View Full Version : Room full of spirits ?

27-11-2016, 10:36 PM
Just wanted to share with you what's with me right now, as I'm laying in bed I'm feeling the presence of strong energies can't quite decide what it is exactly, I'll have a certain thought and hear tapping, my cheek is going cold randomly, I can feel something looking at me, almost right over me, here metal clinks in the corner with no apparent source, it's making me a little frustrated than anxious this kind of stuff is a regular for me but tonight it's a lot stronger and well weirder, truth be told I can see a few spirits hovering about in here, mainly guides and soul friends, which begs the question as to why I feel there's something else here that I've asked to leave and isn't, apologies in the way I'm expressing all of this to those who read it's quite a lot to take in if unfamiliar, I am very tired at the minute and can't sleep with this going on feels like I'm not being 'allowed' to. Called upon Archangel Micheal and say purple light so I know I'm guarded like the queen lol, anyone got any insight that could help? Cheers man

desert rat
29-11-2016, 02:19 AM
If it's just 1 room you might check your electrical devices for e.m.f. Some people are sensitive to leaking electrical devices .