View Full Version : Why do we Fear death?

09-10-2016, 02:24 PM
Many people, virtually all to be accurate... Believe that Death is something negative as it takes the people we love away from us.
But death is a natural end to all beginnings. What is created has to come to an end yet it seems we often cannot cope up with this idea.

So, why do most of us fear death?
Is it the fear of the unknown that one believes that he's given one life and he won't be able to enjoy himself ever again on this planet?
Or because of the supposed pain that most revive while dying in an accident, by a heart attack, etc?

09-10-2016, 05:35 PM
We only fear the concept of death from an identity rooted in form and saturated in time.

09-10-2016, 08:40 PM
Fear often comes with the thought of death, but calm usually comes when death is imminent.
I have seen hundreds of people die an some die in great fear, to the point where that fear is
etched on their face long after they have died, while others die at peace, some with a smile
on their face and an aura of light around them.

Everyone dies but how we die can effect our mindset; there are some situations that are more
fearful then others, like swimming in a pond an being attacked by an alligator, or falling from
a very tall building that has crumbled; these are a lot different than dying at home surrounded
by loved ones or in a hospital bed.

09-10-2016, 09:37 PM
Many people, virtually all to be accurate... Believe that Death is something negative as it takes the people we love away from us.
But death is a natural end to all beginnings. What is created has to come to an end yet it seems we often cannot cope up with this idea.

So, why do most of us fear death?
Is it the fear of the unknown that one believes that he's given one life and he won't be able to enjoy himself ever again on this planet?
Or because of the supposed pain that most revive while dying in an accident, by a heart attack, etc?

Because they don't know fully what it will bring. So it is living with the unknown. Suffering in death is a biggy for many. Will I suffer, what will I endure in that suffering?

I used to fear death and suffering in death, fear of what was beyond death.

I had to make peace with all that to move beyond it.

Fear is very obvious and very subtle so often you will notice many who welcome death, welcome it based on their beliefs and ideas of what is to come.

Being so deeply entrenched in the fear of death and suffering and what was beyond, I had to go deep in myself and surrender to death to show myself I could. It was sucking the life out of me for living. So for me entering into all that I had to release the binds in myself holding on, attaching and not wanting to just let go for no reason.

This helped me to let go of things more easily from that point. It ended my attachments that were layered over all that in myself. Building trust in life and death opened me to live a life more complete, live more fully without fear in place.

Now days it is what is when I think about all these old fears. It will be what it will be. I cant change that and it is nice to be able to say that now and not be moved (in the old way) but more aware of it as it is for each person going through it as a normal process of life..:wink:

10-10-2016, 12:28 PM
We fear from death because we have a fear from reality, from truth. We used to ran away from reality and want to live in a virtual world. We should have to accept this ultimate truth.

11-10-2016, 02:25 AM
Many people, virtually all to be accurate... Believe that Death is something negative as it takes the people we love away from us.
But death is a natural end to all beginnings. What is created has to come to an end yet it seems we often cannot cope up with this idea.

So, why do most of us fear death?
Is it the fear of the unknown that one believes that he's given one life and he won't be able to enjoy himself ever again on this planet?
Or because of the supposed pain that most revive while dying in an accident, by a heart attack, etc?
I personally fear dying, and not death itself. The reason I fear dying is that we don't even die naturally anymore. We are artificially kept alive until our last dying breath if you live in most common western counties. This is very undignified state to be in, if anyone has a family member that is in a hospice for years know this. I absolutely hate the idea of being kept alive and even force fed.

What they do to many people at the end of their life is a slap in the face to all those that strive for a healthy emotional mental state throughout their life. And why do hospitals, and hospices do it? They do it for profit and for fear of being sued.

I personally plan on ending my life at the end of my life in a painless manner, when I am an old man. But until then I plan on living a full and healthy life.

Is it the fear of the unknown that one believes that he's given one life and he won't be able to enjoy himself ever again on this planet?
Not really. because many people believe in an afterlife.

Or because of the supposed pain that most revive while dying in an accident, by a heart attack, etc?It's probably more associated with this. But it's a taboo topic because people feel hopeless to change it. Everyone is taught not talk about it because they can't change it. Traditionally they can't change it because if they took their life into their own hands then they would fear hell. Obviously religion and hell is loosing it's grip on people and so we are starting to get Doctor assisted suicide.

Personally I don't fear the pain that much as long as it's short. The problem is when the pain is prolonged especially when the physical pain turns into mental pain. That is what people are afraid of and rightfully so.

My life, my death, my choice, because we should be able to control our lives as much as our death. I'm not playing Russian roulette with my dignity. So those are my thoughts on this issue.

11-10-2016, 11:32 AM
I think that we have mental pain that turns into physical pain now....

11-10-2016, 11:58 AM
I think that we have mental pain that turns into physical pain now....Yeah that can be true too.

11-10-2016, 12:59 PM
People fear death because, as you rightly say, it takes people we love away from us. It may be a natural process but the human ego is born of this world and as such it forms attachments to people and to material things and experiences their absence as a loss which needs to be grieved over. This leads to a fear of loss and grief/pain and anything that causes it. Physical death is the biggie although there are hundreds of forms of death that we encounter every day. Also, people fear death because it's the big unknown. It's a loss of control. No one knows what happens afterwards, and it can creep up on us at any time and snatch us away from all that we hold dear. It makes absolute sense that people will fear it. However some people have learned to detach from the ego and identify more with their soul or even just in the natural world and so they feel at peace with the processes of loss and change.

11-10-2016, 02:53 PM
People fear death when they think about it as going into a void but once they believe in the afterlife it is the act of dying which remains an unkown and they have no control over which brings the most fear. Also the thought of leaving the loved ones behind is like deserting them and that comes with fear. The other attachment to worldly things also bring fear when it is time for one to die.

11-10-2016, 03:05 PM
Because Orthodoxy has spun a 'big, black web' around death. Really for their own ends.
Think about it, the 'our way is the only way' argument looks pretty hollow if, as they do, all people survive death.
Bless the number of your days on earth and honour them, and the gift of opportunity that is earthly life, with good works.

11-10-2016, 03:10 PM
Some societies celebrate death don't they ?

I did a google but Alan Sugar's face keeps popping up on this computer and that was quite scary.