View Full Version : Something to listen to for Paralysis?

28-01-2011, 12:32 AM
This q is for anyone who is familiar with entering sleep paralysis to project from:

Anyone reccomend any binarual beats or isochronic tones which would help
for the body to enter paralysis to obe from? I am aiming to try and do this without attempting
to sleep as I know some people attempt to enter paralysis when they are planning
to sleep but no I want something to listen to which could also be handy to serve as
something which will help keep me awake if I am feeling a bit sleepy when I attempt.

So to all those familiar with paralysis to OBE, can you reccomend anything to listen
to which could aid this? Thx.

30-01-2011, 06:13 PM
I have tried plenty of binaural beats and spent over $200 on them but I tried this yoga meditation for free and it showed great results. Not your typical sleep paralysis but total control over paralyzing your body.


06-02-2011, 10:11 AM
You seen to have a fairly common mis-perception about sleep paralysis, Ka. It is a side effect of exiting out of the body that people sometimes have but is neither a goal nor necessary for successful projection.

Instead, focus on where you want to go or what you want to experience out of body and find a method that works. William Buhlman's books give a variety of ways you can try to find the right one for you. I recommend "The Secret of the Soul".
