View Full Version : Stones I will have near me tonite

29-01-2011, 05:24 AM
I have a bundle made by a native american that is deer, I carry my crystals in them when I sleep.
I have the following in my bag based on what I feel I need from them.

Enhydro amethyst
Orange quartz (quartz with hematite inclusions)

Just thought I'd share.


:angel10: :angel10: :angel10:

29-01-2011, 10:30 AM
I always have amethyst and citrine next to my bed :) Also lately Ive been keeping a small piece of amethyst underneath my pillow.

29-01-2011, 04:18 PM
The en-hydro amethyst must be really cool, I've never seen one.

29-01-2011, 04:39 PM

Enhydro! Wow I love the crystals with ancient water in them, I have an elestial qurtz that is enhydro that carries some wonderful energy.

Moldavite is also quiet potent for some users, it's formation from extraterrestrial activity can literally leave some feeling spaced out and disconnected, That said, I can get on with meteorites so Moldavite does not affect me in this way.

29-01-2011, 05:51 PM
I love my Enhydros, on some of them I have I didn't realize they were enydros until i really studied some of my crystals. You guys may be surprised, if you see one in your crystals...sometimes it's very easily missed, and you have to keep the crystal moving around so you can see the bubble move.

01-02-2011, 12:06 PM
my favorite is Kunzite

please share pictures if you can I love to see what light workers have in crystals


01-02-2011, 03:38 PM
Mikron I'll try my best...I'm just useless at posting pics on this forum it's really hard for me......

01-02-2011, 04:00 PM
I keep: Tumbled Rose Quartz, the Isis-Barnacle-Crater Quartz, Hiddenite, and Morganite in a mini ziploc bag with Lavender flowers near my bed. I just purchased some more stones:

Pink Kunzite:

http://heavenandearthjewelry.com/images/products/large/kunzitear.jpg http://heavenandearthjewelry.com/images/article.gif

Chrome Diopside:

Chrome Diopside is a primarily Heart Chakra crystal. As such, it can help people to open up to the idea of Universal Love, and integrate that into daily life. Like Star Diopside, it can clear away emotional blockages which in itself brings much progress. Beyond that, Chrome Diopside can also aid the growth of trust within an individual, in the self and others, and in the perfection of the Universe. Chrome Diopside can be quite helpful in the idealistic goal of living from the heart.

This crystal carries the green ray of healing, and can be used to facilitate great healing in many ways. It can work on areas of the lungs and heart, by clearing energetic blockages and allowing a flow of healing energy through these areas. On another level, it can help with emotional healing, by bringing an understanding of one's dual nature and how to integrate the two halves to form a complete whole. Chrome Diopside can also be a wonderful aid during a time of recuperation from any illness.

Pink Hackmanite:

Hackmanite has an extremely fine vibration while remaining connected to the Earth. It helps to combine higher intuition with mind/logic. Hackmanite is a wonderful crystal to use when wanting to attain a deep, spiritual meditative state. It facilitates feelings of joy, freedom and happiness.

Hackmanite helps to embrace the self, enhancing self esteem and feelings of self worth. Use Hackmanite when working with issues of trust, be it self trust or trust of others. Hackmanite is a strong support crystal. Its lesson is to stay true to self, to stand up for what you believe without fear of judgment, guilt or criticism. Hackmanite encourages full and complete expression.

Mentally, Hackmanite can help loose and release the bonds of rigid mindsets of the past and in its place create an opening/infusion of the mind, allowing an infinite number of new and exciting possibilities to fill the space.

Hackmanite can work in any area to clean and clear electromagnetic pollution/smog.

Hackmanite is wonderful healing tool. Physically it can help aid imbalance, support metabolism, strengthen the immune system and ease insomnia.

...in addition there will be Baltic Amber all throughout my apartment. Seems I can't get enough of that stuff...

01-02-2011, 09:47 PM
oh how I love Kunzite I'm so attracted to it lately I have three pieces one is a necklace, the other two are loose, one very light pink one lavender.

01-02-2011, 11:37 PM

01-02-2011, 11:39 PM
oh Topaz how beautiful and serene.....wow.. :)

01-02-2011, 11:44 PM
They need a good clean lol with the Tibetian bowl :) I can't do it now everyone is in bed lol x

01-02-2011, 11:49 PM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs018.snc6/166860_10150132173706419_759601418_7822071_2486180 _n.jpg I think I will sleep with my Labradorite tonight :) Sweet dreams x

02-02-2011, 12:36 AM
Sweet dreams I love your Laboradite pic :)

02-02-2011, 07:58 AM
What a fantastic thread and some very inspiring pictures. I must treat myself to a piece of Kunzite after reading Kapitan's post and I'm drawn to buy a piece for a friend who I'm sure would benefit from it's properties :smile:

Topaz, you have inspired me to arrange my little collection together in a special place. I have a travelling Buddah who will keep my crystals company too.

I sleep with my rough rose quartz (can't put this little piece down) and amythyst. A recent gift of a tumbled carnelion stone is also unputdownable.

02-02-2011, 02:21 PM
You (general address) know...the nice thing about crystals is that...even if one stops using them for their 'healing properties'...they still make nice works of art to keep about one's place...they're still fascinating to look at.

02-02-2011, 09:07 PM
Kapitan oh so true.
I love my crystals I'll have to give you guys a pic of my cyrstals I keep on my table with my candles and on my kist (spelling?)

02-02-2011, 09:52 PM
That'd be cool. :smile:

I have since put my crystals in a pyrex 'custard cup' with Lavender in it (they sit atop the Lavender and bits of Rose petals). I'll have to take a photo and post it here when I am able to (as I don't have direct access).

I'm on the look-out for vintage saucer to put them in. I found a really nice one in the UK on eBay. I like to try to combine things in this way - using vintage (1920s - 40s) miniature dishes or saucers to hold the crystals. Kind of 'ties it all in'. :smile:

02-02-2011, 10:43 PM
Hey sounds nice, what about a thrift store for a saucer or miniature dishes? You never know what you can find in a thrift store :)
Also I think that if you go to salvation army .com they have like ebay sales too

02-02-2011, 10:48 PM
Oh I love those places - there's one right down town where I live. A Salvation Army store and I've bought a number of things from there. There's also a number of decent priced antique and consignment shops around my area as well. But I am hoping to find something at Salvation Army...no shipping costs and very very cheap! :D

I'd love to go back down to Adamstown (PA) (http://www.antiquescapital.com/) - it's about 2 hrs. south of me as that has a whole 'strip' of antique malls and shops. I was down there twice but...I'm achin' to check things out again since it's been awhile.

03-02-2011, 01:09 AM
http://i.ehow.com/images/a05/0h/ev/buy-lot-magnetic-hematite-200X200.jpg I came home with chronic back pain tonight and fell asleep holding my magnetic hematite . To my amazement they had disappeared when i woke up from my hands. When I got out of bed there they were one at the top of the spine and the other at the tail . Angelic help :)

03-02-2011, 02:01 AM
Topaz so beautiful I love stories like this :) I love crystals.

04-02-2011, 04:14 PM
Well I did go shopping at Salvation Army and this time it was a gold mine for me. I got a bunch of stuff I had been wanting to buy for 'next to nothing' prices.

I found a nice dish - I don't know if it is vintage or not, but it was too nice to use it for what I had originally bought it for:


I also found a huge chunk of Quartz and decided to buy that:



04-02-2011, 04:39 PM
oh my see what you can get at thrift store?
Lucky you

04-02-2011, 05:13 PM
I know :D It's hit or miss...this time...it was a 'gold mine'! :D I was happy to find many things I've wanted for some time.

Apparently, in the spring it seems that there is a trip back down to Adamstown in store...which will be nice. Who knows what I'll find down there...

04-02-2011, 09:44 PM
Kapitan I love my thrift stores but I've read about thrift stores like down in LA where they are HUGE....man if only.....I'd never ever buy new clothes again (but then again I always wear the same outfit four days in a row)

06-02-2011, 09:04 PM
The one we have here in the town I'm in is probably one of the best ones around. I've found many clothes there that are hardly used! The town I'm in is what some would call a 'wealthy' type of town - so there's always good stuff coming in there.

I rarely buy new clothes - the only clothes I buy new are shoes, socks, knit caps, scarves, and gloves.

Like you I wear my pants several days in a row (about 4) and my shirts (button down style) for 3.

06-02-2011, 09:54 PM
for the next few nights I will have my moldavite and sodalite on/near me :D
I just got a new sodalite pendulum, I am having lots of fun with it.

06-02-2011, 10:01 PM
That sounds like fun :) I'm off to bed with my lemurian pendulum .http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/ 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABcADwDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQCBQYBAAf/xAAxEAACAQMDAgQFAgcBAAAAAAABAhEAAyEEEjEFQRMiUWEUQn GRoYHBBhUjMlLR4bH/xAAXAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAID/8QAGxEBAQEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQIxQVH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ALC7dLEoo8ikjYDyfX3/AFqC3SAwtETHfmpeGEZyRJJwPWpMrXAAW83KtHB/7U1C9zc64cgETg4pa0922CoczuwPWm7SF33AgAglgTwaU1+qt6 WxdcqWEnaF5Mjj8Uz8Elt4Yvu9tbRdjLnABMSBx6dxSW92Yf3e aaorXXtF1jWlLQuAWwvhK/lIX5pjvP7Vcy0EiQIjmSP+1nbK1YkyW3Zbl/eoDHjBBjFcs2720jdwYzIqF26BaJdd2wgGDkjt+aho766i0bkE ktmTmaaPHjRXgqXnbjgfSl79/wAK2C6NsyC6/KI707qLYZ2EYwTQ7gV02uuMyPWj4NVVq6W1l60itBUORuncDw3 0OfsajBv3P6bgPbuyjgSsjnHccioreseMU0lz+vcS2wbbG5GAD R9sn3q16XYt2bQAQHMAf4imXDPKy7GLtdD+G65rdSrIuoZ3At9 lzB/T/dXZGNo4Aye9P9X0du1ct9QtmBeJS5I5PrQ7Gh1OpB+HtNcUGCR 2NU7Tb9Vj+e+6OfJcXaTVdbD2y6MYZWIP1rSj+FOsap4ItWA2A Wuf6qjvIoK+OCLpENA7gx+1bnGdnps7gZb26OVyKhIk7c/tRbzCQ3ABj71wD6cVgELegtWb73UBBcZnIB9aa06sJX3zUwSTA zmKnbQQgHzMSTOakH1Wyn8o1HiLLIAVYjgzHH60b+FJFu+h+ZV YT60Pqu5ej3wxEMyiR9fSldLqL+nBbTNtYrtJ9qpcqrWaZrrMo dWJEyQBHIj8V8+6zpd/VdVsSFFwxH3/AHq21Gu1lxIfU3j6w0UlpB4lkNcuDeT5txzNa8rbOGZauLlvdK xO8Rjt71AoygSwmIIB70dgS8qR+lAMeKysfNwZxEd6yHUdAGVw QwErTigWiUBnaoHHtSF6RtjMwPzTSXJYlmHmIxNSC6uN1vT6dt pVzuYKIwOKCpAEBY7Cp6+6j9SZZO21bCjGJOaFcbIAAnv7VJC6 OV/y/FBOnDZCgT6UyLcZBknk123dKrtaCQYmKZsVPsokwe9DvW1cDeM 9mBgj6GiOdzErHNcWeHEj60IlBtsqvJE4b1jsfeulfEYgAQOZo +ptC4h2n+4YI9RxQ7RBYEAkkfLR7QN1ACWOSxlj71G0uHtntkH vTTiDBGTzQJKOGA4wa1BXlTw1MSZ5mgXZ8VtuRj/ymrjCTJiBM+tMaLpN+9Z8XwyN5JAOKYL0EahQ5Ik7vbijLeDCA ZntVa1sRMnk4mjAQoYYO6iwynS+1QRjPbsaiCG44PMCM1y0AVH uKJ4agmJ5owvMuJ5PrQGSJBEzyKbRAfL2oV20vvz61Iv07UWdN rl+IUFJgM2dvvWuUgjv96xV62odO8MMGtP068/wqgwYJAn0rp6Zx//Z
http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/ 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABcADwDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQCBQYBAAf/xAAxEAACAQMDAgQFAgcBAAAAAAABAhEAAyEEEjEFQRMiUWEUQn GRoYHBBhUjMlLR4bH/xAAXAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAID/8QAGxEBAQEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQIxQVH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ALC7dLEoo8ikjYDyfX3/AFqC3SAwtETHfmpeGEZyRJJwPWpMrXAAW83KtHB/7U1C9zc64cgETg4pa0922CoczuwPWm7SF33AgAglgTwaU1+qt6 WxdcqWEnaF5Mjj8Uz8Elt4Yvu9tbRdjLnABMSBx6dxSW92Yf3e aaorXXtF1jWlLQuAWwvhK/lIX5pjvP7Vcy0EiQIjmSP+1nbK1YkyW3Zbl/eoDHjBBjFcs2720jdwYzIqF26BaJdd2wgGDkjt+aho766i0bkE ktmTmaaPHjRXgqXnbjgfSl79/wAK2C6NsyC6/KI707qLYZ2EYwTQ7gV02uuMyPWj4NVVq6W1l60itBUORuncDw3 0OfsajBv3P6bgPbuyjgSsjnHccioreseMU0lz+vcS2wbbG5GAD R9sn3q16XYt2bQAQHMAf4imXDPKy7GLtdD+G65rdSrIuoZ3At9 lzB/T/dXZGNo4Aye9P9X0du1ct9QtmBeJS5I5PrQ7Gh1OpB+HtNcUGCR 2NU7Tb9Vj+e+6OfJcXaTVdbD2y6MYZWIP1rSj+FOsap4ItWA2A Wuf6qjvIoK+OCLpENA7gx+1bnGdnps7gZb26OVyKhIk7c/tRbzCQ3ABj71wD6cVgELegtWb73UBBcZnIB9aa06sJX3zUwSTA zmKnbQQgHzMSTOakH1Wyn8o1HiLLIAVYjgzHH60b+FJFu+h+ZV YT60Pqu5ej3wxEMyiR9fSldLqL+nBbTNtYrtJ9qpcqrWaZrrMo dWJEyQBHIj8V8+6zpd/VdVsSFFwxH3/AHq21Gu1lxIfU3j6w0UlpB4lkNcuDeT5txzNa8rbOGZauLlvdK xO8Rjt71AoygSwmIIB70dgS8qR+lAMeKysfNwZxEd6yHUdAGVw QwErTigWiUBnaoHHtSF6RtjMwPzTSXJYlmHmIxNSC6uN1vT6dt pVzuYKIwOKCpAEBY7Cp6+6j9SZZO21bCjGJOaFcbIAAnv7VJC6 OV/y/FBOnDZCgT6UyLcZBknk123dKrtaCQYmKZsVPsokwe9DvW1cDeM 9mBgj6GiOdzErHNcWeHEj60IlBtsqvJE4b1jsfeulfEYgAQOZo +ptC4h2n+4YI9RxQ7RBYEAkkfLR7QN1ACWOSxlj71G0uHtntkH vTTiDBGTzQJKOGA4wa1BXlTw1MSZ5mgXZ8VtuRj/ymrjCTJiBM+tMaLpN+9Z8XwyN5JAOKYL0EahQ5Ik7vbijLeDCA ZntVa1sRMnk4mjAQoYYO6iwynS+1QRjPbsaiCG44PMCM1y0AVH uKJ4agmJ5owvMuJ5PrQGSJBEzyKbRAfL2oV20vvz61Iv07UWdN rl+IUFJgM2dvvWuUgjv96xV62odO8MMGtP068/wqgwYJAn0rp6Zx//Z

07-02-2011, 01:27 AM
I love this thread.
Kapitan I've not bought new clothes in ages and I too wear the same outfit about four days in a row.

07-02-2011, 06:27 PM
Re Spiritlite: :-)

I've changed what stones I carry now - I no longer wear the Amber but carry in a pouch around my neck: Hiddenite, Kunzite, Morganite, Ferrierite, Oligoclase, Tektite from Thailand, Chromium Diopsite, and Phenacite and Goshenite.

In my pocket I carry the White Magnesite.

This conglomeration has been helping me stay on an 'even keel' for awhile now.

07-02-2011, 09:11 PM
Right now I'm only wearing my crystal Dan bought for me that is on a chain. It's a clear quartz with an amethyst ghost in it with specks of hematite...I love it

10-02-2011, 09:46 PM
I overhauled mine and now only have:

IBC (Isis-Barnacle-Crater) Quartz
Peach Quartz
Rose Quartz
Blue Hackmanite
Clear Hackmanite

10-02-2011, 09:53 PM
Kapitan very nice choices :)

10-02-2011, 09:56 PM
Thanks :-)

10-02-2011, 10:34 PM
YOu're so special Kapitan.

10-02-2011, 11:01 PM
My kunzite I will have to use my flash next time :)http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/166621_10150132430431419_759601418_7825307_6255917 _n.jpg

10-02-2011, 11:03 PM
That's a nice Kunzite Topaz :D Mine isn't 'rough' like that, it looks like a tumble but in a nice 'wedge' shape.

Re Spiritlite: Thanks :-)

10-02-2011, 11:44 PM
Thanks Kaptin :) Your crystal pics are nice too .

11-02-2011, 12:18 AM
Thanks :-)

I also forgot to add that I'm carrying that Libyan Desert Glass too with the 'crystal concoction'. :D

11-02-2011, 02:36 PM
I had a major breakthrough this morning so I had to change mine around: IBC Quartz, Rose Quartz, Ferrierite, Hiddenite, Libyan Desert Glass.

11-02-2011, 04:07 PM
Sounds very nice Kapitan.

11-02-2011, 05:40 PM
Yep - was painful though...physically painful. The area that hurt was the upper part of my right eye socket and across the 'bridge' of my nose. That happened once before too, not too long ago, and it was so bad it woke me up during the night and I had to take some asprin to help it.

11-02-2011, 05:42 PM
wow really? the pain was from the crystals yealing you?

11-02-2011, 06:08 PM
The pain was due the fact that this body's psyche is being made to work in a way that is totally opposite to how it used to work. Naturally there is resistance, but I do not know if, because of having reincarnated this way - the resistance is magnified or what.

I'm using the crystals in conjunction with essences at the moment and when I'm involved in a 'major breakthrough moment' there's usually much pain or some sort of discomfort that I have to go through. It's been that way since the soul exchange happened but I'm able to be more aware of what is what and how to handle it better.

11-02-2011, 10:05 PM
I love to hear your knowledge of crystals Kapitan :) :) :)

11-02-2011, 10:08 PM
Thanks, but I'm probably not as knowledgable as some folks here. I guess for me, I have to work differently with them because of my situation (the soul exchange).

I also chose a few more to buy: Heliodor, 'Rosophia' (granted it is a marketed mineral by the Heaven and Earth company, BUT...I do love the mineral...I have been drawn to it for years since I saw a photo of it).

11-02-2011, 11:18 PM
I feel you have an inclination for those stones that people know nothing about thats' why I admire you.

12-02-2011, 08:56 AM
I always have amethyst and citrine next to my bed :) Also lately Ive been keeping a small piece of amethyst underneath my pillow.

I too wear Amethyst and Citrine Bracelet all the time and can't sleep without them :)

12-02-2011, 02:26 PM
Re Spiritlite: That was something I've noticed too...It's always these rare oddballs...ones that aren't discussed as much or ones that people simply don't know about that seem to be the ones I'm pulled towards for the most part.

13-02-2011, 02:08 AM
Kapitan that's why I admire you :)

24-02-2011, 01:18 AM
I'm going to have two Chrysanthemum stones by me tonight .

26-02-2011, 05:24 AM
Smokey quartz for me.....

27-02-2011, 05:33 PM
Azurite :)

28-02-2011, 02:10 AM
Once again I'm drawn to my Selenite wand.

28-02-2011, 02:11 AM
PS like my new avatar? Me eating snow drops with hands in the air, behind is our old truck we're restoring.

28-02-2011, 04:53 PM
Selenite for me too I think Spiritlite...such a soothing crystal. xx

28-02-2011, 07:54 PM
Yes moon selenite brings me comfort tonite I will have selenite and lime citrine.

28-02-2011, 09:18 PM
Yes moon selenite brings me comfort tonite I will have selenite and lime citrine.

Hmm that lime citrine again :hug3:

28-02-2011, 10:01 PM
Oh I love my lime citrine.

02-03-2011, 12:15 AM
Seraphinite tonight ... love it x

02-03-2011, 01:22 AM
Lime citrine.

02-03-2011, 01:28 AM
Also Quantum Quattro was calling out for me x
Sweet dreams Spiritlite , relax with some Blue lace agate and citrine :) xx

02-03-2011, 01:28 AM
Thankyou Topaz I'm feeling very relaxed right now.

02-03-2011, 01:32 AM
:hug2:I'm glad to hear it . I too have lots of worn out patterns that are coming to the surface but I fell there is light for both of us at the end of the tunnel xx

02-03-2011, 02:17 AM
Yes I also feel and see the light at the end of the tunnel....hugs to you Topaz....xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

07-03-2011, 01:15 AM
My Kynaite x

07-03-2011, 04:36 PM
Hey I think I'll do that too Kyanite for me too :)
Thanks Topaz

13-03-2011, 01:07 AM
Black/ grey Kyanite tonight . For dream recall and to gain insight into a situation which I have been mulling over .. Release ,Release x

13-03-2011, 01:21 AM
quarzt clear quatrz for me

14-03-2011, 05:52 AM
I slept with my large clear quartz flame on my my bedside table .


27-03-2011, 05:31 AM
ooh Topaz sounds lovely :)
I think I will have my smokey quartz near me tonite.

27-03-2011, 10:52 PM
Sodalite for me tonight .... to stop my mind from buzzing :) I just hope I get a restful sleep.

Sweet dreams to you all xx

29-03-2011, 03:51 AM
My basic sleeping buddies I've had for years now, exlcuding my cat Kes-Kes have been the following, except for Joshua my geode. He's a new addition.
And, of course, until I came across this thread and went fishing under the mattress for these, included here is a fortune cookie fortune!
Then, last but not least, my large strand of threaded citrine and green aventurine beads.
I tell you what, after bringing them home and giving them a cold water & salt bath, if I want to have my energy cleansed, WOW do they do it.

I have do admit, I was surprised about Joshua. Found him at a flea market where he was quietly trying to get my attention to 'take me home with you!!!' (normally my spiritual signs are loud and clear so I don't miss them, but I went back and forth from him about 3 times before I made up my mind I'd bring him home with me.)
And, on top of that, he's such a sweet spirit! He loves to stay snuggled up to my chest, right shoulder, or middle of my back. (Not use to such snuggly affection from a stone or crystal, but it's not a bad thing! lol)

30-03-2011, 08:49 AM
Had celestite and green aventurine next to the bed last night.

07-04-2011, 02:15 AM
Tonite it's going to be amethyst and blue moonstone.

29-05-2011, 11:28 PM
Citrine,Azurite :D

30-05-2011, 02:06 AM
Tonite I think I will have my smokey quartz :)

01-06-2011, 05:22 PM
I have had a piece of Amethyst under my pillow for the last week before that I had Selenite.

01-06-2011, 05:40 PM
What is the purpose of keeping stones near you when you sleep?

05-06-2011, 12:16 AM
Lady for me they help me sleep more peacefully. I usually choose crystals that I think will help with a situation I may be having that day or week or month in the hopes that when I sleep the crystals energy will heal. Like tonite I'll have my amethyst and I know it will help calm me down to sleep and heal my anxiety that I've had lately.

05-06-2011, 03:56 AM
Ohh wow that's interesting! I want some crystals then! :icon_bounce:

05-06-2011, 08:55 PM
lol crystals are beautiful...you should read the crystal section of this forum and see for yourself how wonderfully healing they can be and how they are all their own souls.

08-06-2011, 04:42 PM
Just my Danburite - I now carry my Pink Halite and a piece of Midnight Lemurian Jade in each pocket, that is all.

12-06-2011, 12:31 AM
Sounds wonderful Iku tonite will be my kunzite.

18-07-2011, 11:35 PM
Mango calcite xx

19-07-2011, 01:25 AM
Sounds great topaz

19-07-2011, 07:46 PM
i have most of my crystals in my bedroom and under my pillow and bed ;P I need them too. a circle of labradorite around my bed. quite a bit of Petrified wood, citrine, spirit amethist, bloodstones in water, obsidian rainbow, selenite white yellow, smokey crystals, crystals, fuchsite,kunzite to name a few :P we are great palls , me and my stones :))

19-07-2011, 09:50 PM
oh my steppert ! you have all those crystals around you, how do you get any sleep at night ? don't they keep you awake ?

Dream Angel xx

19-07-2011, 10:13 PM
Lately I can't sleep with crystals near or on me.

19-07-2011, 11:27 PM
Candle quartz x

20-07-2011, 02:24 AM
Oh was just looking at my candle quartz just earlier great choice

20-07-2011, 01:05 PM
I have no problem sleeping with al my stones by my side. But they are all hand eeh spiritual picked and are all in 100% harmony with me. So my kind of stone and the soul as well. I wouldn't be able to sleep if there was a amethyst rock by my bed thought pheew :D It is a miracle that i found a little piece of spirit amethist that vibrates well with me. I do heal all my stones, so most are all clear deep in their soul as well.

20-07-2011, 01:29 PM
Interesting, all my stones/ crystals are hand picked too. It is just that one night I had too many on my bedside table and their energy kept me awake. Strange comment about the amethyst and not being able to sleep ...

20-07-2011, 02:10 PM
Love the picture of all the crystals. I could swear I felt a vibration from them as it opened, it came up through my spine and momentarily caused me to close my eyes, they got misty.

I really must read up on crystals again, it's been way too long.

20-07-2011, 08:52 PM
Tonite it's going to be my carnelian YAY.

20-07-2011, 08:55 PM
Interesting, all my stones/ crystals are hand picked too. It is just that one night I had too many on my bedside table and their energy kept me awake. Strange comment about the amethyst and not being able to sleep ...

Amethyst unfortunately stores every bit of negativity therefore it needs to e cleaned :hug3:

dragon charms
21-07-2011, 02:39 AM
Kunzite has been my fav for 5 years or more, I wear a large piece as a necklace, and one I got from india, I meditate with from time to time. Tonight I'm wearing yellow labradorite.

21-07-2011, 05:34 AM
Topaz I had no clue about that about amethyst

21-07-2011, 10:49 AM
indeed, i am extremely sensitive to negative energy. So if i come into a shop with big amethyst rocks , i must heal myself constantly. But i clean, heal and recharge my stones every day. Lot's of work healing the world :D i am probably like a human amethyst :)

21-07-2011, 06:20 PM
Wow I will now cleanse my many amethysts

21-07-2011, 07:57 PM
indeed, i am extremely sensitive to negative energy. So if i come into a shop with big amethyst rocks , i must heal myself constantly. But i clean, heal and recharge my stones every day. Lot's of work healing the world :D i am probably like a human amethyst :)

I am too lol :wink

21-07-2011, 08:07 PM
haha we must be old souled amethyst crystal childern ;) are you sensitive to electrosmog as well? hmm yes

21-07-2011, 09:31 PM
haha we must be old souled amethyst crystal childern ;) are you sensitive to electrosmog as well? hmm yes

Yes .

It's hell going to bed at night . Just before I fall asleep I hear peoples shopping lists and thoughts from the day :( It's like listening to short wave radio lol .

Thank fully I am now grounding myself and protecting myself . I find **** apple works wonders .

21-07-2011, 10:32 PM
Tonite kynite

21-07-2011, 11:28 PM
Yes .

It's hell going to bed at night . Just before I fall asleep I hear peoples shopping lists and thoughts from the day :( It's like listening to short wave radio lol .

then turn the radio off ! :tongue:

thanks for the tidbit about amethyst storing negativity, and needing daily cleasing
so I am wondering, if one sleeps with an amethyst by their bedside... then this is absorbing any negativity that went on during the day ? in a way this could be a good thing

21-07-2011, 11:32 PM
then turn the radio off ! :tongue: LOL :)

Tonight I will be sleeping with Danburite .:wink:

21-07-2011, 11:44 PM
Tonight I will be sleeping with Danburite .:wink:

hee hee, interesting phraseology ! :tongue: sweet dreams !

22-07-2011, 09:07 AM
hmm danburite on my shortlist, mookaite also :) crazy lace
dream angel, yeah that is a good idea, sleaping with amethyst will let it take the negative energy indeed. I am a better negative energie magnet then amethyst, so it woudn't work for me ;P

ouch topaz, i can't hear words spiritually, i can hear energies rumbling inside me thought. Negatives like a higher pitched pressing sound. the questiosn i ask guids and the universe, i feel if it is yes or no. Would be handier if i could have a conversation :) finding the right questions is hard and creative work.

if you need the new shield i am learning and growing, just say so. electricity is a mega good transporter for human energies. And humanity isn't totaly balanced.

22-07-2011, 12:26 PM
electricity is a mega good transporter for human energies. And humanity isn't totaly balanced. Humanity isn't totally balanced ! :happy8: I had to read your comment twice about the amethyst and you being a better negative energy magnet , at first glance I thought something else :tongue:

last night I took away the amethyst from my bedside table, and kept the 2 celestite ~ was hoping for some Angelic conversation, but if it happened it must have been subconscious as I don't remember any of it.

22-07-2011, 09:16 PM
last night i had in my pillow case

my shaman stone
lapis lazuli

23-07-2011, 01:08 AM
Just wondering .... do people have different stones with them at night, than they do during the day ? and if yes .... why do they change them ?

Dream Angel xx

27-07-2011, 12:03 AM
I do Dream I tend to have stones near me at nighttime that bring me to the spiritual world and help me relax....I have more "awakening" stones and stones I may need for protection during the day. Some days make me buzz too much and hence can't sleep if I have them near me.

03-08-2011, 10:59 PM
Azurite .. x

04-08-2011, 12:22 AM
Ooh great choice maybe lapis lapel for me tonite

04-08-2011, 01:39 AM
Hi, what crystals are good for remembering dreams?

04-08-2011, 01:46 AM
I just try to listen ~ I don't have very many, but they do seem to indicate who wants to stay and who wants to come with or who wants to be on the nightstand at night. The most popular place is the bathroom window sill, morning sun, lots of action yet peaceful too, big sky. I need a bigger shelf! Now my geode halves are there, too!

04-08-2011, 01:48 AM
Believe me, I know it sounds a bit crazy (!) but when I asked if anybody wanted to come with when I went to the store today, my rainforest jaspers (4 of them) and one mookaite jasper seemed to 'speak' to me they wanted to 'come with'. I also now have my 4 Leopardites and several of the rainforests surrounding my 9/11 memorial glass cube.

04-08-2011, 02:41 AM
Awe silver xoxo

04-08-2011, 03:44 AM
And I forgot...the rainforest jaspers weren't the ones that went with (maybe that was the 1st trip), when I got them out of my purse, it turned out I took the Mookaites with me, lol. I was looking at Emily's where I bought these and was so tempted by other jaspers, Ocean jasper, red jasper, oh my.

04-08-2011, 06:39 PM
Ooh tonite will be my jaspers

04-08-2011, 11:47 PM
Ruby in Fuschite .

09-08-2011, 06:15 AM
Ooh topaz. Lovely

05-09-2011, 11:19 PM
Blue lace agate :) Happiness and tranquility :)

11-09-2011, 08:13 PM
I ALWAYS have celestite next to my bed - I just love it, it's so soothing and comforting...

11-09-2011, 08:41 PM
Last night I held a rose quartz wand in one hand and a forest jasper in the other. I always have a graceful japanese looking bowl on my bedside table full of all kinds.

11-09-2011, 09:50 PM
Tonight snowy quartz and Fluorite . I want to get rid of my cold :(

13-09-2011, 06:56 AM
I've got my trusty fluorite wand (green/rainbow), I found a string of green-died howlite on sale at Michael's Craft store and also two long strands of leopard jasper chips. W/be holding the wand in one, the string of howlite in the other, chips on the stand.

02-10-2011, 08:07 PM
My Hematoid quartz ) x

02-10-2011, 08:55 PM
I wear my quartz sphere pendant both during the day and overnight. I love the vibe that comes from it.

02-10-2011, 09:54 PM
I wear my quartz sphere pendant both during the day and overnight. I love the vibe that comes from it.

The master crystal:wink: Are you good at scrying ??:hug2:

02-10-2011, 10:45 PM
The master crystal:wink: Are you good at scrying ??:hug2:
Relatively good. I was lucky -- I learned it when I got a book on psychic abilities during high school. I was too young to have accrued much self-doubt on that score, so the process was not that hard to learn.

I actually learned by using a clear glass marble, even smaller than the pendant I'm now wearing. I didn't have anywhere near enough money to buy a full-sized sphere of any sort, so I will attest that just about any tool will work if the scryer is determined to MAKE it work. The scrying process happens between our ears, rather than in the tool, so anything that we find comfortable to use is a viable tool.

One thing, though -- I need a target for scrying in order to really know if I'm getting results or just daydreaming. There's a discussion thread on another site (Aeclectic Tarot) about using various tools other than spheres for scrying. Some people are experimenting by just sitting and looking, and seeing what comes up. I can't do that and feel confident that actual scrying is taking place. I need to look for something, even if it's just a fun little experiment like "What color car will I end up parking behind when I visit my friend?"

03-10-2011, 09:24 AM
Relatively good. I was lucky -- I learned it when I got a book on psychic abilities during high school. I was too young to have accrued much self-doubt on that score, so the process was not that hard to learn.

I actually learned by using a clear glass marble, even smaller than the pendant I'm now wearing. I didn't have anywhere near enough money to buy a full-sized sphere of any sort, so I will attest that just about any tool will work if the scryer is determined to MAKE it work. The scrying process happens between our ears, rather than in the tool, so anything that we find comfortable to use is a viable tool.

One thing, though -- I need a target for scrying in order to really know if I'm getting results or just daydreaming. There's a discussion thread on another site (Aeclectic Tarot) about using various tools other than spheres for scrying. Some people are experimenting by just sitting and looking, and seeing what comes up. I can't do that and feel confident that actual scrying is taking place. I need to look for something, even if it's just a fun little experiment like "What color car will I end up parking behind when I visit my friend?"

I've tried it with a bowl of water and a mirror . I have two large crystal clear quartz spheres and a large collection of medium spheres various crystals for healing work .

The images appear more in my mind than actually seeing them in the spheres .
will have to try harder lol x

03-10-2011, 06:46 PM
I've tried it with a bowl of water and a mirror . I have two large crystal clear quartz spheres and a large collection of medium spheres various crystals for healing work .

The images appear more in my mind than actually seeing them in the spheres .
will have to try harder lol x
Don't feel bad. I've never once seen an image in the actual scrying tool. It's always in my mind's eye that the images appear for me. I presumed that was at least partly because before learning scrying, I learned to do "far seeing" by lying down, closing my eyes, getting into the right frame of mind, and letting the process happen. The images there were all mental images then, too, so I wasn't surprised when my scrying images came through in the same way.

Tell you what, though -- I'm working on building as close a rapport with the sphere pendant as possible. Besides the benefits of having quartz vibes in my aura at all times (it sure feels nice!), the connection I'm building with the sphere is helping me to scry or far-see without actually looking at the stone. Just having our close-kindred tool on hand can be enough of a trigger to help us swiftly reach that mental state where the seeing happens.

Because really, the vision process is happening within us. The tool is just to help us focus, the way a pair of glasses helps our physical vision become clearer.

19-04-2012, 11:17 PM
Blue kyanite, pure bliss .

19-04-2012, 11:42 PM


21-04-2012, 03:49 PM
Shiva Lingam
Chalcedony & Fluorite raw stone combi

27-04-2012, 10:18 AM
My little Nephrite Jade heart, to see if I can remember some more dreams! :)

28-04-2012, 06:54 PM
Orange kyanite ,

16-05-2012, 09:59 PM
Chrysanthemum Stone... Encourages Synchronicity ,luck and purpose in life .

I'm loving its energy so peaceful , stabilising and comforting x

16-05-2012, 10:18 PM
Apparently, Amethyst works really well. Cleaning negative energy out. Helps you focus on what is real and what isn't. What is suppose to be here and what isn't. This is purely an accident or it guided by a spirit I didn't know was guiding me.

01-10-2012, 05:27 PM
Green Apopyllite.

03-10-2012, 02:46 AM
I have been sleeping with a piece of Clear Quartz under my pillow then I carry it with me during the day.

03-10-2012, 10:40 AM
Apple green Chrysophase .

15-10-2012, 07:44 PM
Last week, I was happy to come across a small piece of Azurite. It's absolutely stunning! :)

http://imageshack.us/a/img593/677/azurite3.th.jpg (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fimageshack.us%2Fphoto% 2Fmy-images%2F593%2Fazurite3.jpg%2F)

06-12-2012, 10:30 PM
Aragonite Star Cluster ~ been a bit noisy today :redface:

08-12-2012, 12:02 AM
Snow quartz for clearing and Petrified wood for grounding my dreams .

08-12-2012, 02:02 AM
chevron amethyst

30-01-2013, 09:34 PM
So happy ~ the shop bought a collection of palmstones. Very grateful, that they remembered I was looking for some Scolecite. Also snapped up a lovely Ruby in Fuschite palmstone.

Perfect timing :)



30-01-2013, 09:48 PM
Lovely stones Snow Monkey ! I like the shiny strands in the first one, and the second one looks like a piece of art !

30-01-2013, 11:15 PM
They are beautiful !

Golden Angel
30-01-2013, 11:32 PM
I love ruby in fuchite. I have a dish of crystals on my bedside cabinet with rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz, larimar and a few other's, i think they may need recharging as it has been a while scince i have done this.
Love GA ;) x

01-02-2013, 03:24 PM
Lovely stones Snow Monkey ! I like the shiny strands in the first one, and the second one looks like a piece of art !

I couldn't hold the Scolecite for too long in the shop :D. It's certainly one of my favourites now ~ feels like it will work well with Seraphinite.

Later, I thought that I should have bought a pair of Ruby in Fuchsite palmstones. So now I have two :)

That's a nice collection of stones Golden Angel! Larimar is lovely :)

I'm happy that you like them too 12meadows :)