View Full Version : Transition Time

23-09-2006, 11:33 PM
Excerpted from July 17, 2006 Blog..

Cosmic Context
We live at a critical time in Earth's history. Vast cycles are ending and new cycles are beginning now, in our lifetime.
The 2,000-year Piscean Age is fading as the Aquarian Age takes root. A 26,000-year precessional cycle is coming to an end, and a new astrological Great Year is beginning. When the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, we enter the World of the Fifth Sun.
As new cycles open, we have the opportunity to begin again. How will this new beginning be known in the cosmos? What of this civilization will we take with us into the next world age? What will we be wise enough to leave behind?

The Shift
We live in the between times, the transition between world ages. The Hopi of North America call this period the Great Purification. In Vedic scripture, the darkness of the Kali Yuga marks humanity's deepest descent into materialism, violence, corruption and greed before being reborn into the Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth.
As the current cycles complete, Earth changes are escalating. They show us what needs to be healed, brought into balance. Do we have the courage, as a people, to end war, poverty, violence, world hunger?
Death and destruction are necessary elements of the creation process. The passing of the old makes way for the new. However, human violence is optional, and catastrophe can be mitigated.

Creating Peace
http://www.starpriestess.com/img/peace_pole.jpgWe are at choice in each moment to bring greater peace to this world that is so troubled, yet so ripe with creative potential. There are many ways to peace, some passive, some active, all effective.
Prayer, meditation, ceremony. World peace begins with inner peace. In prayer, we bring a focus of peace and compassion to the Earth and all beings, with special attention to hot spots in our individual lives, our communities and our world. With meditation, we connect with Divine Source, creating a portal of peace in the Earth dimension. Ceremony and ritual empower our intentions.
Personal choices. When provoked, how do we respond? Anger camouflages pain. In what ways have we not felt honored or loved, and how is the "aggressor" reflecting this scenario back to us? What is the love response?
The materials and products we use in our homes and the foods we choose for our bodies can resonate with peace. We can live more in harmony with the Earth by choosing renewable energy sources, organic foods and natural products for the home, health and beauty care.
Activism. The Internet opens us globally to social, environmental, spiritual and political organizations committed to creating a brighter future for the Earth and humanity. Get involved. Donate your time and resources to causes aligned with your values and purpose.
Emotional balance. During the Great Purification, it's time to heal wounds from the past, to release outdated response patterns rooted in fear and control. Victim mentality dissolves as we create, together, a world of empowerment and enlightenment. Healing ourselves and bringing this balance into our homes, work environments, relationships and communities will pave the way for peace.
Life path and purpose. You incarnated at this special time to participate in the transition to the next world age. What gifts have you cultivated to be of service at this time? How are you expressing your purpose? Is it time to re-evaluate, make adjustments?

Each ending is a new beginning. Peace is possible, even in crisis. As the changes accelerate, it's time to become more pro-active, more diligent in creating a world we want future generations to inherit.

In Lak'ech

More Information
Articles about the Solstice Flashpoint, Earth Changes and related topics are posted in the Alignments Newsletter archives:


Sally Spencer, Jyotish Kovid
A Gentle Journey to Deep Healing
Ascension work, Vedic Astrology,
Western Astrology reports
www.Devi3.byregion.net (http://www.devi3.byregion.net/)
[email protected]

Deep self healing
By phone or in person.

Vedic Astrology, a cocreative sacred science used to strengthen or propitiate planetary intelligences (grahas).

To view archives of my Light Waves Newsletter and get the list emails join:
www.groups.yahoo.com/group/EnlightenedLiving/ (http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/EnlightenedLiving/)

It is your turn now, you waited, you were patient.
The time has come, for us to polish you.
We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire.
You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth?
It is your turn now, to be placed in fire.
Let us cremate your impurities.

24-09-2006, 07:36 PM
The 2,000-year Piscean Age is fading as the Aquarian Age takes root. A 26,000-year precessional cycle is coming to an end, and a new astrological Great Year is beginning. When the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, we enter the World of the Fifth Sun.

I enjoyed reading this. So, does the Aquarian Age commence in 2012? What kind of changes can we expect to see? What is the World of the Fifth Sun?

25-09-2006, 01:34 AM
the aquarian age is the age of enlightenment; that would be the change to expect... spiritual enlightenment of the human species. i have read from various sources though, that if humanity is not sufficiently prepared for this, the transition of ages will not be all beer and skittles....

what do you think??

25-09-2006, 06:01 AM
Um.. do you mean me, or mikron? I have heard this from lots of different spiritual sources, that the age of enlightenment is coming. All I can say is that it happened to me (!). I can imagine a lot of psychosis, madness, mental illness as the transition happens, but that's just from a personal point of view..

25-09-2006, 11:17 AM
thanks mikron :)

25-09-2006, 10:24 PM
This is another one of those mega huge and terribly interesting topics with lots of multiple layers and such. Here's a few other names that this "Transition Time" is also currently being called by many people across the planet:



*Astrological Age Change from Pisces into Aquarius - each Age is about 2,100 + years long

*26,000 Year Orbit completion

*225 Million Year Galactic Orbit completion. Supposedly we've orbited/cycled back to the same galactic location which takes 225 million years to reach.

*A New Root Race starting to appear on Earth now. Personally I feel this is what the "Indigo" (blue people) business is all about at many levels.

*The 25 Year Long Period From 1987 through 2012

*Reentry into the Photon Band of Light which supposedly began at Spring Equinox 1987

*2012 - End of the Mayan Calendar

No doubt there's many more that I'm unaware of but all of these mega events are all happening at the same time and because they all are connected, that's why these current lives of ours are ultra important. This is a rare and long awaited transition that's multidimensional. Everyone alive on Earth now has earned the right to be here during all this and go for the Gold.

Winter Solstice (Dec. 22 -23) 2012 is the end of numerous cycles, not just one or two. Evidently the ancient Maya, who were imo, higher dimensional beings that mapped out these super long astrological and galactic cycles or periods of learning for humanity, created their "Calendar" to keep track of all this. The date above is just when all of these numerous different cycles within cycles within other cycles all reach completion at the same time.....12-2012.

26-09-2006, 02:03 AM
we should keep in mind that the date given to us by the mayan ancients is just the end of one cycle and the beggining of another. a great change will not just explode onto the scene, it will simply begin. this new astrological cycle's climax of influence would be placed around the year 3012; then the cycle will repeat, descension will begin again and continue for a thousand years. these cycles are, of course, astrological, so with that, they must inevidably repeat....

26-09-2006, 02:06 AM
but then again, what we seek, is within ALL, RIGHT NOW!!

(thanks again bob)

26-09-2006, 02:15 AM
Thanks to all, my light stretches to E-ma, Blaire2Be, Lapis, and Rose

Yes I agree with all of you to be creative Life force and realize we all are the Changing energy that will be the next world

I am with you all!

Namaste mikron

10-10-2006, 02:33 AM
Those who are willing, will emerge into a new level of conciousness. That in the past was not as widely spread as it is beginning to be now. I had a long chat with a friend who I just recently started opening up to about all of this... Let's hope all goes well. I'm excited to see what this amazing world has in store for us and where we can take it. =)

10-10-2006, 03:35 PM
It is great to have a mate who understands all of this stuff :)

By the way, has anyone heard of the Cosmic Trigger which is supposed to be happening on the 17th of this month? Something about a higher dimension and very high frequencies, amplifying our energy and intent around this day?

10-10-2006, 11:16 PM
"...the transition of the ages will not be all beer and skittles..."

:laughing6: That was so funny even though I don't know what skittles are! It's so true though, just think of what humanity and earth have already been going through!!! And as the energies increase and speed up, everything and everyone feels the pressure more and more to the point that it literally forces huge changes....for the better.

e-ma, what is this energy thing you mentioned? I haven't heard anything about this yet. The 17th of Oct.? Can you share a link or something about it please?

Also you've very correctly sensed a huge aspect of the very beginning of the astrological Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is an "AIR" Sign and air means mental, thinking, intellectual, the mind but also the higher and expanded mind/consciousness of humanity. I remember receiving some of this same information (Light) that you got back in the mid 70s and it scared me. I too understood that we'd be seeing a huge increase in "mental illness" and/or "mental imbalances" in much of humanity just due to this element change from WATER (Pisces) into AIR (Aquarius). There will also be new levels of sheer genious also but more in the form of overall expanded awareness.
The main thing that is causing so much confusion and distortions about this "Transition Time" as it's called on this thread, is that there's far more than just an Age change happening. There's not only an astrological Age change happening (which has been in progress for a long time already evidently) but also numerous other super long cycles and more cycles (galactic) all coming to near completion around the same time. The Mayan Calendar is more of a Galactic calendar and it speaks from that point of view. This is a really big and rare cosmic event that we're involved in.

Firstly I've read, and sense that it's true, that normally astrological Age changes take around 500 years to travel across. Think of this like those people who are born on the "cusp" of 2 Signs. They're born super close to the change-over from one zodical Sign (energies, consciousness, archetypes, expressions and learnings etc.) and the next upcoming zodical Sign. They're on the cusp as astrologers call it.

Well this same exact things holds true with astrological "Ages". Our whole lives now are being lived on the cusp of Ages. Many, many Lightworkers/Wanderers/Star Seeds etc. etc. deliberately incarnate primarily during the astrological Age changes or "cusp" periods to assist the planet/humanity in casting off the old and anchoring in the new energies and consciousness of the new Age.

But because they're so many other cycles reaching completion at the same time as this cusp period, it isn't taking the usual 500 years to complete. The astrological Ages of Aquarius and Leo are different than all the other 10 Ages, because they are the only 2 Signs that supposedly exist within what's been called the Photon Band of Light. Here's a great image of the 12 astrological Ages and the time periods for each, plus the Photonic Light area where we orbit into it only during the 2 Ages of Aquarius and Leo.

Here's link to some great images showing the Ages and the period when we enter and exit the area where this Photon Light is.

Great thread and great info Mikron. :smile:

10-10-2006, 11:36 PM
anyone ever read anything having to do with:
the age of enlightenment being directly linked to our solar system, once again, coming to its closest point to the sirius system...??

(btw, skittles is an obscure, perhaps old, term for bowling or nine pins)
(and rainbow colored candy:)

11-10-2006, 05:36 AM
Fab post, Lapis..

Here's a link to an article about the cosmic trigger event on the 17th Oct: http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v397/__show_article/_a000397-000078.htm

11-10-2006, 09:39 AM
Greetings All Namaste and Yes Blaire2Be the book I posted in book section:"The Flower of Life" is a sacred geometry teaching that links our planet/solar system to the Sirius star system!

Ps:if you use P2P software you can get the pdf file of book for free!


anyone ever read anything having to do with:
the age of enlightenment being directly linked to our solar system, once again, coming to its closest point to the sirius system...??

12-10-2006, 01:04 AM

Thanks so much for the link about this energy event. Hadn't heard of it......back to reading it now.

I'd like to share some things I've experienced in connection with Sirius and how it (and the Pleiades and others) is deeply involved with us/Earth and the ongoing changes and growth and the Age of Aquarius/Leo. I'll share some of this asap. A bit rushed at the moment.