View Full Version : Question for Spirit Guide Sparrow! ..."all that is"

11-02-2011, 02:08 AM
I dont expect you to recognise me, but I wonder if you might help me. Like many here, I really enjoy reading your insightful explanations of all things on a planetary and spiritual level. Before the great site crash last year, I read an amazing piece of writing by you about "All that is". But now I cant find it :confused: Your explanation of "all that is" was so profound to me that I would dearly like you to share it again?

It went something like this:

In the beginning there was "all that is". All that is, was all that is. And 'all that is' was perfect in every way. But 'All that is' had nothing to compare itself to, so broke a piece of of itself to create some-thing. And so on...

would you be kind enough to refresh my memory of your amazing insight on this? I would be so grateful :hug3:

Brigit :hug3:

Spirit Guide Sparrow
16-03-2011, 01:15 PM
That which you speak of was spoken of in reference to and in context of Angels, which inherently is another description for your true Self.

Here follows an alternate perspective.

In the beginning, there was no-thing. From no-thing came every-thing, and everything became something. Hence was the creator nothing, everything and something without beginning or end. This is the divine dichotomy of the One. The one truth.

Yet this One knew not that it was one, for it did not have the time to be aware of the perspective of its reflection of the division created from any separation to enable it to understand conceptually and experientially all that it was, was One.

Said simply...

In the beginning, to which there was none, time did not exist; for time is a construct of linear awareness.
In the beginning, to which there was none, awareness did not exist; for awareness is a construct of perspective.
In the beginning, to which there was none, perspective did not exist; for perspective is a construct of reflection.
In the beginning, to which there was none, reflection did not exist; for reflection is a construct of division.
In the beginning, to which there was none, division did not exist; for division is a construct of separation.
In the beginning, to which there was none, separation did not exist; for separation is a construct of illusion.
In the beginning, to which there was none, illusion did not exist, for illusion is a construct of imagination (image-in-motion).
In the beginning, to which there was none, imagination did not exist, for imagination is a construct of thought.
In the beginning, to which there was none, thought did not exist, for thought is a construct of energy in motion.
In the beginning, to which there was none, energy in motion did not exist, for energy in motion is a construct of e-motion.

In the beginning, to which there became One, did the creator thus form an emotion, hence did energy begin to move in motion (the big bang). An explosion of thought imagined a grand illusion of separation to experience division through reflection, using perspective, via the vehicle of awareness in time. In time shall the creator experience its Self within the dichotomy of the One and as all that Is.

The journey of the souls intent is the sole intent of the divine dichotomy of Creator Self-realized. Love one’s Self, for love is the e-motion of life. One who is truly selfless becomes Self-realized as the One.

From One to another.

26-03-2011, 02:19 AM
Spirit Guide Sparrow,

I seek your wisdom.

On the main menu board there is a thread dealing with 'Past lives and reincarnation'.

The original post is by Star Child and has the heading 'Do we choose to be born with a chronic illness or disability.'

LightFilledHeart in post #26 makes the comment that her friend Dannion was 'ordered' to go back the the physical and complete his task.

My reply is in post #28. I am of the belief that in such circumstances a soul is given the choice of returning or not, and that no one is 'forced' to return against their will.

I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter please.


Spirit Guide Sparrow
30-03-2011, 11:18 PM
Greetings Merlin.

I would be happy to share my thoughts on this subject.

On first observation of the thread you have directed me to, I will start by answering the query of the original topic. Generally speaking, human beings do not foresee and choose to be born with physical disabilities or mental challenges. I am quite aware that some people believe such to be linked with some karmic or ‘lesson’ orientated cause for such circumstances, but I assure you with complete confidence that this is completely incorrect. The soul choosing to have a physical experience does not have the awareness of how its physical body will develop prior to it joining with the first two biological cells. The complications and challenges which come with being born attached to physical form are simply a part of the imperfections of genetics and exposure to harmful substances or events. These imperfections in human genetic development and unforeseen events have nothing whatsoever to do with karma or lessons the soul needs to learn to grow.
The soul grows by choosing and creating new forms of joy and vehicles for love, for these are extensions of Self-identity. Suffering is only a by-product of physical state and has no true spiritual value. Suffering is simply a declaration that you are NOT being who you truly are. Why then would any soul consciously choose a life of suffering, unhappiness or restriction? It does not make a soul evolve. In fact it only causes the soul to become alienated to the true vibration of its spirit and causes Self-amnesia.
Despite the suffering any person faces in their physical form, every single being retains the free will to leave their physical body any time they wish, should it truly be what they desire.

To comment upon your own query;

Such terms as ‘ordered’ and ‘forced’ suggest that a hierarchical body exists in the spirit world which is permitted special powers over others, and thus the free will of all beings can be thwarted. This is untrue, and has its roots based from uneducated religious doctrine.
How the spirit world works is that each and every single being is given full rights to create and pursue their own journey of Self identity without limitations whatsoever. I mean this literally. In the spirit world a being can become anything it can imagine itself to be and nobody will prevent you from fulfilling this aspiration for yourself, except YOU. They need not because there is enough ‘space’ to be whatever you most desire within your own universe. And if a universe is not big enough for you, there exists platforms that are much, much bigger to explore who you are. The only power which prevents you from fulfilling a choice you have made is the power of your own thoughts and beliefs.

Those who are encountering a near-death-experience must understand they are subjected to the same reactive canvas as those others in the spirit world. That is, the consciousness you take with you begins to manifest your experiential environment and reality. Just as it is that some can manifest visions of demons that appear to engulf their soul, it is just as easy to manifest the opposite, with grand saintly figures of superiority and God-like authority. The canvas of the spirit world does not discriminate, it simply mirrors and provides a form to energy that you create upon it so that it may be experienced and interacted with. Your physical life up to this point of passing has been but a preparation of consciousness. As you exit your physical state the consciousness you have grown from the seeds of emotion and thought immediately come into full bloom and unfold their true influence. How you experience your near-death-experience or transition will depend on the conditions of your consciousness. If you have a particularly low self-worth or shameful self-judgement after being confronted by visions of your past deeds then it is not unheard of for humans to manifest their own form of judgement and self-punishment.

During many recounted near-death-experiences the soul still retains its elasticated silver cord to the solar plexus of the physical form and so the person has not technically died. The body has simply shut down and awareness has been relocated outside the body. The human body was designed to live forever, however, if it has been significantly damaged or polluted then this will expel the life-force and sever its cord connection. If it has not been significantly damaged then the connection always remains and the individual may return back into the body relatively easily. When focal awareness is transferred back to the physical aspect, often very quickly due to either the brain or heart resuscitating, the individual will experience a tremendous sensation of being thrown back into their physical body usually with the first gasp of breath. This occurs because the connection between soul and body is still intact and activity of the body has forced soul-consciousness to be recalled rapidly into conscious physical state. This can be a very unpleasant and undesirable experience, especially if the soul is beckoned by overwhelming love from another source. This often leaves individuals feeling bitter and angry.
On a positive note, the majority of human beings choose to become more loving, compassionate and spiritually orientated individuals following their recoveries.


31-03-2011, 04:00 AM
Spirit Guide Sparrow,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have given me much to think about.

It may be discerned from some of my posts that I am greatly influenced by the words of Edgar Cayce, and while I fully believe you to be a genuine medium of considerable talent I am a little confused as to the discrepancy of information concerning the state of foreknowing (or lack of) the physical condition of an impending foetus.

I have been under the impression that an entity was aware of the future disabilities/challenges of the intended incarnation, and that such conditions were a means for the entity to 'catch up' on karma at an accellerated pace as a free will choice.

I have never encountered anything to contradict this and am now not sure as to how to reconcile the two views. I may not be able to, and perhaps can only choose between one or the other and try to fit it into the rest of my philosophy. Perhaps both views are true under certain circumstances.

As an analogy, it is like having an almost completed jigsaw, with 2 pieces left and only one space available. I have always believed that the doctrine of reincarnation was a complete and perfect system, and only our lack of knowledge (a lack of puzzle pieces) prevents us from seeing the entire picture.

I shall have to read and reread your advice.

The rest of your comments reinforce and expand my awareness of the spirit world. Thank you.


Spirit Guide Sparrow
31-03-2011, 10:10 AM
Greetings Merlin.

If I should at first speak of myself, I would not consider myself a medium. Although I do speak on behalf of my soul group who’s forte sits within the access to vast information, as a being of this group I have independent abilities to access the wisdom contained within my own spirit and environments within physical and none-physical state. I would emphasise that this is also not a state of ascensionism but simply an embodiment of purpose I have, and my particular soul group have developed.

If you allow me to address the subject of karma, I should tell you that the physical life experience is not there to iron out karmic debt. What of those then of the very first souls to ever incarnate in a physical universe? Were these very first souls also being born to iron out past karma?
The answer is obviously no. Such things as shameful deeds and negative energies are actually dealt with as soon as a soul transitions into the etheric realms. It realizes it needs to in order for it to gain access to greater and grander spiritual realms and sources of information, which are not accessible wearing a negative coat of consciousness. Usually your family members and those who know you the best, those in your soul group will mentor you in ironing out your energy state and raising your vibration back to its original resonance. This process calls for deep soul reflection and Self-awareness, which ultimately identifies corrections in attitude and thought which are required. During this process you will also be given the opportunity to give yourself in service to anyone you have been of ill-deed and gain forgiveness in this intention. One does not need to go through a whole new physical life just to gain forgiveness from another being since there is so much more you can do for them in the spirit world than you can in any physical one. In a sense, your karma is transmuted the moment you recognise the effects of your past actions and heal any self-judgment or judgment placed upon you. Usually confronting the soul in question and revealing to them that you have understood your mistake is more than enough to gain forgiveness and move on. This is so because the realms of light and spiritual beings are inherently forgiving and it only works in your favour to grant forgiveness.

Now, if one were to foreknow all the intricate details of their physical life, such as what apparent disabilities they would encounter, then their physical life would become pointless and purposeless. For indeed, if you already knew what would happen in your life why would you need bother incarnating at all? Life is to gain perspective and experience. By this suggestion you yourself present one would obviously already have such a perspective and foreknowing even before being born, so there obviously would not be a requirement to leave the spirit world at all.
Your life is governed by your free will choices. Since your soul does not foreknow what choices it will choose prior to it having a physical life, how would you then assume to know how such a life would turn out in advance? And if you did know every choice you were going to make in life, this knowledge alone would defy and void any need or requirement to have a physical life at all. You must also understand that life never unfolds as planned anyway because the free will actions and influences of everyone else in your life is always going to create unexpected events which you would never have foreseen. If the unforeseen actions of a driver collides with the car driven by your mother-to-be and causes her to have a premature birth, which leads to brain damage to the child or development of disabilities, then this is a result of another’s free will actions upon the free will of your original desire for a happy healthy normal life. No soul would in their right mind choose a life of lesser quality than anyone else, for the consequences on their consciousness may be devastating.
Forcing yourself to be born with lesser quality of life than someone else, perhaps with a terminal illness at childhood, to repay some notion of karmic debt is not evidence of love, but of self-punishment and judgement. Even those who you may have done wrong would never wish upon you such hardships wilfully once they themselves are home within the light and love.

To assist your understanding of the spirit world and how things work, it is important for you to first view such information from the eyes of your divine Self, not through the eyes and understandings of your human aspect.


01-04-2011, 05:04 AM
Greetings Sparrow,

You may not see yourself as a medium, but in general terms, you are in a position to facilitate a two way flow of information between people like myself and others on this board with not only your own wisdom but also the wisdom of your soul group.

I agree that the sole purpose of life is not the ironing out of karma, but that opportunity is there for those who need to. Past karma may be resolved, while present free will choices will incur other karma – good or bad. The choices we make determine our destiny.

The first souls to incarnate into this earth sphere were comparatively innocent, but by their actions and choices they incurred such karma as trapped them within their physical bodies, and the only way out was to die. Having died and returned to spirit, they were left with their karma stamped upon the Akashic record, and to resolve that they had to incarnate again in an effort to resolve it. Like a dog chasing its tail, life after life became necessary as new karma was incurred in life's confusion while trying to resolve karma from past lives. The veil of forgetfulness drops between physical and spirit during each sojourn, so it seems a haphazard business at best. Such is life, but spirit will prevail. Spirit will return to its maker, regardless of the machinations of men.

One does indeed need to incarnate in the earth sphere to learn the lessons available there, because man only learns what he has experienced. You can only learn the lessons of the physical while being in the physical. That is not to say that all souls must go through the earth experience, as I believe there are other systems available to spirit to progress.

If, as you say, karma is transmuted the moment you recognise the effects of your past actions...etc. Then any soul, upon reflection of past deeds, could decide to 'say sorry', and thereby remove any future need to incarnate into the earth at all.

While in spirit, an entity may have intimate knowledge of future conditions intended for its next earth life, but not all is 'set in stone'. Free will governs, and as has been given through Cayce, until such time as an entity chooses, even God doesn't know the outcome. Certain events will come about, as planned, but others are subject to choices made and may happen or not accordingly. Like a roadmap, you may travel from A to B, and both A and B will be a part of your journey, but how you get there may be a divergent system of paths and not the most direct route. You don't know every choice you are going to make in life until a situation presents where a choice may be made.

The free will actions of others who impact upon your life obviously will have an effect on your original plan. This again is karma incurred by others, and may even be a catalyst for resolution of your own. It is not given to man to know all things, but we can rely on our own spirit and our own soul group to see us through to eventual enlightenment. Even Jesus said: “I will bring all men to me”, which means that eventually all of us will return to our original state of being Christ like beings, at one with our creator.

Your words: “No soul would in their right mind choose a life of lesser quality than someone else...” To me, this conjours an image of everyone being born rich and famous. Obviously an impossibility. Besides, a Hindu of meagre means living an austere life in squalor may be more advanced spiritually than any pope of Rome. Much of the literature of spirituality decrees that man must lose all emotional and material ties with the earth life in order to progress to other spheres.

In my understanding of how the spirit world works, I can only view it with mortal eyes, as I have not the spiritual insight to do otherwise as you are able. I am truly envious of your abilities, but then that's another earth trait I will have to eventually expunge from my character.

All of this is not to negate your words, but your information has shattered my jigsaw puzzle picture of the universe and I must now try to reconstruct another with new pieces. It reminds me of earlier years when I was about to enter the examination room at the academy. Some clown had posted a picture on the door of an ape sitting with his back to a tree and holding his aching head. The caption read: “Just when you thought you had all the answers, they went and changed all the questions.”
