mentioned above I am a very emotional person, experiencing high feelings of happiness, it also works the other way. I can get angry but mostly when I feel others being angry at me and it's difficult (I have been getting better at this in the past few weeks though!) The frustration part is the bigger problem left for me now though I think. I could probably get better at this in the next few months though :D

#9: Acceptance - Another difficult one for me too. It might take a while, or I might be unsure, but eventually I'm able to accept things.

#10: Discrimination - Similar to how I feel with #7, this is no problem at all for me!

09-01-2017, 01:07 PM
That's a nice list. There are similar such lists, Buddhism and a number of esoteric philosophies for example have their own. My observation: It's important not to "religify" spiritual development. The moment a truthful something hardens into a rigid, religious-style belief, it loses most of its purpose really.

What is 'dedication' for example? For a religious person, I would say that generally implies dedicating one's self to their chosen beliefs; to upholding and maintaining a particular view of God, and that which God would have us do. Which of itself isn't a bad thing. The problem though arises when one believes they have 'strayed' in their dedication. It's this self-recrimination that causes the sort of self-hate, and hate of the material world (think: we are all sinners), that religion is often known for.

I personally would replace the high-expectation words on that list - like 'disciple' and 'dedication' - with words that denote a less strict and more organic relationship with the self-development process. I would use the word 'rhythm.' Getting into a simple and loving rhythm wherein your spirituality is your daily life; is everything you do in life. See how that changes the psychic relationship? Even when you 'stray,' you're still on your spiritual path. Because even straying is seen and understood as spiritual, and therefore okay. You learn to love even your straying, because you don't see it as separate from your path. It is one aspect of your path.

And so you 'dedicate' yourself to nurturing this loving view. And you 'disciple' yourself by making sure, when you find yourself wallowing about in self-recrimination, that you quickly and happily let go of those thoughts, and rededicate to this loving view of yourself and your path.

Shivani Devi
09-01-2017, 01:51 PM
That's a nice list. There are similar such lists, Buddhism and a number of esoteric philosophies for example have their own. My observation: It's important not to "religify" spiritual development. The moment a truthful something hardens into a rigid, religious-style belief, it loses most of its purpose really.

What is 'dedication' for example? For a religious person, I would say that generally implies dedicating one's self to their chosen beliefs; to upholding and maintaining a particular view of God, and that which God would have us do. Which of itself isn't a bad thing. The problem though arises when one believes they have 'strayed' in their dedication. It's this self-recrimination that causes the sort of self-hate, and hate of the material world (think: we are all sinners), that religion is often known for.

I personally would replace the high-expectation words on that list - like 'disciple' and 'dedication' - with words that denote a less strict and more organic relationship with the self-development process. I would use the word 'rhythm.' Getting into a simple and loving rhythm wherein your spirituality is your daily life; is everything you do in life. See how that changes the psychic relationship? Even when you 'stray,' you're still on your spiritual path. Because even straying is seen and understood as spiritual, and therefore okay. You learn to love even your straying, because you don't see it as separate from your path. It is one aspect of your path.

And so you 'dedicate' yourself to nurturing this loving view. And you 'disciple' yourself by making sure, when you find yourself wallowing about in self-recrimination, that you quickly and happily let go of those thoughts, and rededicate to this loving view of yourself and your path.Those are some very wise thoughts and words.

I agree it's important not to 'religify' spiritual development, but it is nice to have some pointers along the way...some that may guide or help...or if one gets stuck, they can read a pointer and go "well, maybe that is why certain things are happening". It may not even be the reason, but it is still worth noting and noticing.

There are some things I have taken personal liberties with and I agree. I mean, if I did not, I may as well cut and paste the Noble Eightfold Path, or Patanjali's list of Yamas and Niyamas...but nope, I decided to come up with my own list based on the discussions I have had with people on the subject over the past 3 days and I'm already aware that to 'get it right' it's going to take more than just 3 days.

What I have labeled and boxed neatly above is for those people who like to label things and put them neatly in boxes and I am fully aware that 50% of the population like to label/box things and 50% do not. I am one of the former, so I am reaching out to others like myself who like everything to be neat, tidy and compartmentalised within their thinking process or brainspace.

I'll try and find more pleasing, unoffensive terms by going through a whole list of synonyms to appease the 'spiritually correct' (spiritually politically correct) and to add some kind of disclaimer 'for label-lovers ONLY' but I really thank you Baile. :smile:

Miss Hepburn
09-01-2017, 02:15 PM
And then, once we make the connection or contact or dive deeply into
the love that is the Creator, by any name...Krishna, Jesus, Higher Self, the Divine Infinite...
all in the above list come easily and naturally...
There is no more huge 'trying' to be a certain way.
My experience. ❤️ (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=109412)

(I do remember in my 20s this Path, indeed, being a Razor's Edge; then when
you have direct experiences under your belt it is not so much... a solid foundation
of personal experience takes it's place.
Wasn't it Somerset Maugham that made that term? He probably borrowed it from Hindu scriptures.)

Shivani Devi
09-01-2017, 02:49 PM
And then, once we make the connection or contact or dive deeply into
the love that is the Creator, by any name...Krishna, Jesus, Higher Self, the Divine Infinite...
all in the above list come easily and naturally...
There is no more huge 'trying' to be a certain way.
My experience. ❤️ (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=109412)

(I do remember in my 20s this Path, indeed, being a Razor's Edge; then when
you have direct experiences under your belt it is not so much... a solid foundation
of personal experience takes it's place.
Wasn't it Somerset Maugham that made that term? He probably borrowed it from Hindu scriptures.)Yes it was, after his meeting with Ramana Maharishi who got him to read the Katha Upanishad.

So, Lord Yama was instructing Nachiketas...

"Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn. Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path, so the wise say—hard to tread and difficult to cross." - Katha Upanishad 1:3:14

You have a good memory, Miss Hepburn.

10-01-2017, 10:54 PM
In my experience effort is the biggest one. We can't progress without effort

11-01-2017, 12:45 AM
After a few days in contemplation and after a meeting with my community nurse, I decided to write an article on the back of a post I just made in the "meditation section".

These are just off the top of my head and I was only given 10 - like Moses and the Commandments, but if anybody can add more or fix up what I have written so it flows more smoothly, please be my guest.

Thank you for reading and any replies in advance.


The Necromancer,

The best part of this is that you took some time to contemplate this and bounced it off someone else's head. It is something everyone should do. Not just to read another's list but to compile their own. When we do that.....we own that. It becomes more embedded in us. And I am sure that for each item on your list you could write pages on each virtue. This careful contemplation of each virtue emphasizes and highlights the impact that each can have on your spiritual life.

ocean breeze
11-01-2017, 01:00 AM
I would think awareness and authenticity would be the basics. Fueled by the intense emotional energy that brings your mind to focus on the path be it love or hate.

11-01-2017, 05:50 PM
The Necromancer,

I am accepting your invitation to expand the list......:)

My suggested additions are......

11. Gratitude(I feel no need to explain)

12. Forgiveness.......I will explain..:) Without the ability to forgive both
self and others we live in a self-induced paralysis of being judgmental.
Lack of forgiveness acts as an anchor on our energy.

11-01-2017, 06:48 PM
re forgiveness: I think I have been subliminally influenced by my 2 yr. old granddaughters incessant renderings of the Disney song....."Let It Go"......:)

Shivani Devi
12-01-2017, 05:31 AM
The Necromancer,

I am accepting your invitation to expand the list......:)

My suggested additions are......

11. Gratitude(I feel no need to explain)

12. Forgiveness.......I will explain..:) Without the ability to forgive both
self and others we live in a self-induced paralysis of being judgmental.
Lack of forgiveness acts as an anchor on our energy.
Yes, I now realise the limitations of calling it 'Ten' Spiritual Virtues and asking for more. :biggrin:

Those are very good suggestions too. Gratitude and forgiveness I place under Humility because without being humble first, one cannot experience them...ha! maybe my 'Virtues' need 'Sub Virtues' and I could still keep it to ten..hmmm...

Yeah, I was just mentally reminded of this - for all you Mel Brooks fans out there:
