View Full Version : The Dreamer

12-05-2016, 01:49 AM
The dreamer is you
In everyway you are you.

Dreaming yourself into being
Often unaware you are/often aware you are.

To make you aware of course or more aware. Often of something you need to know for yourself that you haven't fully felt, experienced, need to know, be aware of.

But when everything settles as you as the dreamer and you begin to notice yourself as every part of those dreams in everyway those dreams are. You as the dreamer and the dream become you.

You can then live the new dream which is often just the next chapter of life showing itself through the many dreams within many dreams.

The book your creating all the time for you to notice yourself noticing and witnessing your own creations, your dreams that are you dreaming, imagined or otherwise that create you dreaming all this.

So what are you dreaming right now?

Is it just the feelings you need to live more awake feeling more deeply what life can feel like as you moving through life?

Is it opening you to see how your imagination works, how it can source and imagine itself in so many ways, imagine life and others in so many ways as well?

Is it speaking to you more directly to get your moving and listening more to what is right now? What requires you to move and change something that you can create and have in your life?

Is it showing you the world around you and what you choose to ignore in you that you cant look at directly in life?

Our dreamer is part of us in everyway we are and can be. Dreaming ourselves into more dreams within dreams within.....Dreams

The dreamer and the self immersed as one team together, doing it for you, for others and the world around you that dreams too as one source together dreaming..The dreamer.

12-05-2016, 08:48 AM
Hi! No comments...just "hi!"

12-10-2016, 03:58 PM
I do not know who I am yet....