View Full Version : Does My Genetic Marker Include True Power?

07-10-2016, 08:40 PM
One of the more interesting aspects of spirituality I've run into for quite some time is the concept of True Power. What does that mean in the context of ones genetic makeup or more aptly relating to this discussion is the threading of genetic markers obtainable?

I have started to converse with a fellow Starseed on this likelihood and find it totally fascinating. I have also discussed this with another person I highly admire given her multi-dimensional awareness and shared knowledge. What I interpret this to mean isn't so much a milestone in concept or meaning but in capability and awareness.

Precisely what I am talking about here is our 3D markers and how they transcend to other dimensions and other realities. It is the shared substance of how the spirit is viewing existence in this dimension and then carrying it into another dimension. So I am referring to ones gender here. Those in this 3D dimension certainly are one or the other by birth. Our physical bodies is the dead giveaway. But more and more of us including various other species on this planet and I am sure elsewhere too are mixing their gene pool with a mix of gender encoding.

Now the True Power thought could easily come from a simple concept whereby one intertwines with either the opposite gender or reverse if relatable. And this idea is based on the conclusion that if both genders were combined the shear manifestation of awareness and knowledge of everything could be possible! This identity wraps its understanding that if we were whole then either we would have no gender at all (in the equation that 1+1=0) or that having both genders spiritually would be reminiscent of a fully jacked-in conscious life-being concatenating potential levels heretofore unknown.

Again, this isn't just a fascination but a reality that others I know have experienced and felt on a variety of levels. I would very much like to start a discussion on this to capture and identify its existence and share its significance and meaning as we search for more proof and understanding of our genetic capabilities.

07-10-2016, 09:11 PM
Interesting concept, makes one think of different possibilities and explain some things I have experienced. Thank you.

07-10-2016, 10:09 PM
you've ventured beyond my capacity for understanding Kontufuto.
it's illogical to my mind that "true power" could be captured and identified...
"true power" cannot be harnessed by some other force.

08-10-2016, 09:15 AM
Not sure what "True Power" is. Is this some new age fad about to spring up?

To me, power is the capacity to control resources, actual and/or magical,
Earthly and/or astral, doesn't matter which. So True Power would seem to be truly bestowed with
the wherewithall to control resources....at some level or another. Projecting this
beyond assumed 4D physical dimensions is speculative leading to our individual
experience of managing resources through the planes or continua we venture into.


08-10-2016, 03:06 PM
i'd enjoy working this puzzle with you Kontufuto.
for me, it would be to serve the purpose of empowering humanity.
i might introduce complementary ideas which have a different background.

08-10-2016, 03:33 PM
One of the more interesting aspects of spirituality I've run into for quite some time is the concept of True Power. What does that mean in the context of ones genetic makeup or more aptly relating to this discussion is the threading of genetic markers obtainable?

I have started to converse with a fellow Starseed on this likelihood and find it totally fascinating. I have also discussed this with another person I highly admire given her multi-dimensional awareness and shared knowledge. What I interpret this to mean isn't so much a milestone in concept or meaning but in capability and awareness.

Precisely what I am talking about here is our 3D markers and how they transcend to other dimensions and other realities. It is the shared substance of how the spirit is viewing existence in this dimension and then carrying it into another dimension. So I am referring to ones gender here. Those in this 3D dimension certainly are one or the other by birth. Our physical bodies is the dead giveaway. But more and more of us including various other species on this planet and I am sure elsewhere too are mixing their gene pool with a mix of gender encoding.

Now the True Power thought could easily come from a simple concept whereby one intertwines with either the opposite gender or reverse if relatable. And this idea is based on the conclusion that if both genders were combined the shear manifestation of awareness and knowledge of everything could be possible! This identity wraps its understanding that if we were whole then either we would have no gender at all (in the equation that 1+1=0) or that having both genders spiritually would be reminiscent of a fully jacked-in conscious life-being concatenating potential levels heretofore unknown.

Again, this isn't just a fascination but a reality that others I know have experienced and felt on a variety of levels. I would very much like to start a discussion on this to capture and identify its existence and share its significance and meaning as we search for more proof and understanding of our genetic capabilities.

Hello Kontufuto,

There is only one 'true power' and that is the Highest, God, etc. All physical, material and genetic reality is the resultant recipient of Consciousness which precedes and supersedes it. Therefore, all other 'power' is subsidiary to, and dependent on it.

For any human being incarnate, it is only in direct cognition of, and through a confluence and identification with the Divine Truth-consciousness, as a conscious executor of the Will of the Highest in and through any individual life where 'true power' resides.

While physical reality is a conditional aspect of, and symbolic of higher forces and their play, it is easier to approach and apply a dynamic 'understanding' of reality in and through the awareness of originating Source, rather than navigate the material illusion of resultant surface appearance alone.

to capture and identify its existence and share its significance and meaning as we search for more proof and understanding of our genetic capabilities.

The way to this is in and through a subjective identification by whatever effective means, with the Highest. That is the 'search'. The lowest (material existence) is already 'proof' of the Highest in its potential, and as such, has in theory, its unlimited capacity - but only if invoked by that practical identification with its Source, vs. its unconscious action.

~ J

08-10-2016, 05:11 PM
hi cool stuff yes when whole you have no gender
male and female energy are than united
of course physical you would still have what born with
but your not incarnated self you can also change in any way you like
male, female or anything
also your high self or not incarnated self has no gender
as in 3D male and female energy have nothing to do with being male or female ,both have them
starseed means not much more than having lived there before incarnating on earth
could be a huge advantage to go spiritual since earth is a low vibrational reality and you know better from that other life

true power only means running your own affairs , or being all you are
your self not letting other fill in parts for you you are your self
you are your own love your own energy your own beauty your own judge
your own creator your own reality maker and experiencer

this includes having higher chakras working as result from gene activations
genes that need be accessed are not incarnated , so when they are yours
to use you have ended separation entered the light and and joined hands
with your not incarnated self or high self and become one team operating
on all levels at will , heaven will be joined with earth , the astral energy mixed with earth life
lol how do I know :-)

uriel light
09-10-2016, 06:10 AM
We will always exist in the triad form. Male/female/God, that is our encodement. OUr genes have been programed that way. We are a triune being. lol and hugs, uriel

13-10-2016, 06:41 PM
Sure thing. Shoot me a PM on your thoughts. Thx

i'd enjoy working this puzzle with you Kontufuto.
for me, it would be to serve the purpose of empowering humanity.
i might introduce complementary ideas which have a different background.

13-10-2016, 06:44 PM
To all those who replied: Thank you for the message and your reply. I am always amazed to hear old and new thought on topics I start. IMHO: Just like the concept of God or the Supreme Being in various religions and spiritual circles: All of them are correct and none of them wrong. Everyone has a piece of the pie and to denounce anyone's concept of what God is is just being judgemental and closed minded!

13-10-2016, 08:06 PM
Precisely what I am talking about here is our 3D markers and how they transcend to other dimensions and other realities. It is the shared substance of how the spirit is viewing existence in this dimension and then carrying it into another dimension. So I am referring to ones gender here. Those in this 3D dimension certainly are one or the other by birth. Our physical bodies is the dead giveaway. But more and more of us including various other species on this planet and I am sure elsewhere too are mixing their gene pool with a mix of gender encoding. Kind of, but I see where you're going with this. Physically we need male and female simply for procreation, and our genes and how they're 'configured' plays a large part in Spirituality and in metaphysical (to keep things as broad as possible) abilities. Had your genes been 'configured' differently your brain wouldn't have been able to process anything Spiritual at all. Parents also pass on metaphysical abilities such as being psychic, clairvoyant or simply interested in Spirituality. The behavioral patterns of the parent also methylates the genes, so you being Spiritual could be passed on to your offspring.

What science doesn't know as yet is what the 'junk' DNA is for. Some say that it could unlock all kinds of metaphysical abilities which would give people a kind of X-Men scenario - telekinesis and the like. Our DNA emits light at the high end of the spectrum so it's possible that as we evolve our DNA will have more light-like properties.

This identity wraps its understanding that if we were whole then either we would have no gender at all (in the equation that 1+1=0) or that having both genders spiritually would be reminiscent of a fully jacked-in conscious life-being concatenating potential levels heretofore unknown. Again kind of. What you're talking about here isn't so much physical attributes as energetic, although strictly speaking energy has no gender there are traits that are associated with gender. For instance, individuality is a masculine and unity is feminine and to most people's thinking it would be individuality versus unity. In a trinity (we exist in a trinity not a duality) relationship within the Vesica Pisces there is individuality, there is unity, and there is both. Much more powerful. Just think what might be achieved when using the feminine intuitive and the masculine analytical.

13-10-2016, 08:23 PM
Again kind of. What you're talking about here isn't so much physical attributes as energetic, although strictly speaking energy has no gender there are traits that are associated with gender. For instance, individuality is a masculine and unity is feminine and to most people's thinking it would be individuality versus unity. In a trinity (we exist in a trinity not a duality) relationship within the Vesica Pisces there is individuality, there is unity, and there is both. Much more powerful. Just think what might be achieved when using the feminine intuitive and the masculine analytical.

Yes, just think!!! :wink: Hahahaha! Agreed :D
Balance and integration are GOOD, at all levels.

Also, we can reverse the assignment of traits designated as masculine and feminine...and then we can also begin to see the deeper truth in those assignments as well. As intimated in the principle of Tao and the relationship between yin/yang and yang/yin...neither of which ever exists in separation or isolation from the other or the rest of What Is. If we want to truly understand the male and what is truly masculine in situ (including energetically), we must allow for the fullness of his intuition and heart alongside the analytical and penetrating mental and physical components allotted to him in philosophical and metaphysical systems. If we want to truly understand the female and what is truly feminine in situ (including energetically), we must allow for the fullness of her analytical mind and penetrating, principled insight and actions alongside her intuition and her heart. Otherwise we fail to realise the fullness of our own humanity and we deny as much to others.

The usual classifications are very helpful for initial understanding and for a general analysis of systems at any level, if we can overcome our Western bias to an authentic apprehension of them, but regardless, classifications are less helpful when individuated consciousness at any level is directly or actively involved. That is, the classifications apply more directly at the wave level but much less so at the particle level :D Particularly as we move into the airy Aquarian age.

The more we can identify with traits across the spectrum regardless of the polarity or designation typically associated, the closer we come to truth, or a deeper understanding of What Is. The more balanced we each of us become, the more balanced our society becomes. As MLK said, we don't get there, till we all get there.

Peace & blessings :hug3: